I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C2 I Am Your Forefather
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I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C2 I Am Your Forefather
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C2 I Am Your Forefather

The capital of Aibruba was renowned as the most illustrious holy city in the Northern Spiritual Realm.

This acclaim could be attributed to the former Emperor of Aibruba, Chu Xiaotian.

Once an obscure figure unknown to the world, a century ago, he emerged as if from thin air, alongside his junior brother, Yao Ling. Yao Ling, born with a rare set of double pupils, reached the pinnacle of cultivation and combat prowess in the Northern Spiritual Realm. His alchemical talents were unmatched, his pill refining skills without equal throughout the realm.

These two mysterious youths carved out their own domain within the Northern Spiritual Realm in just a few decades. Their remarkable tales were woven into various legends, celebrated and retold by many.

As Xuan Yi strolled through the bustling streets of Aibruba's capital, he was constantly regaled with these legendary stories of the pair, prompting him to marvel in amazement.

"Who would have thought these two rascals would become the unparalleled heroes in everyone's stories? It's quite the eye-opener," he mused.

Xuan Yi toyed with a skewer of candied hawthorn in his hand, taking a satisfying bite that filled his mouth with sweetness.

"Delicious! It's been a hundred years since I've tasted something this sweet!"

Gazing at the half-eaten treat, Xuan Yi was overcome with emotion. He had devoted himself to teaching a hundred disciples, all for the chance to leave the mountains and savor the world's culinary delights.

After a simple exchange of a few treasures for spirit stones, Xuan Yi set off on a gastronomic rampage through the capital of Aibruba, devouring the city's delicacies until nightfall.

Eventually, he paused before a majestic building emblazoned with the words "Alchemist Union."

The sight jolted him back to reality, reminding him of his true mission—to assess his disciples' cultivation levels.

"Could my fourth disciple, Yao Ling, be inside the Alchemist Union?" he pondered.

With a quick adjustment of his attire, Xuan Yi confidently entered the building.

To his surprise, he immediately collided with a woman dressed in opulent attire.

Upon closer inspection, Xuan Yi recognized her—it was Chu Qiushui, the very woman who had reprimanded him earlier!

"Is that you, you whippersnapper?!"

Chu Qiushui's eyes widened in recognition and fury as she stared down Xuan Yi.

Xuan Yi couldn't help but smirk at her words. The irony of being called a 'whippersnapper' by this young lady was amusing. If only she knew the span of his years, she'd be the one made a laughingstock.

Nevertheless, he wasn't bothered. With a dismissive shake of his head, he stepped around Chu Qiushui and continued on his way.

Frustrated by his disregard, Chu Qiushui's voice rang out sharply.


"You claim to be Yao Ling's master, so I'll address you as Forefather. Do you dare to acknowledge that title?"

Chu Qiushui's mind raced. They were in the heart of the Alchemist Union, the hub for all alchemists of the vast Aibruba Kingdom, where Yao Ling was revered above all.

As Yao Ling's disciple, calling Xuan Yi 'Forefather' was a calculated move. Should he accept, he would be breaking a grave taboo here, inviting collective wrath. Should he refuse, he would discredit himself, rendering his previous claims mere gibberish.

With this in mind, Chu Qiushui called out "Forefather," her voice echoing through the Alchemist Union, drawing curious glances from all around.


Xuan Yi's response was calm and immediate, without a hint of hesitation. He turned and nodded in acknowledgment.

The union fell into a stunned silence for several seconds.

Chu Qiushui was taken aback by his audacity, her anger giving way to a bitter laugh as she gazed at Xuan Yi, her eyes tinged with pity.

Just then, a figure moved swiftly to stand before Chu Qiushui.

It was Chen Mo, the current President of the Alchemist Union, and more importantly, the disciple of the Aibruba Kingdom's Chief Alchemist, Yao Ling.

"Junior sister, is this our Forefather?"

Chen Mo's eyes settled on Xuan Yi, and he prepared to bow. He vividly recalled Yao Ling mentioning that his own master bore a youthful appearance and might possess the secret of eternal youth.

Appearances can be deceiving, and with Chu Qiushui having addressed him as 'Forefather,' Chen Mo knew better than to show any disrespect.

As he was about to bow, Chu Qiushui, standing beside Chen Mo, quickly intervened, a look of utter astonishment on her face.

"Senior brother, you can't be serious! This man is nothing but a charlatan, spewing utter nonsense. He's barely in his twenties; how could he possibly be our Forefather? I referred to him as such only because I heard his wild boasts and wanted to put him in his place. Yet he had the audacity to agree! Senior brother, you should be outraged!"

Chen Mo paused, his mind racing with thoughts.

"True, our Master once mentioned that the Forefather might possess the divine power of eternal youth, but nearly a century has passed. Even Master's hair has begun to show streaks of white. Our revered Forefather, surely aged a millennium by now, how could he maintain such a youthful and vibrant appearance?"

"It's inconceivable, utterly inconceivable."

After a moment of reflection, Chen Mo dismissed the idea that Xuan Yi could be his Forefather. He felt duped, and his anger surged like a tempest.

A fiery orb of flame erupted from his palm, targeting Xuan Yi.

"To think you'd mock me, Chen Mo, and tarnish my Master's honor! You will face the consequences today!"

He was just about to hurl the flames at Xuan Yi when a tumultuous noise erupted at the entrance. Ten soldiers from the Black Armored Army burst into the Alchemist Union, gasping for breath.

"The Black Armored Army? Those are General Wu Guang's men. What could have them in such a rush? Is there some grave matter afoot?"

Chen Mo halted his fiery retribution and approached the ten soldiers.

"What's the matter?" he inquired, his face etched with confusion.

The soldiers exchanged glances upon seeing Chen Mo approach.

They then hoisted a figure, bloodied and bruised, to their feet before kneeling in unison.

"We implore President Chen to save our General's life!"

Chen Mo's sharp gaze fell upon the wounded man, recognizing him as Wu Guang, one of the four esteemed generals of the Aibruba Kingdom.

"What happened? Give me the full account, quickly."

Chen Mo's heart skipped a beat as he helped the ten soldiers to their feet, his expression grave. "There's no time to explain the details, but General Wu has been poisoned. I urgently need President Chen to assist in concocting an antidote!"

The ten members of the Black Armored Army spoke with heavy hearts, their faces etched with sorrow.

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