I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C23 Showing His Identity!
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I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C23 Showing His Identity!
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C23 Showing His Identity!

"Really? We've run out of people, but it looks like you're not exactly overflowing with manpower either. At best, we're at a stalemate. And did you forget? I still have three who haven't even lifted a finger. Do any of you still have the energy to fight?" Zhang Miao taunted with a sneer.

Soong Yan, upon hearing Zhang Miao's words, glanced at Xuan Yi and his companions and said icily, "You three, if you don't step in now, I'll leave you be. Make your choice."

Xuan Yi nodded, a smile playing on his lips, then stepped forward and said cheerfully, "Truth be told, I really didn't want to get involved in this."

Zhang Miao gave Xuan Yi a look that flickered with disappointment before quickly masking it.

Soong Yan, on the other hand, was visibly thrilled. If Xuan Yi and his two companions stayed out of it, they could leverage their numerical superiority to take down Zhang Miao and his group.

"Even though I'm not keen on joining in, there's still the matter of you injuring my brother at the auction. What about that? Did you think we'd just let that slide?" Xuan Yi asked, still smiling.

"I can make it up to you. How does ten thousand spirit stones sound?" Soong Yan was desperate, willing to agree to anything as long as Xuan Yi stayed out of it.

"Ten thousand spirit stones? You think you're dealing with a beggar?" Xuan Yi retorted with a cold laugh.

"So, how much do you want? I'll pay whatever you ask, just stay out of today's business."

"One million spirit stones," Xuan Yi stated his price without hesitation.

"What?" Soong Yan's face was a picture of shock.

And it wasn't just Soong Yan; Zhang Miao was equally astounded. One million spirit stones wasn't chump change. With that kind of wealth, one could easily snap up at least three luxurious mansions.

"Brother Xuan Yi, that's quite the lion's share you're asking for," Zhang Miao muttered with a wry smile.

"One million is excessive. You're not showing any real intent to negotiate. Are you playing games with me?"

Soong Yan's voice was icy as he spoke.

Yet upon hearing these words, Xuan Yi cracked a smile and responded, "If I'm not mistaken, the Third Elder is your ace in the hole, isn't he? And the Zhang family has brought out their Great Elder. Should trouble arise here, your Third Elder surely won't be able to intervene. As for your battle, it's clearly on its last legs. Your life is now in my hands. Surely one million should suffice to purchase it, right?"

Soong Yan paused, taken aback, then burst into boisterous laughter.

"Haha, you really think you can kill me? Are you unaware that I'm the scion of the Soong family? It's not just you—Zhang Miao here wouldn't dare to claim my life either. One million is out of the question. I'll give you no more than 100,000."

Xuan Yi cast a puzzled glance at Zhang Miao.

"Brother Xuan Yi, you're quite the businessman, always looking out for your interests. But Soong Yan is correct. Despite appearances, our families do have business dealings, so I couldn't possibly lay a hand on the Soong family, no matter the circumstances."

Xuan Yi was momentarily taken aback, not having anticipated such a connection between the two families.

"Alright, now that you understand our relationship, let's leave it at 100,000 spirit stones. That's all I can offer you—it's my monthly allowance," Soong Yan stated plainly.

Hearing this, Xuan Yi simply smiled and shook his head, then countered, "That's too little. Let's meet halfway—500,000, and not a stone less."

Silence fell. It was clear to all that Xuan Yi had no interest in further discussion.

"It looks like you're asking for trouble," Soong Yan declared, his tone frosty.

But at that moment, Xuan Yi was done with words. With a flick of his wrist, a blaze erupted and shot forth.

In no time, Soong Yan was engulfed in ferocious flames.

"Young Master!"

The Soong family's Third Elder charged forward upon seeing the dire scene.

But it was too late.

By the time the Third Elder had smothered the flames, nothing remained but a charred corpse.

"You had the audacity to kill the Soong family's Young Master? You're truly seeking your own demise. Not even the Zhang family can shield you now."

With those words, the Third Elder cast a chilling glance towards the Great Elder of the Zhang family, tucked away in the corner, and demanded, "Are you planning to intervene in this affair?"

"As long as the Zhang family members remain unharmed, I'll stay out of it," the Great Elder replied, fully aware that trouble had been stirred up. His priority now was to disassociate the Zhang family from the entire ordeal.

Zhang Miao, witnessing the scene, furrowed his brow and after a brief hesitation, advised, "Brother Xuan Yi, you've really crossed the line this time. I can't cover for you. But I'll create a diversion for you. Take the chance to escape the city. Once outside, head to the forest where you'll find a thatched cottage. Wait for me there, and we'll figure out our next move."

Xuan Yi hadn't expected Zhang Miao to stand by him at such a critical moment.

Yet, Xuan Yi realized that even with Zhang Miao's support, his safety was far from guaranteed. It was time to reveal his other identity.

"Your young master previously attacked my people. You're all aware of that, aren't you? Surely, you've grasped the situation by now," Xuan Yi said, his voice laced with a knowing smile.

The crowd exchanged puzzled looks. They were no fools; they understood the implications, but how did it justify murder?

"Yingshi, it's time to reveal who we truly are," Xuan Yi instructed, still smiling.

At his command, Yingshi nodded and flung his token at the Third Elder of the Soong family.

The Third Elder examined the token, and a shiver ran through him as it clattered to the ground.

Now, with the token in full view, everyone turned to Xuan Yi, their faces etched with astonishment.

"Brother Xuan Yi, you're with the Shadow Squad?" Zhang Miao exclaimed, his voice echoing his shock.

In that moment, Zhang Miao recalled his earlier disparaging remarks about the Shadow Squad and instinctively stepped back, not once but twice.

"Absolutely, we're the 'trash' you mentioned. Haha," Xuan Yi said, chuckling.

Zhang Miao, mistaking Xuan Yi's laughter for anger, hastily gestured with his hands, attempting to clarify.

Xuan Yi, noticing Zhang Miao's anxiety, waved it off and reassured him, "Relax, we're friends. I'm not about to lash out at a friend. Besides, you're not wrong—there's plenty of dead weight in the Shadow Squad."

As he spoke, Xuan Yi's gaze drifted unintentionally towards Yingshi and Yingyi.

Both hung their heads in embarrassment, realizing only then the true weight of the Shadow Squad's reputation.

The Third Elder of the Soong family hadn't anticipated that the man before him was affiliated with the Shadow Squad. And judging by the deferential manner of the two individuals presenting the token, it was clear that Xuan Yi held a position of authority within the group.

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