I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C11 Chen Xue!
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I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C11 Chen Xue!
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C11 Chen Xue!

Upon hearing Xuan Yi's declaration, both the woman and the caravan leader turned to him, their faces etched with astonishment.

"What seems to be the problem?" Xuan Yi inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"You're talking about a sect, not just some minor family. Are you truly willing to take a stand for us?" the woman asked, her eyes filled with uncertainty as she gazed at Xuan Yi.

Xuan Yi waved off the concern nonchalantly. "What of it? You all should step back. I'll handle the rest."

Xuan Yi's prowess was not to be underestimated. Even the most elite sects paled in comparison to his might, let alone a level three sect like the Wind Sect.

As Xuan Yi stepped forward, the bandits erupted into mocking laughter. "What's with you? I tell you to scram, and instead, you stick around. Are you itching for a fight? Remember, we're bandits, and we don't hold back."

Xuan Yi simply chuckled and shook his head. Extending his palm, he unleashed a fire dragon that surged towards the bandits with ferocity.

"Feng Ling Technique," the bandit leader announced, hastily erecting a defensive barrier before him.

But the formidable defense crumbled instantly upon contact with the fire dragon.

With a thunderous explosion, brilliant flames enveloped the bandits. As they ran, ablaze and screaming in agony, Xuan Yi remained unmoved by their suffering. He knew all too well the countless lives that had been claimed by their hands.

Before long, the flames had claimed them all. Yet, from the charred remains, a beam of light shot skyward and vanished.

"What was that?" the woman asked, her curiosity piqued as she stared at the fading light.

"Don't concern yourself with it. That was the bandit leader's soul, likely off to seek reinforcements. But there's no need to worry. Let's continue on our way," Xuan Yi reassured her with a smile.

At his words, a shiver ran through the group. The bandit leader's soul seeking help could only mean one thing—the Wind Sect. A level three sect was not something they could contend with.

"Quick, to the carriages! Everyone, pick up the pace. We must reach the Thanid Empire before the Wind Sect catches wind of us," the caravan leader called out, urgency lacing his voice.

Seeing the caravan's people on high alert, Xuan Yi couldn't help but shake his head in resignation.

"Sir, please join me in a carriage," came a woman's voice from within.

Xuan Yi hesitated, mindful of the impropriety of a man and woman sharing close quarters. But then he considered his advanced age, enough to be her grandfather, and dismissed his concerns, climbing into the carriage.

Inside, he found the woman seated at its center, her gaze fixed on him.

"Do you need something?" Xuan Yi inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"Who are you? With your capabilities, there's no need to tag along with us. You seem quite powerful. I'm a cultivator myself, and I can sense your strength," the woman stated earnestly.

Xuan Yi didn't want to trudge along with the slow-moving caravan, but he had no choice. After years of seclusion, he had forgotten to bring a map. If he knew the way, why would he endure this sluggish journey and its many encumbrances?

Despite the truth, Xuan Yi cared about his image and couldn't admit to such an oversight. Clearing his throat, he replied, "I'm merely passing through. Moreover, I take my promises seriously. Having vowed to protect you, I intend to do so all the way to the Thanid Empire."

The woman studied Xuan Yi before responding gravely, "You're not being honest. My unique constitution allows me to sense the tremor in your body when you speak—a telltale sign of deceit."

"The famed Ice Body—I've only heard of it but never witnessed it until now," Xuan Yi said with a smile.

"How did you know about my Ice Body? I don't recall telling you."

"Sometimes, one doesn't need to be told to understand. Your chill isn't a trait of your character; it's your physical nature. You can detect the water elements in the air, and through their fluctuations on a person's body, discern whether they're lying."

Upon hearing Xuan Yi's explanation, the woman furrowed her brow and held her tongue.

In that moment, the woman truly grasped the extent of Xuan Yi's fearsome nature. Despite having nothing to her name, he appeared to know everything about her.

"My name is Chen Xue. May I inquire as to your name, sir?"

"Xuan Yi."

Once they had exchanged names, Chen Xue fell into silence, too intimidated to speak further, for Xuan Yi's knowledge was overwhelmingly vast.

Xuan Yi, on the other hand, remained quiet due to his own reservations. Chen Xue possessed an exceptionally rare ice constitution, a natural gift for cultivation. Furthermore, he had a special technique that seemed custom-made for such a unique constitution.

Meanwhile, not far from the caravan, atop a nearby mountain.

"An Outer Sect Deacon has been slain," a man reported gravely to an elder.

"Have you determined the culprit?" the elder inquired without delay.

The man nodded, though confusion laced his voice. "Yes, the Outer Sect Deacon returned in spirit form to report. However, he described the assailant as an unfamiliar young man, a prodigy capable of defeating our deacon, someone of whom we have no knowledge."

The elder's brow creased at this news. While the loss of an Outer Sect Deacon was trivial to the vast Wind Sect, a young talent capable of such a feat was exactly what they sought.

"No matter the circumstances, as the Eldest Brother of the Outer Sect, it's your responsibility to resolve this. Investigate with a team. If this individual proves valuable, bring them into the fold. If not, eliminate them. And ensure the Inner Sect remains unaware, as that would complicate matters."

"Yes, Elder," the man affirmed before departing.

"A young genius? Indeed, I've heard no such tales. Perhaps he is one who has been in secluded cultivation until now?" the elder pondered softly to himself.

Back in the carriage, the oppressive silence continued between the two passengers. Eventually, Xuan Yi broke the tension, remarking, "The sky is darkening; it's getting late. We should not press on tonight. Let's camp here and rest."

Chen Xue's tension eased considerably with a few words from Xuan Yi. Glancing up at the sky, she shook her head and said, "I don't think that's a good idea. We're still in the Wind Sect's territory. If their people catch up with us, there's no way we'll be able to outrun them."

Xuan Yi chuckled and shook his head in response. The Wind Sect meant nothing to him; they were insignificant in his eyes. Besides, even if it came to fleeing, how could their small caravan hope to outpace a sect like the Wind Sect?

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