I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C17 Forefather?
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I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C17 Forefather?
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C17 Forefather?

As his voice trailed off, a man clad in white robes descended slowly from the second floor.

"Who are you? Where's Mingyan? Have him come out to meet me," Xuan Yi demanded icily.

The man in white hesitated, his eyes widening in shock at Xuan Yi's words before regaining his composure. "I'm not sure what you're referring to, sir," he replied with a smile.

Xuan Yi scrutinized the man's every expression, seeing right through his facade. "I'll say it one last time. Summon Mingyan to meet me, or I swear I'll dismantle this establishment brick by brick," he threatened coldly.

"Sir, you're going a bit too far. This establishment belongs to the royal family; it's not something you can simply tear down on a whim. And as for the person you seek, he's not here," the man in white retorted, still smiling.

"If that's your stance, then there's no point in further discussion. If you'll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to," Xuan Yi declared, turning on his heel to leave.

The man in white remained unfazed, leisurely sitting down on a stool. "You're free to go, sir. We're no match for you, but I do wonder about your speed. By the time you reach the Chen family, will you be too late to save them?"

At that provocation, Xuan Yi's body jolted, and a surge of energy burst forth, rattling the entire inn. "Are you threatening me?" he asked, his voice icy, not bothering to turn around.

The man in white hadn't anticipated such a powerful reaction from Xuan Yi, realizing that a mere release of his aura was enough to shake the inn. A full-on assault could very well reduce it to rubble.

"Please, sir, no need for anger. My men will not engage as long as you remain within the inn. Ultimately, it all hinges on how you choose to act," the man said calmly.

"Is this a threat?" Xuan Yi pressed.

"I'm merely presenting the reality of the situation. Whether you choose to believe it is entirely up to you," the man in white responded.

After a moment of hesitation, Xuan Yi ultimately turned back.

Xuan Yi was filled with regret. Why had he ever gotten involved with the Chen family's caravan? Now he had unwittingly provided leverage for someone to threaten him.

"Spit it out. What are you planning?" Xuan Yi demanded, his eyes flashing with a deadly glint.

"Oh, sir, please don't look at me with such ferocity. It frightens me. If I were to get worked up and do something regrettable, it would be a disaster for a prominent family. I have no desire to be responsible for their downfall," the man in white said with a laugh, casually pouring tea for Xuan Yi.

The threat from the man in white was unmistakable, and Xuan Yi was not oblivious to it.

In response, Xuan Yi took a moment to close his eyes, letting the aura of menace around him dissipate slowly. When he reopened his eyes, he fixed a smile on the man in white and asked, "Now, are you ready to talk?"

"Exactly, this is how friends should converse. I invited you here not for trivial matters. I've witnessed your prowess, and I'd like to extend an invitation for you to join us. You've seen what we're capable of. I'm confident we can offer you what you desire, especially with the backing of an entire nation," the man in white said, still smiling.

Upon hearing this, Xuan Yi's brow creased slightly, but he maintained his composure and replied with a smile, "Let's get one thing straight before we continue—I'm not your friend, nor am I interested in joining your ranks, unless..."

Xuan Yi left the sentence hanging, his gaze steady on the man in white.

"Unless what?" the man pressed.

"Take me to Mingyan, or have Mingyan come to me," Xuan Yi stated plainly, a smile playing on his lips.

The man in white looked at Xuan Yi with a hint of confusion. "What business do you have with Mingyan?"

"That's not for you to worry about, nor do you have the authority to question it. Just tell me if it's possible," Xuan Yi dismissed the question, his impression of the man in white far from favorable.

"Mingyan is my master," the man revealed.

Xuan Yi's eyes widened in surprise. He had never expected the typically forthright Mingyan to have such a cunning disciple.

"Mingyan's disciple? So, that would make him my grand disciple?"

Xuan Yi glanced at Mingyan, his thoughts drifting to Chen Mo of the Aibruba Kingdom. A sigh escaped him as he pondered the vast disparity between humans.


The man in white was startled by the term. He remembered his master mentioning a forefather, an enigmatic figure he had never met, described as an ageless monster.

The description his master gave did match Xuan Yi, but the man in white struggled to accept that the man before him could be his revered master.

"You claim to be my forefather? True or not, you should remain here for now. My master is away, and I'm unsure of his return. I'll inform him of your arrival. The whole truth will come to light once he's back."

The man in white was hesitant to make any assumptions about such a significant revelation, preferring to wait for his master's return before proceeding.

"What about the Chen family?"

Xuan Yi had time to spare, yet his greatest concern was their safety.

"I'll have them pulled out immediately."

With a wave of his hand, the white-clothed man signaled the nearby Shadow Squad, who promptly sprang into action.

"Prepare a fine room for my forefather. And to the Chen household—withdraw our people discreetly and with care. Deploy everyone to hasten the search for my master."

The man in white issued his commands with calm precision, demonstrating the poise of a seasoned leader.

"Your personal qualities may be questionable, but you handle affairs with remarkable composure and attention to detail. It's clear you've inherited many virtues from your master," Xuan Yi said, smiling appreciatively.

The white-clothed man hesitated, then offered an awkward smile in response. Xuan Yi's unconfirmed status left him in an uncomfortable limbo.

Unsure of the proper address—if he used 'mister' and Xuan Yi was indeed his forefather, it would be a grave disrespect. Yet if he wasn't, and his master Mingyan returned to find him addressing Xuan Yi as such, the consequences could be dire.

"Just address me as 'Mister' for now, at least until Mingyan returns. Rest assured, I have no intention of causing any trouble for someone younger—I'm not that sort of person," Xuan Yi said with a smile, waving his hand dismissively.

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