I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C20 Shadow Squad's Reputation!
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I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C20 Shadow Squad's Reputation!
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C20 Shadow Squad's Reputation!

Xuan Yi hadn't anticipated another person laying claim to his private room. Were all the rooms on the second floor really booked solid?

But these trivial matters didn't concern Xuan Yi. What truly mattered to him was that these newcomers had hurt Yingyi upon their arrival. Despite not being fond of the Shadow Squad, they were his disciples, his own people. The instinct to defend his own kicked in immediately.

"Count to three and leave, or anyone who enters dies," Xuan Yi stated icily.

"Show them how it's done. Toss these people out," the man commanded, smartly stepping back and positioning himself outside the door.

The red-clad individuals slowly advanced towards Xuan Yi.




As the countdown ended, Xuan Yi stretched out his hand, sending several flames shooting forth.

"Soong Yan, what are you doing? The people in this room are my brothers!"

At the sound of that voice, Xuan Yi quickly retracted the flames.

Zhang Miao soon entered.

Upon seeing Zhang Miao, Soong Yan stepped forward and said with a frosty tone, "Zhang Miao, you're quite the hero, aren't you? You wouldn't let these people into your room, but you had no problem giving up mine?"

After listening for a bit, Xuan Yi pieced it together. He had wanted to avoid the auction's entanglement with the Zhang family, but had inadvertently stumbled into the feud between the Zhang and Soong families.

"The city's schemes run deep. It's a pitfall at every turn," Xuan Yi lamented.

He then approached Yingshi and Yingyi, asking quietly, "How are you two holding up?"

"We're okay," they both replied, shaking their heads.

"Sir, should we reveal our identities now?" Yingshi whispered.

Xuan Yi sighed in resignation.

"Is the Shadow Squad identity all you have? It's meant to empower and protect you, not to intimidate and threaten others. You're really tarnishing Mingyan's name."

The two lowered their heads upon hearing Xuan Yi's rebuke. It was the first time they had been confronted about the Shadow Squad's reputation in such a way, and they couldn't help but feel that Xuan Yi's perspective was right.

"Enough, Soong Yan, I don't want to waste words with you. Let me be clear: this is my friend. If you lay a finger on him, don't expect me to be courteous. Besides, you didn't book an appointment yesterday. No appointment means no claim to the room. So, their presence here is completely justified, both morally and logically."

With that, Zhang Miao walked over to Xuan Yi, grinning. "Brother Xuan Yi, no need to worry. I've got your back."

"Much appreciated, Brother Zhang Miao."

Xuan Yi responded with a smile and a respectful gesture.

Watching them, Soong Yan clenched his teeth and hissed, "Fine, you'll see. I'm not letting this slide."

A smirk crept onto Zhang Miao's face as Soong Yan and his crew departed.

"Well, brother, I've got to head out too. Oh, and take this Ice Feather pendant as a token of my friendship. I enjoy making friends, and you've made quite the impression on me. Accept it. If you ever want to pass it on to someone special, it'll be a gift to be proud of."

Zhang Miao then placed the pendant in Xuan Yi's hand and swiftly exited the room with his entourage.


Xuan Yi watched as Zhang Miao left without a second glance and let out a resigned sigh.

"Sir, if you don't want the pendant, I could return it for you," Yingyi offered quietly.

"No, it's fine. Let's keep it."

They soon turned their attention back to the auction.

Meanwhile, outside the auction hall.

"Young Master, are we really going to let this go? The Zhang family is clearly provoking us. We can't just stand by," a servant whispered to Soong Yan, egging him on.

Already seething, Soong Yan's anger flared at the words.

"Summon reinforcements from the family, and bring the Third Elder here. We may need more than just ourselves to handle them."

Soong Yan's command sent the servant scurrying off.

After a lengthy auction, it finally wrapped up.

Xuan Yi stood, stretched languidly, and turned to Yingshi and Yingyi with a smile. "Everything here is so overpriced, and nothing caught my eye. Let's head home. This was quite the letdown."

Upon hearing Xuan Yi's remarks, both individuals simultaneously pursed their lips in disdain.

Nothing worthwhile? They had been present throughout the entire auction and were well aware of the quality of items on offer. Everything auctioned was of exceptional value; the only catch was the steep price tag, with the costliest item reaching a staggering five million spirit stones.

"Sir, if you're short on spirit stones, just let us know. The Shadow Squad isn't lacking in that department—we have plenty."

Yingshi, hesitant to outright confront Xuan Yi, opted for a more indirect approach.

Xuan Yi, catching Yingshi's drift, simply rolled his eyes in response, foregoing any explanation.

To the locals, the auction's offerings might have seemed impressive, but to Xuan Yi, who possessed a trove of the finest spirit treasures, they were nothing more than junk.

Before long, the trio exited the private room.

"Brother Xuan Yi, you're still here! That's fantastic—I was afraid you'd already left."

As Xuan Yi emerged, he was greeted by Zhang Miao and a group gathered at the staircase on the second floor, deep in conversation.

"Brother Zhang Miao, what's going on?"

Xuan Yi inquired, a note of confusion in his voice.

"We're trapped. Soong Yan's men have the auction exit surrounded. They're clearly planning to make a move on us. If we attempt to leave, we likely won't make it out."

Zhang Miao explained, his brow furrowed with concern.

Xuan Yi hadn't anticipated the Soong family's audacity—to encircle the auction in the light of day, within the city no less.

"Isn't the Shadow Squad here? Can't they handle it?"

Xuan Yi glanced at Yingshi and Yingyi, giving them a silent shake of his head, before turning back to Zhang Miao with a probing question.

"The Shadow Squad? Haha."

Zhang Miao's response dripped with condescension.

Yingshi and Yingyi bristled at Zhang Miao's attitude, shocked that he would dare to belittle the Shadow Squad.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Xuan Yi gestured for them to keep their cool, then turned his attention back to Zhang Miao, his curiosity piqued.

After ensuring no one else was within earshot, Zhang Miao confided in a hushed tone, "Brother Xuan Yi, I trust you, so I'll be frank. The truth is, the major families have little respect for the Shadow Squad. These guys strut around on the coattails of the Shadow Squad and the royal family's reputation, but they're essentially useless. Strip them of that clout, and you'll find they're nothing but nobodies."

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