I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C18 At the Auction
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I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C18 At the Auction
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C18 At the Auction

The man in white discerned the underlying sarcasm in Xuan Yi's final words, which were clearly intended for his ears—a suggestion that his character was less than admirable.

Despite this, the man in white was unfazed. Criticisms of his character were all too common.

"Very well, sir. Please take some time to rest. As soon as my master returns, I'll make sure you're notified immediately," he said before turning on his heel and departing the inn.

Xuan Yi watched him leave with an amused nod. He had mixed feelings about this disciple—while he appreciated the young man's generally good nature, he found his ruthlessness somewhat disconcerting.

Back in his room, Xuan Yi lay awake on his bed, troubled by thoughts of Mingyan. Why did his disciple's temperament contrast so starkly with his own?

The following morning, Xuan Yi emerged from his room, having spent a restless night.

"Sir, our leader has ordered us to accompany you wherever you wish to go, to ensure your safety," two members of the Shadow Squad approached him.

Xuan Yi understood the subtext—they were there to keep an eye on him as much as to protect him. He nodded in acknowledgment.

"Relay to your leader that there's no need for concern. I have no intention of leaving. I'm here for my disciple, Mingyan, and until he shows up, I'm staying put. Besides, if I did choose to leave, you wouldn't be able to stop me," he said, his tone light but firm, before cheerfully exiting the inn.

The two Shadow Squad elites, accustomed to respect and admiration, were unaccustomed to such mockery.

"Is he really our Forefather? He's quite exasperating, isn't he?" one muttered.

"Enough talk. Let's just follow orders for now and wait for the right moment to set him straight," the other replied, and they hastened to catch up with Xuan Yi.

As for Xuan Yi, he paid no mind to the pair trailing behind him. His message had been delivered; if they chose to follow, so be it.

Xuan Yi soon noticed a stream of elegantly dressed individuals all heading in the same direction. Driven by curiosity, he followed.

"Hey, who might you be?" A brusque waiter blocked Xuan Yi's path, his tone icy.

"I was just wondering what this place is. Everyone here is dressed so finely; they all look like people of wealth and influence," Xuan Yi inquired.

The waiter cracked a smile and nodded before boasting, "Of course, this is an auction. It's the only one for a hundred miles around. All the big shots come here to find treasures."

"But you don't seem like you have the means. Got an invitation?" The waiter scrutinized Xuan Yi after his remark.

"Invitation? I don't have one. Are commoners not allowed in?" Xuan Yi probed with genuine curiosity.

"Where did you come from? This place is for the big players. Don't you think you're out of place here? Scram! We have no room for the likes of you. You're just holding up our business," the waiter said, losing his patience.

Xuan Yi frowned at the waiter's words and glanced back at the Shadow Squad members a short distance away. Noticing their lack of reaction, he realized his earlier comments had struck a nerve, and they were holding a grudge; otherwise, they would have stepped in by now.

"Will this suffice?" Xuan Yi asked, producing a hefty bag of spirit stones.

The waiter's demeanor took a sharp turn upon seeing the unassuming Xuan Yi with such a wealth of spirit stones. He quickly groveled, "I had no idea you were someone of such stature, sir. My apologies."

"That's enough. Spare me the pleasantries and show me to a private room," Xuan Yi said, stowing the spirit stones.

"Certainly, sir. Once inside, head straight to the second floor. Someone there will assist you," the waiter replied, nodding eagerly.

Relieved as Xuan Yi disappeared inside, the waiter wiped the sweat from his brow. Dealing with the unpredictable moods of the powerful was risky; one wrong move could be fatal, and there would be no recourse.

Just then, two men approached, making their way to the stairs.

"Hey, what are you up to? Do you have an invitation?"

The waiter called out sharply.

But in that instant, a token whizzed into the waiter's hands. As he caught sight of the emblem in his grasp, he was so startled that his hands shook, and he dropped the token onto the floor.

Emblazoned on the token was the imposing character for 'Shadow.'

As Xuan Yi ascended to the second floor, a maid approached with a welcoming smile. "Sir, do you have an invitation?"


"Please, come with me, sir."

With that, the maid led Xuan Yi to the front of a room, then turned to him with a puzzled look. "Sir, are you with anyone?"

Without glancing back, Xuan Yi simply nodded, still smiling.

"Very well, the three of you may enter. Everything inside is complimentary. However, as per the auction house rules, second-floor guests are required to make a purchase. Failing that, a fee of ten thousand spirit stones for the private room will be due."

Xuan Yi acknowledged the maid's instructions with a nod and stepped into the room.

Once inside, Xuan Yi settled into a chair and addressed his companions with a grin. "My earlier comments were meant for your leader. Don't worry about it. Just let me know if you need anything."

The two exchanged a glance and nodded in agreement, though they remained silent.

Suddenly, there was a loud "Bang."

The door to Xuan Yi's room was kicked open.

"I'm eager to see who's bold enough to occupy my room. Do they have a death wish?"

A man strode in as the words echoed.

"Sir, this room is already occupied. Without a prior reservation, you're in violation of our auction house's policies," the maid said, following him in with a note of urgency in her voice.

But the newcomer paid no heed to the maid. Instead, he addressed Xuan Yi and the others with a brash tone, "You three, get out of my room now. This is my exclusive spot. Weren't you aware?"

The two companions looked ready to react, but Xuan Yi held them back.

"It's just a room. No need to make a fuss."

He then faced the intruding gentleman and said plainly, "Sir, we weren't aware this room was yours. We were led here by the auction staff. Since you claim it's yours, by all means, take it. We'll find another space."

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