I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C19 Snatch the Room!
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I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C19 Snatch the Room!
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C19 Snatch the Room!

After finishing his statement, Xuan Yi was ready to lead the two out of the room.

Upon hearing Xuan Yi's words, the pair exchanged a glance, their faces etched with resignation. They harbored doubts about Xuan Yi's true identity, considering how agreeable he was. His own private room had been smashed, and yet he responded with a smile and an apology. When had the Shadow Squad ever been treated with such disrespect?

"Sir, we..."

"It's fine, let's move on."

Xuan Yi cut them off with a wave of his hand. He had no intention of letting the Shadow Squad use his status to intimidate others, even if they were being pushed around.

To Xuan Yi, the situation was trivial. The room probably did belong to someone else; otherwise, why would they have targeted his room directly? It seemed to be an internal mix-up at the auction house. If he were to get into a dispute over it, he might end up in a direct confrontation with the other party.

It was the auction house's mistake, and Xuan Yi had no desire to foot the bill for them.

As the maid escorted Xuan Yi and his companions out, they were halted by the man.

"Brother, I can tell you're a stand-up guy, and I've got no interest in pushing you around. Truth is, this room is actually mine. I overdid it with the drinks yesterday and forgot to reserve it. I like you, man. The name's Zhang Miao. If you ever need anything, just come straight to the Zhang family. I can't speak for other places, but here in Ziyang City, my Zhang family's word carries weight," boasted Zhang Miao.

"Thanks, Brother Zhang Miao. My name's Xuan Yi," Xuan Yi replied, nodding appreciatively.

It wasn't until they stepped outside that Xuan Yi noticed Zhang Miao wasn't foolish enough to come alone; he had brought a substantial entourage. Yet, these individuals had remained outside, not following him into the room.

"Look, Brother Xuan Yi, I've got a private room next door. You can stay close by. If you need anything, just let me know," Zhang Miao said, clapping Xuan Yi on the shoulder with a friendly grin.

Xuan Yi nodded in agreement and proceeded to the adjacent private room.

"Sir, you..."

The maid attempted to interject, but it was too late; Xuan Yi and his group had already stepped inside.


The maid hesitated, reaching out her hand before ultimately pulling it back.

"Don't worry about it," Zhang Miao reassured with confidence. "If anything goes awry, the Zhang family will handle it. Rest assured."

With a knowing smile, Zhang Miao waved his hand and led his entourage into the private room, leaving only two individuals outside.

"Sir, it seemed like the maid had something she wanted to say," a member of the Shadow Squad remarked with curiosity.

"It's nothing. Let them be. Now, what are your names?" Xuan Yi inquired, his smile unwavering.

"Yingshi and Yingyi," they responded succinctly.

Xuan Yi nodded in acknowledgment, gesturing towards the stools nearby, inviting them to sit.

"Sir, I'm puzzled. Inside the Thanid Empire, no one dares to flaunt their power before us. With the two of us here, there's no need for you to play it so safe," Yingyi expressed with a hint of dissatisfaction.

"Do you think I'm compromising myself? Hasn't your leader taught you anything? What business is this of ours? If we start squabbling with Zhang Miao over this, we'd be falling right into a trap set by the auction itself," Xuan Yi explained, shaking his head in exasperation. He was at a loss as to why the Shadow Squad seemed to think with their fists first, relying on their fearsome reputation rather than their wits.

Upon reflecting on Xuan Yi's words, the two realized the truth in his reasoning. Despite agreeing with him, they still felt it was unnecessary, given the formidable reputation of the Shadow Squad.

"Let's move on from the past. It's all water under the bridge," Xuan Yi said, dismissing the matter with a wave of his hand.

Seeing Xuan Yi's indifference, they decided not to dwell on it either, especially since the issue had been resolved.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am your auctioneer for today's event. Our auction is about to commence. However, I must remind you that no physical altercations are permitted here. The true battlefield is the spirit stones you wield," announced a young woman in white, stepping onto the auction stage with a welcoming smile.

As her voice faded, a servant girl approached, carrying a tray draped in red cloth.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we present the first lot: the Ice Feather Pendant. Crafted from the Demonic Core of an Ice Feather Bird, this pendant is believed to have the power to stabilize one's spirit. We'll start the bidding at ten thousand spirit stones, with increments of no less than five thousand spirit stones each."

The auctioneer announced with a grin.

"Fifteen thousand."

"Twenty thousand."

"Thirty thousand."


As the bids poured in, the price soared.

"Just the first item, and it's already heated. Here, ten thousand spirit stones are practically pocket change."

Xuan Yi understood that ten thousand spirit stones was more than what an average family could save in three years, yet here it was being tossed around with ease, as if it were no more significant than a single spirit stone.

Upon hearing Xuan Yi's remark, Yingshi and Yingyi exchanged glances, their eyes reflecting a hint of resignation.

"Sir, this is an auction where the powerful converge. To them, ten thousand spirit stones might as well be the day's petty cash."

Yingshi's comment, though somewhat hyperbolic, hit the nail on the head.

The bidding war ended quickly, with the final price fixed at eighty thousand spirit stones.

"Eighty thousand spirit stones, once."

"Eighty thousand spirit stones, twice."

"Eighty thousand spirit stones, thrice."


As the gavel fell, a maid stepped forward to collect the Ice Feather Pendant.

Just then, a knock interrupted the moment.

"The auction's in full swing. Who could it be? Sir, did you place a bid on this item?"

Yingshi cast a puzzled look at Xuan Yi.

In response to Yingshi's query, Xuan Yi frowned and gave them a dismissive glance. "Have you not been watching me? Did you see me bid? Besides, who would pay eighty thousand spirit stones for a mere stone? Only a fool would."

Both nodded in agreement; they had been observing Xuan Yi all along, and he certainly hadn't placed a bid.

"Regardless of who it is, we should answer it. This incessant knocking isn't proper. Yingyi, go check the door, but be cautious. This auction attracts all sorts, so stay alert."

Yingshi drew his knife and cast a wary eye toward the door.

Yingyi quickly approached the doorway, cautiously prying it open just a sliver.


No sooner had the door cracked open than it was violently forced wide, sending Yingyi hurtling through the air. His solid training saved him; he managed to roll upon landing, taking a few steps back to absorb the shock.

"Who goes there?" Yingshi demanded icily.

"You have the audacity to take over my room and then question who I am?" came the retort.

As the words echoed, a throng of figures clad in red burst in. A young man with a folding fan sauntered in, speaking as he entered.

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