I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C14 Shameless!?
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I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C14 Shameless!?
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C14 Shameless!?

"Where is your master from?"

Xuan Yi asked with a furrowed brow.

"My master? He's my father, whom we hired for a hefty sum. Why do you ask? Is there an issue with my master?"

Chen Xue inquired, a hint of confusion in her voice.

An issue? This was a major issue. The Taiji formation wasn't meant for balance, but for sealing. Xuan Yi realized that the so-called master had sealed away Chen Xue's potential, teaching her a cultivation method that only reinforced the seal. Unwittingly, Chen Xue diligently practiced every day, unknowingly strengthening the very seal on her abilities.

Xuan Yi was aware of all this, but he couldn't disclose it. He understood that revealing the truth was risky; Chen Xue's belief was the least of his concerns. If Chen Xue relayed this to her master, she could be in greater peril.

"No worries, I was just curious. Your master's technique is meticulous. I had underestimated him; I didn't expect him to employ the Taiji formation. But never mind, I should be going now."

With that, Xuan Yi left Chen Xue's second-floor tent.

Stepping out of the tent, Xuan Yi found himself sitting at the camp's center, deeply troubled.

The Taiji formation was complex. While breaking it wasn't a challenge for Xuan Yi, the real issue lay in the fact that the formation was within Chen Xue's body. If he were to unravel it, her body might not survive the formation's violent rebound.

"Implanting a formation inside a person... that's a particularly ruthless tactic. It appears there's some discord within the Chen family," Xuan Yi murmured to himself.

"Excuse me, are you the advanced Alchemist?"

While Xuan Yi was lost in thought, a voice suddenly emerged from behind him.

Xuan Yi looked up sharply, chastising himself for his lack of vigilance. Someone had approached him unnoticed; had it been an assailant, they would have easily succeeded.

Turning around, he saw Feng Shun from the Wind Sect, accompanied by an elderly man.

"Has the Wind Sect not learned its lesson? Are you here to seek trouble once more?" Xuan Yi asked, his voice edged with a cold smile.

"No, not at all, you've misunderstood. The day's events were our mistake; we didn't investigate thoroughly. We won't make that mistake again. We've come to respectfully request your presence back at our sect."

The elder spoke with a chuckle. "Return to the sect? So you can just capture me and drag me away? Who do you think you are to stand against me? I suggest you beat it before I lose my temper, or you'll find my wrath more than you can handle."

Xuan Yi replied, still smiling.

After a brief pause, the elder continued, still smiling, "I overheard you mention someone's body being trapped in a formation. The Wind Sect might just have a solution for you."

"Oh? What kind of solution?"

Xuan Yi inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"Have you ever heard of the Body Protection Array?"

The elder asked, his smile unwavering.

Xuan Yi nodded. He was familiar with the Body Protection Array, though he found it rather impractical. It was something many might never need in their lifetime, and the materials required were exceedingly rare and of the highest quality.

"You possess a Body Protection Array?"

Xuan Yi asked, skeptical.

The array's sole purpose was to safeguard a person's body, offering both internal and external protection. If they had such an array, it might just be possible for Chen Xue to endure the Taiji formation's backlash.

"Of course not, that's no trivial item. But we do have a minor version of the array that should suffice. If you agree to join us, we'll let you use it free of charge," the elder offered, still smiling.

Xuan Yi hadn't expected them to try and bargain with him. A Body Protection Array was hardly a rarity; any sect or powerful family could provide one. Why should he commit to anyone's service?

"Sorry, but I have to decline."

The elder was taken aback by Xuan Yi's refusal.

"Elder, what's our next move?" Feng Shun whispered.

With a resigned sigh, the elder responded, "Regardless, we must secure him. If he agrees to assist us, by the time the sect competition commences, the Wind Sect can present two Alchemists of fifth grade or higher. That will ensure our status as a third-level sect."

Feng Shun let out a sigh after hearing the news. Deep down, he was well aware of the gravity of the situation.

The sect competition was an event dreaded by all sects. It was a pivotal moment where some could ascend from level three to level two, while others might plummet from the ranks of level three sects to become inconsequential factions. Such outcomes could drastically alter a sect's fate.

The Wind Sect had suffered two consecutive defeats at this competition. A third failure would undoubtedly result in their demotion from the level three sects.

"Sir, if you agree to join our sect, please feel free to name your terms," the elder implored.

Xuan Yi pondered the offer but realized he had no desires that a small level three sect like theirs could fulfill.

"Sorry, I'm not interested. Please leave," he dismissed them and retreated to his tent.

The elder, taken aback by Xuan Yi's response, hesitated before declaring with resolve, "I'll set aside my pride as an elder. We'll follow him—be it for one day, two, or three—until he consents."

Feng Shun offered no objection. He understood the stakes were not just their personal prospects but the sect's future as well. Reputation mattered little now. Previously, without any hope of recruiting an advanced Alchemist, they might have resigned themselves to their fate. But with this opportunity before them, they couldn't afford not to fight for it.

The following morning, Xuan Yi emerged from his tent to find the two had stood vigil outside all night. Curious glances from the caravan's members followed him.

"I've made myself clear—I won't join you. Your persistence won't change my mind," Xuan Yi stated, a tinge of exasperation in his voice.

Yet, the two remained undeterred.

Resigned, Xuan Yi accepted their dogged company. If they wished to follow, so be it.

The caravan resumed its journey, the captain now reassured. With the enigmatic Xuan Yi and the Wind Sect's duo as their escorts, they were safe from any potential threats or blockades.

Three days flew by in the blink of an eye.

"Look, you really should stop following me. Have you no shame? One of you is the esteemed Eldest Brother of the Wind Sect's Outer Sect, and the other, a respected elder of the same. And here you are, trailing behind a rogue cultivator like me. Doesn't that dent your pride?"

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