I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C16 Shadow Squad Invitation!
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I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C16 Shadow Squad Invitation!
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C16 Shadow Squad Invitation!

Observing the restless guards, a member of the Shadow Squad let out a derisive chuckle. "It appears we've been too modest. You've all forgotten the might of the Shadow Squad."

"Let's see if any of you dares to make a move."

No sooner had he spoken than the Shadow Squad found themselves encircled by orbs of fire.

The intense heat of the flames momentarily robbed them of their breath.

"What is this bizarre cultivation method?" a member of the Shadow Squad cried out in alarm.

But there was no response.

Before long, each of them had hit their breaking point.

Sensing the right moment, Xuan Yi gestured, and they all collapsed to the ground, coughing violently.

"Scram. Your Shadow Squad needn't worry; I'll be coming for you soon enough. There are some issues I need to resolve with your leader," Xuan Yi said, his voice laced with icy amusement.

"Fine, your words are noted. Beyond this point lies Shadow Squad territory. Tread carefully. And the same goes for the Chen family caravan."

With those words, the black-clad figures turned and departed.

Xuan Yi hadn't anticipated that the Chen family would be dragged into this mess.

"Sir, are you unharmed?" Chen Xue rushed to Xuan Yi's side, her concern evident.

Xuan Yi simply shook his head with a smile.

The Wind Sect Elder was taken aback by Xuan Yi's formidable strength, which had far exceeded his expectations. Reflecting on his earlier attempt to intimidate Xuan Yi, he couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Overhearing the elder's soft chuckle, Xuan Yi approached and presented him with a pill. "My apologies for the trouble. My personal affairs have unfortunately involved you. Please accept this ninth-grade pill as compensation," he offered with a smile.

The Wind Sect Elder immediately protested, "No, no, I couldn't possibly accept such a valuable item from you. And a ninth-grade pill is beyond my means to consume. Sir, your generosity is overwhelming."

Feng Shun, overhearing the mention of a ninth-grade pill, felt a twinge of regret. If only he had been the one to act sooner.

"It's no big deal, just a ninth-grade pill. I can get my hands on a bunch anytime I want. To me, these pills are like jelly beans. Go ahead and take it."

Xuan Yi said with a smile.

The Wind Sect Elder nearly choked on his own breath upon hearing Xuan Yi's casual comparison of a ninth-grade pill to candy. What level of cultivation and alchemy did this man possess? He was clearly no ordinary seventh-grade Alchemist.

"Sir, may I ask about the extent of your strength?"

The Wind Sect Elder inquired, eyeing Xuan Yi with a mix of respect and curiosity.

Responding to the Elder's question, Xuan Yi glanced at himself and chuckled, "My strength? Just let your superiors know I'm a seventh-grade Alchemist. No need to reveal the whole truth."

"Understood, sir. You can count on my discretion."

The Wind Sect Elder had a good idea of Xuan Yi's capabilities. With Xuan Yi participating in the sect competition, victory was all but assured, especially in the alchemy category where he was unrivaled.

"Alright, let's all get some rest. We'll head out at first light."

Xuan Yi had become the linchpin of the merchant caravan, and unless Chen Xue objected, his word was final.

After a night's rest, the group crossed into the territory of the Thanid Empire.

"Sir, you've now left the Wind Sect's domain, and our agreement is complete. We won't be escorting you further as we have other matters to attend to. We'll take our leave. Please keep this token. Should you need anything, send someone with it to find me. I am the Great Elder of the Wind Sect's Outer Sect," the Great Elder said warmly.

Xuan Yi acknowledged with a smile and pocketed the token.

The departure of the Wind Sect members was a relief for Xuan Yi; their presence would have been an unwelcome complication.

Once they were gone, Xuan Yi exhaled deeply and addressed the group, "Let's set out. Can we reach the Chen family before nightfall?"

"We should make it without any issues."

Chen Xue nodded in agreement.

Before long, as the group continued on their way, the unexpected occurred. Members of the Shadow Squad emerged, blocking the path of the caravan.

"Sir, please come with us. Our leader wishes to meet you," a member of the Shadow Squad stated plainly.

"Your leader? Sure, I've been wanting to meet him myself," Xuan Yi replied with a grin.

"Sir, are you sure you want to accompany them? That's the enigmatic Shadow Squad. It could be perilous. Perhaps you should return to the Chen family first. I can inform my father and request that he send someone to accompany you," Chen Xue suggested, her concern for Xuan Yi evident in her expression.

Xuan Yi chuckled and shook his head, then posed a question, "Do you really think I'm just an ordinary man?"

Chen Xue couldn't help but laugh at his remark. Indeed, Xuan Yi was no ordinary individual. While the Shadow Squad was shrouded in mystery, Xuan Yi was a far more formidable presence. One could sense his existence clearly, yet no one could fathom the extent of his capabilities.

"Don't worry about me. I intend to take you on as my disciple, and I won't let anything happen to myself. When you return, keep our conversation about discipleship to yourself. We'll discuss everything once I arrive," Xuan Yi instructed, his voice tinged with a hint of concern for Chen Xue's mentor.

"I understand," Chen Xue replied, though she was puzzled by his words, she nodded in acknowledgment.

Shortly thereafter, Xuan Yi departed with the Shadow Squad members.

They hadn't been traveling long when Xuan Yi noticed they had covered a significant distance, with no sign that the Shadow Squad intended to stop.

"I was under the impression your leader wanted to meet me. Why are we traveling such a distance? Isn't your leader in the vicinity?" Xuan Yi inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"Our leader mentioned that if you could evade our assassination attempt, we were to bring you to him," the Shadow Squad members responded tersely, maintaining their composure before pressing on with their journey.

After a morning spent hastening their pace, Xuan Yi at last laid eyes on a city.

"Is this where your leader is based? However, this doesn't look like your Imperial City, does it?"

Xuan Yi asked with a hint of confusion, "Our headquarters isn't in the Imperial City anymore?"

At that moment, the members of the Shadow Squad realized they might have revealed too much and promptly fell silent.

Once the group had made their way into the city, they headed directly to an inn on the second floor.

"Wait here," one of them instructed.

With that, the Shadow Squad members ascended the stairs to the second floor.

"Haha, sir, I hope I didn't startle you when I invited you here."

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