I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C12 I Am All Elements
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I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C12 I Am All Elements
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C12 I Am All Elements

"It's all good. No need to fret—I've got everything under control here."

Chen Xue nodded in response, choosing to remain silent.

Before long, the caravan came to a halt and began to establish camp.

Just as everyone was settling down for some rest.

"So you think you can just walk away after killing members of the Wind Sect? Seems like you're underestimating the situation."

The voice trailed off as a group materialized before them.

A flicker of fear crossed the eyes of all present at the sight of these newcomers.

Xuan Yi, however, looked completely at ease. To him, these Wind Sect members posed no threat.

"So, your people act like robbers, taking lives without a second thought. But when the tables turn, suddenly you're the ones seeking justice?"

Xuan Yi's words were laced with icy sarcasm.

"Robbers? I'll investigate that claim later. Right now, I'm concerned with you killing our people."

A young man retorted with a frosty tone.

Xuan Yi couldn't help but laugh at their illogical behavior.

"What's so funny?"

The young man glared at Xuan Yi, feeling ridiculed by his laughter.

"What, has the Wind Sect become so tyrannical that laughter is now forbidden?"

Xuan Yi's laughter grew louder in the face of their anger.

Enraged by Xuan Yi's taunts, the Wind Sect members charged at him.

Xuan Yi simply extended a hand, summoning flames to dance around his palm.

"Are you an Alchemist?"

The sight of the flames made the young man halt abruptly.

"Yes, I am. Does that change your mind? Because I'm an Alchemist, you suddenly hesitate to strike?"

Alchemists were revered in this world, a profession held in high esteem. No one wanted to cross an Alchemist. Realizing Xuan Yi's status, the young man lost his appetite for conflict, thinking of the rewards his sect might offer for recruiting such a talent.

"Come back with me, and we'll consider the matter resolved."

"You're delusional. You expect me to just follow you? Do I look foolish to you?"

Xuan Yi flatly rejected the young man's request.

"We are the Wind Sect."


"We're a level three sect."


"You're a rogue cultivator, aren't you? We can offer you protection."



The young man fell silent, realizing that Xuan Yi was impervious to persuasion; nothing he said made a difference.

Xuan Yi couldn't help but smile, taking delight in the young man's frustration and his own untouchable status.

"If words fail us, then let's resolve this through combat."

With that declaration, the young man charged at Xuan Yi once more.

But in that instant, Xuan Yi transformed the flames in his hand into a long whip that lashed fiercely at the young man.

"Fire Transformation? Are you an advanced Alchemist?"

The young man's excitement surged at the sight. If Xuan Yi could refine fifth grade or higher, the sect's rewards would be substantial, possibly even granting him access to the Inner Sect.

Yet, as the young man halted, Xuan Yi did not. He relentlessly swung his fiery whip.


The flame whip struck the young man squarely, sending him flying before he crashed heavily to the ground.

"Eldest Brother!"

Members of the Wind Sect cried out, their voices tinged with urgency.

The young man rose, wiping the blood from his mouth, and faced Xuan Yi. "Come back with me. I can give you everything you desire."

"What I want isn't something you can provide, and what I need, I already possess."

Xuan Yi once more turned down the young man's offer.

Realizing his efforts were futile, the young man sighed and lunged at Xuan Yi again.

But in that moment, he found himself engulfed by a sea of flames.

To the onlookers, the young man appeared trapped within a fiery orb, his chances of survival dwindling by the second.

"Save our Eldest Brother!"

The Wind Sect disciples sprang into action, desperate to rescue the young man.

Yet their attacks were futile against the fireball, repelled by the intense flames.

Inside the fireball, the young man, though not physically harmed, was tormented by the scorching heat, leaving him parched and in distress.

"Break it open."

The youth summoned all his strength, attempting to shatter the fireball.

Yet, every attack he launched was absorbed by the fireball, which seemed to grow even hotter.

"I concede."

His voice was hoarse and weak as he admitted defeat.

Xuan Yi, observing from outside, sensed the right moment had come. With a wave of his hand, the fireball split open, and the youth tumbled out.

Lying on the ground, he gasped, "Water, I need water."

As the Wind Sect members hurried to pour water into the youth's mouth, Xuan Yi chuckled. Turning to the caravan, he announced, "Let's pack up and get ready to move on. There's nothing more to see here."

Witnessing Xuan Yi's prowess, the group's admiration for him soared, and they responded to his command with utmost reverence.


The caravan members echoed together, then busied themselves with their tasks.

Once the youth had regained his strength from drinking water, he rose and faced Xuan Yi, saying, "You've won Feng Shun this time, but the sect won't let this go. I hope you survive their wrath."

With that, Feng Shun and his Wind Sect companions quickly departed.

Xuan Yi, unfazed by Feng Shun's warning, approached Chen Xue with a grin. "Now that you've seen what I can do, how about I become your master?"


Chen Xue looked at Xuan Yi, taken aback. She hadn't expected Xuan Yi to be interested in her abilities rather than her as a person, a rarity indeed.

Puzzled by her astonishment, Xuan Yi inquired, "Yes, what's the issue? Don't you want to learn cultivation from me? You seem to have a solid foundation, so you must have a master already. But that's not a problem. I assure you, your current master is no match for me. And it doesn't bother me if my disciple has had other masters."

"Well... I do have a master. I would need their consent to accept you as my master. I apologize for the complication."

Chen Xue said with a smile, "No worries, I can wait. It just so happens I need to visit the Thanid Empire too. I could accompany you and meet your master."

Xuan Yi was indifferent to Chen Xue's words.

But Chen Xue hung on every word Xuan Yi said, her curiosity piqued. "I noticed you wielded the fire element, while I'm attuned to ice. My own master specializes in water. Are you able to teach me?"

"Who said I'm limited to a single element? I'm versed in all elements," Xuan Yi replied.

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