I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C22 Song Zhang Fought!
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I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C22 Song Zhang Fought!
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C22 Song Zhang Fought!

After a short walk, Xuan Yi realized that Zhang Miao had led him to a rouge parlor.

"Brother Zhang Miao, isn't this place all about selling women's products? How does a guy like you know about any other paths around here?" Xuan Yi inquired with curiosity.

"Ha, Brother Xuan Yi, you're not in the know. I've got quite the charm with the ladies, so I often find myself buying them rouge and cosmetics. You get it, right? And well, I didn't have much choice. The 'other road' I mentioned isn't really anything special. This rouge parlor is huge—it spans an entire street. By exiting from the back, we've essentially covered two streets," Zhang Miao explained with a chuckle.

With this revelation, Xuan Yi understood that although the Soong family had numbers, they could only block one street intersection at most. By crossing through the rouge parlor, they had traversed two streets and emerged on a third, thus perfectly evading the Soong family's pursuit.

They soon made their way into the rouge parlor, where an old man also emerged, his eyes betraying a hint of confusion. Nevertheless, he decided to follow and see where they were headed.

The group didn't linger in the rouge parlor, simply passing straight through.

Once outside, Yingshi leaned in and whispered to Xuan Yi, "I've really broadened my horizons this time. Who knew the rouge parlor had a back exit? Looks like the Shadow Squad's intel isn't as exhaustive as we thought."

"Let's focus, we're not out of the woods yet. Stay alert; someone's tailing us," Xuan Yi replied with a smile.

Yingyi and Yingshi glanced back in astonishment, quickly setting their sights on the old man trailing them.

"How odd for someone of his age to be coming out from the back of a rouge parlor, don't you think?" one of them remarked.

"He must be with the Soong family. But let's not alarm him just yet. I'm curious to see who will come out on top in a clash between the Zhang and Soong families," Xuan Yi said, clearly more interested in the unfolding drama than feeling threatened.

Xuan Yi wasn't about to let Soong Yan off the hook so easily, especially since Soong Yan had made a move against his people. Such actions warranted a lesson. However, they needed a solid reason to act. Without Soong Yan initiating an attack, they would lack the justification they needed.

The trio stumbled upon the old man, but neither he nor Zhang Miao seemed to be aware of it.

They had just stepped off the street.

And were about to move on when—

"Whoosh, pop."

The crackle of a firework pierced the air.

Zhang Miao paused, gazing skyward with a furrowed brow, and spoke gravely, "Is that a warning firework from the Soong family? Could it be that we've been spotted?"


The words had barely left his lips when the suspicious old man emerged.

Zhang Miao's eyes went wide with astonishment as he exclaimed, "The Soong family's Third Elder? I would have never imagined that a matter concerning us juniors would draw your attention."

No sooner had he spoken than Soong Yan, accompanied by a throng of people, hurried over, quickly encircling Xuan Yi and the rest.

"To think you actually managed to slip away. Good thing I had the Third Elder shadow you. Otherwise, you might have given us the slip today."

Soong Yan remarked, a smirk on his face.

"Hmph, you think you can make us run? You're not up to the task."

Zhang Miao was tense but resolute, refusing to show weakness as he spoke through clenched teeth.

Afterward, he turned to Xuan Yi and whispered apologetically, "Brother, I'm sorry. I never saw this coming. Looks like you're in for a rough time with me today."

"No worries. If they've come looking for a fight, then let's not shy away. Let's give them a battle. Even if we lose, we'll accept it."

Xuan Yi nodded, his smile unwavering.

Zhang Miao glanced at Xuan Yi, flashed a toothy grin, and called out, "Everyone, brace yourselves. It's time to engage."

But just as the confrontation was about to erupt, a voice rang out from behind them.

"Does the Soong family really have the audacity to attack the Zhang family's young master right here on the street? Are you so eager to declare war on us?"

The voice's owner, an elder, positioned himself before Zhang Miao, facing the Third Elder of the Soong family with a taunting smile.

"To think that a mere firework would rouse you, old timer."

A flicker of concern crossed the Third Elder's eyes upon seeing the elder appear.

"Haha, even though that firework display was courtesy of the Soong family, as soon as I heard the young master had taken people out, I had a hunch it was related to our young master. Naturally, I had to come and see for myself. Old timer, with me here, you won't stand a chance of intervening this time," the old man stated plainly.

"Our Li family's Great Elder has arrived. Looks like we're in the clear," Zhang Miao reassured Xuan Yi as he joined him.

"Third Elder, are we really going to let this slide?" Soong Yan couldn't contain his discontent upon hearing the Great Elder's remarks, and he called out in protest.

The Soong family's Third Elder gave a resigned chuckle. He didn't want to drop the issue either, but what choice did he have? He was no match for the opposition. A fight would only serve to hold them off at best, rendering his involvement pointless, not to mention the risk to himself.

"Let's compromise, old friend. This mess is our young masters' doing. Let's step aside and let them sort it out," suggested the Third Elder of the Soong family, smiling at Zhang Miao and the others.

"Smart move," agreed the Great Elder of the Li family with a grin.

Zhang Miao couldn't hide his delight at the Third Elder's decision to stand down. He knew his own capabilities well enough to be confident in handling Soong Yan and his crew.

"Brother Xuan Yi, stay sharp. I'll come to your aid as soon as I've dealt with my own troubles," Zhang Miao declared before leading his group into the fray.

Soong Yan followed suit, swiftly commanding his people into the skirmish.

Xuan Yi, however, remained still. Yingshi also stayed put, shielding Xuan Yi and keeping a watchful eye on the chaotic scene.

"Relax, there's nothing to worry about. This fight will be over before you know it," Xuan Yi said, offering reassurance with a smile.

The battle raged on for a time, leaving Zhang Miao and his companions exhausted, with many collapsing to the ground, unconscious.

Many of Soong Yan's followers had collapsed, unconscious on the ground. Those still standing amounted to less than a fifth of their initial number.

"Zhang Miao, you're out of people. There's no point in holding out any longer. I suggest you concede defeat now," Soong Yan said, a cold smirk playing on his lips.

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