I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C13 Tai Chi Formation!
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I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C13 Tai Chi Formation!
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C13 Tai Chi Formation!

After finishing his explanation, Xuan Yi extended his hand, and behind him materialized five large orbs of light, each a different color, representing the five elemental forces of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Surrounding these larger orbs were several smaller ones, each symbolizing a different element.

Chen Xue observed the display and nodded in understanding, gaining a newfound appreciation for Xuan Yi's capabilities.

Feng Shun returned to the Wind Sect with his followers in a disheartened state.

"What's the matter with all of you? Why the long faces? Have you been defeated?" an elder inquired, eyeing their dejected expressions with confusion.

"Elder, I apologize. We were no match for him," Feng Shun admitted with a sense of resignation.

The elder's eyes widened in disbelief. He was well aware of Feng Shun's prowess; those capable of besting him were typically from the most prestigious sects.

"Which sect does this individual belong to? If it's a major one, we may need to notify the Inner Sect. This is beyond the jurisdiction of the Outer Sect," the elder expressed with concern.

"He's a rogue cultivator, an Alchemist who can even manifest flames. It appears he's an advanced Alchemist," Feng Shun replied with a wry smile.

"What?" The elder thought he had misheard and asked again for clarification.

"A rogue cultivator, and an advanced Alchemist," Feng Shun reiterated, feeling helpless.

Convinced he hadn't misheard, the elder, in a fit of frustration, slapped Feng Shun across the face. "You're a disgrace! The sect has lavished resources upon you, and yet you're bested by a rogue cultivator? What does it matter if he's an advanced Alchemist? How formidable could an Alchemist's combat ability be?"

Feng Shun, clutching his cheek, remained silent under the weight of the elder's rebuke.

"What grade is his pill refinement skill?" the elder demanded, his anger having cooled somewhat.

"I'm not certain, but his ability to transform into flames suggests he's at least a fifth-grade Alchemist," Feng Shun responded.

Feng Shun paused briefly before speaking. "Among Alchemists, there are different ranks. Novices who can produce first-grade pills are considered primary Alchemists. Those who can refine pills from second to fourth grade are intermediate Alchemists, while the ability to refine fifth to eighth-grade pills marks one as an advanced Alchemist. A top-notch Alchemist is someone who can refine ninth-grade pills. Beyond that are the saint and divine grades.

Within the same rank, Alchemists are further distinguished by the grade of pill they can create. A first-grade Alchemist can refine first-grade pills, and a ninth-grade Alchemist can refine ninth-grade pills.

"Our Wind Sect has only one fifth-grade Alchemist, who is also a friend of the Inner Sect Master. His presence is the very reason the Inner Sect Master maintains his position. If we could persuade that Alchemist to join us, our standing and influence within the Wind Sect would surely soar to new heights."

After a moment's hesitation, the old man continued, "Feng Shun, take me to this individual. Today, we must bring him here, even if it means resorting to force."

Feng Shun nodded in agreement and promptly led the old man in the direction of Xuan Yi.

Unbeknownst to Xuan Yi, his inadvertently revealed identity had caught the attention of the Wind Sect's elders.

In the dead of night, Xuan Yi was jolted awake by a disturbance outside his tent, accompanied by a sudden chill.

"This isn't good," he muttered, dashing out of his tent and into Chen Xue's.

Inside, he found Chen Xue seated on the ground, her eyes shut, with a layer of frost covering her body. "Losing control?" he asked before positioning himself behind her and channeling his fire element into her, melting the icy residue.

Chen Xue's eyes fluttered open shortly after, and she turned to Xuan Yi with an embarrassed expression. "I apologize for the inconvenience. I didn't expect to lose control like this."

"You've lost control this time? Haven't you managed to release the restraint within you yet?"

Xuan Yi asked with a hint of confusion.

Upon hearing his words, Chen Xue's brow furrowed as she responded, "Is it possible to actually control this thing? I thought the goal was to achieve balance?"


Xuan Yi couldn't help but laugh at Chen Xue's remark. "Haha, what are you even saying? You're talking about something you use daily in your practice. How will you manage if you're supposed to maintain balance? Won't you disrupt it as soon as you begin? Stop joking around. Who on earth taught you that?"

"My master," Chen Xue replied, her irritation evident as Xuan Yi seemed to ridicule her mentor. Her smile faded, replaced by a chilly demeanor.


Xuan Yi, who was usually not one for details or overthinking, only realized his misstep when he noticed the shift in Chen Xue's mood. He quickly tried to amend his words, "I see. Well, your master isn't entirely wrong; it's just a bit simplistic. But if you follow that, won't you be unable to act in the future? Isn't your cultivation like walking a tightrope, where you must tread carefully every single day?"

Detecting the regret in Xuan Yi's tone, and realizing her master's teachings might indeed be flawed, Chen Xue nodded, feeling her anger subside significantly.

"Let's get this over with. I need to examine your body. It might be a bit painful, so just bear with it," Xuan Yi said, seeking her consent.

With Chen Xue's nod, Xuan Yi began to carefully channel his energy into her. His power contained the fire element, which clashed with the ice element in Chen Xue's body. They were natural adversaries, and upon contact, the ice element launched an immediate assault.

"Control your body," Xuan Yi commanded urgently.

If Chen Xue's body turned into a battleground for these opposing elements, the situation could become dire. Given her slight frame, she risked being torn apart.

Chen Xue quickly took command of her body, halting the ice element's onslaught.

After Xuan Yi's energy had made a full circuit within her, he frowned deeply. The complexity within Chen Xue's body far surpassed what he had initially imagined.

Xuan Yi quickly retracted his energy and furrowed his brow, asking, "What's the deal with your body? Why do you have a Taiji formation within you? Is this the balancing technique your master taught you?"

"Yeah? Is there an issue? The Taiji formation is for balancing the body, right?"

Chen Xue was evidently puzzled by Xuan Yi's implication and asked with a hint of confusion.

Upon hearing her response, Xuan Yi lapsed into deep contemplation, clearly recognizing the gravity of the issue at hand.

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