I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C21 Surrounding
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I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C21 Surrounding
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C21 Surrounding

Upon hearing Zhang Miao's remarks, both Yingshi and Yingyi were visibly angered, yet without a directive from Xuan Yi, they restrained themselves from acting rashly.

"The Shadow Squad isn't as hopeless as you make it sound, is it? There are plenty of skilled individuals among us," Yingshi protested, his voice tinged with frustration.

"Indeed, there are skilled people," Zhang Miao replied with a chuckle. "This brother here is spot on. However, the leader of the Shadow Squad is no fool. He's well aware of who possesses genuine talent and who's just there to coast along. Those with real skills are kept close by the boss, engaged in serious matters."

Xuan Yi couldn't help but laugh at the exchange, though he was somewhat concerned that Yingshi might lose his composure. He quickly interjected, "Let's set aside the Shadow Squad for now and focus on the matter at hand—dealing with Soong Yan."

"The solution is quite straightforward. We'll approach the auction house representatives for assistance. That should keep us safe for the time being. Afterwards, you'll accompany me to my place. Once we're at my home, we'll no longer be under any threat," Zhang Miao explained confidently.

After a brief hesitation, Xuan Yi looked at Zhang Miao and agreed with a smile, "Alright, we'll proceed as you suggest, Brother Zhang Miao. I'm merely a humble merchant without the resources you possess, so I'll be counting on your support."

"Don't worry about it, it's nothing," Zhang Miao assured him. "As long as I'm around, no one can harm you."

With that, Zhang Miao made his way to the ground floor. However, it wasn't long before he returned, his complexion pale with distress.

"What happened?" Xuan Yi inquired, sensing the setback.

"The auction house folks are dodging me, scared of attracting trouble. They're refusing to let me meet with the person in charge. All that's left are maids and servers, none of whom can offer us any help," Zhang Miao admitted, clearly troubled. Without the auction house's intervention, their exit was far from assured.

Xuan Yi chuckled and remarked, "No worries. To meet the boss, I believe I have my ways. I may not have much, but I certainly have money."

With that, Xuan Yi gave Yingshi a nod of acknowledgment.

Getting the hint, Yingshi headed straight for the first floor.

Watching Yingshi depart, Zhang Miao turned to Xuan Yi with a puzzled expression and asked, "Bro, are you confident your guy can get an audience with the auction's boss? Do you realize how tough it is to meet him? Are you two acquainted?"

"Know the auction boss? If I did, would I still be hassled by you all? Ha, I may not know him personally, but we do share a common interest—spirit stones," Xuan Yi replied, grinning.

"Spirit stones? I see, Brother Xuan Yi plans to use spirit stones to coax the boss out. But this time, Brother Xuan Yi, it might cost you dearly. However, worry not. Since I'm involved in this matter, just let me know the final tab, and I'll cover half of it," Zhang Miao offered, still smiling.

Shortly thereafter, Yingshi returned with an elderly man in tow.

"Ah, Young Master Zhang Miao, I had no idea you were the one in distress. Had I known it was you, I would've come sooner."

Xuan Yi gave Zhang Miao a quizzical look upon hearing the old man's words.

"This is the auction boss. I'm surprised he actually showed up. Brother Xuan Yi must have made a significant investment for him to treat me with such courtesy. To the auction, the Zhang family is merely a client; they wouldn't normally go out of their way for us," Zhang Miao murmured to Xuan Yi before approaching the auction boss with a friendly smile. "There's no need to rehash the incident outside. It occurred during your auction, after all. Could you possibly lend us a hand?"

The auction boss let out a resigned chuckle and glanced at Xuan Yi and his companions before replying with a hint of helplessness, "With them on your side, what need is there for me?"

"Them? You mean Brother Xuan Yi's group? What do they have besides money? Even a mighty dragon doesn't overpower the local serpent. We can't put them in harm's way. It's our issue to resolve, and we shouldn't drag these outsiders into it."

Zhang Miao clearly didn't grasp the auctioneer's intent.

Upon hearing Zhang Miao's response, the auctioneer realized that he was unaware of Xuan Yi and the others' identities. With a resigned chuckle and a nod, he acknowledged the situation.

The group soon followed the auctioneer out of the hall.

But just then, Soong Yan and his entourage encircled them.

"I didn't expect you to take your time coming out. I thought you might have run off, Zhang Miao."

Zhang Miao didn't reply to Soong Yan's taunt. Instead, he scanned the surroundings and scoffed, "You think you can hold us here with so few people?"

"Come on, gentlemen, this is an auction house. Show some respect. Should I inform your fathers about this incident? I wonder what they would think," the auctioneer interjected, waving his hand to quell the dispute before speaking in an even tone.

Soong Yan visibly deflated at these words, hesitated, and then conceded, "Fine, I'll give the boss some respect. You're free to leave when you're ready."

With that, Soong Yan and his group swiftly exited the area.

Watching them go, the auctioneer turned to Zhang Miao and advised, "Young Master Zhang, I can assist you here, but beyond these walls, you're on your own. I suggest reaching out to your family for support, given the numbers against you. I'd hate to see you at a disadvantage."

"No need to worry about me."

Zhang Miao was well aware that all routes to the Zhang family were likely under blockade, and any attempt to contact them would be futile.

Acknowledging Zhang Miao's resolve, the auctioneer said no more. He gave Xuan Yi and his companions a nod before heading back into the auction house.

He knew Yingshi had revealed their identities. Returning the nod with a smile, he then turned to Zhang Miao, "Brother, what's our next move? If we head back now, they'll surely intercept us."

"Don't worry. We'll take the opposite direction. I know a back way, a path unknown to others. Follow me, and we should be able to slip past their blockade."

Having finished speaking, Zhang Miao promptly guided the group in a certain direction.

Xuan Yi cast an intrigued glance at the rooftop across the way before swiftly catching up with the others.

Once the group had departed, an elderly man emerged from a store across from the auction house. He eyed Xuan Yi and his two companions with a hint of puzzlement, yet ultimately resolved to trail behind them.

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