I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C3 It Really Is Forefather?
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I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C3 It Really Is Forefather?
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C3 It Really Is Forefather?


Chen Mo scrutinized Wu Guang, who was propped up by a soldier of the Black Armored Army, and furrowed his brow. He crouched down, gently lifted Wu Guang's wrist, and took his pulse.

"How odd. The poison lingers on the surface, yet it's undetectable within—formless and elusive. I can barely discern that General Wu's energy is chaotic; he's certainly been poisoned."

Chen Mo's voice carried a note of surprise and gravity.

"Where did this poison originate?"

He turned to the Black Armored Army with a stern inquiry.

"Honestly, Director Chen, the poison was left by an assassin from the Thanid Empire."

"The assailant was swift and elusive, with an aura that was nearly impossible to sense. He wielded a dagger, mysterious and unpredictable, striking without a trace—a formidable opponent indeed."

"We exerted our utmost effort to repel him, but General Wu suffered from the deadly poison concealed within the dagger, leading to his current condition."

"The Thanid Empire's assassins wield poisons of exceptional rarity, but we implore you to do everything in your power to help us develop an antidote..."

The Black Armored Army soldier's face was etched with despair as he recounted the events.

"An assassin from the Thanid Empire, no wonder the poison is so uncommon. Difficult, difficult, difficult!"

Chen Mo's face grew more solemn with each repetition of the word, clearly overwhelmed by the challenge.

As Chen Mo grappled with where to begin, a familiar voice reached his ears.

"Let me have a look."

Chen Mo turned toward the sound and saw Xuan Yi approaching at a measured pace.

"What could you possibly see?"

Chen Mo asked, skepticism written across his face.

Without responding, Xuan Yi moved directly to Wu Guang's side. A mere glance was all it took for him to recognize the poison.

"This is Shadow Poison."

Xuan Yi spoke, a memory flashing through his mind of a time he taught a disciple the Shadow Magic Treasure Technique, capable of creating this very Shadow Poison.

Yet he vividly recalled his stern admonition to the disciple: never to use the Shadow Magic Treasure Technique for evil, especially not for the vile act of poisoning.

Xuan Yi was still uncertain about the actual situation.

If it turned out to be the disciple he once mentored,

then Xuan Yi was determined to discipline that forgetful student properly.

"Shadow Poison? I've only heard my master mention it in passing. How do you know of it?"

Chen Mo eyed Xuan Yi warily as he inquired.

His skepticism was rooted in first impressions; Xuan Yi's previous actions had led him to believe that Xuan Yi was nothing more than a charlatan seeking attention.

Xuan Yi strolled casually as he began to explain.

"Haven't you just examined your pulse and checked your body's circulatory system? Did you detect any trace of poison?"

"This so-called Shadow Poison is insidious—it's colorless, odorless, and invisible. It can invade a body undetected, and ordinary medicines are powerless against it."

"Moreover, if this poison isn't neutralized within a month, the victim will succumb to relentless agony, suffering as if subjected to the cruelest tortures of hell. It's truly barbaric."

Chen Mo felt a jolt in his heart upon hearing Xuan Yi's description. He dimly recalled his own master mentioning such a poison, but his master had not elaborated, citing his insufficient cultivation at the time.

Now, with Xuan Yi's guidance, his perspective shifted dramatically, elevating Xuan Yi from a perceived scoundrel to a figure of enigmatic depth.

"Shadow Poison... I believe my master once spoke of it. But may I ask, Senior, do you know of an antidote?"

Chen Mo posed the question with great caution.

"Senior, though your identity is a mystery to me, your knowledge betrays a formidable strength."

"You mentioned that if the poison isn't cured within a month, our general will perish in unbearable torment. We cannot let that happen. The general has shown us kindness akin to that of a second set of parents. We would gladly trade our own lives for his salvation. Please, Senior, save our general!"

The ten Black Armored Army soldiers also pleaded, bowing deeply to Xuan Yi in desperation.

Chu Qiushui, too, was left reeling from Xuan Yi's exposition. It was clear to anyone, even the simplest of minds, that Xuan Yi was no ordinary man. Chu Qiushui quickly bowed deeply, imploring Xuan Yi with a loud voice.

"Senior, I previously underestimated you, and I sincerely hope you can put that behind us and save General Wu's life!"

Xuan Yi shook his head at the sight of the earnest faces before him and continued.

"I have the ability to save him, but not the means, as the cure for this Shadow Poison is the ninth-grade Spirit Pill, the Shadow Expelling Pill."

"However, that pill is too elementary for me now, so I entrusted it to Yao Ling. It's been so many years, and I no longer recall the exact formula."

"If you're intent on saving him, seek out Yao Ling. This is the Alchemist Union, isn't it? Shouldn't Yao Ling be here? Have him come out and concoct it. It would also give me a chance to assess his current level of skill."

Upon hearing this, the members of the Black Armored Army exchanged glances and shared a resigned smile before hoisting Wu Guang on their shoulders and hurrying to Yao Ling's residence.

Chu Qiushui gave a respectful gesture to Xuan Yi and Chen Mo, then leapt onto a swift horse and galloped towards the palace, eager to relay the urgent news of General Wu Guang's assassination by agents of the Thanid Empire.

In a moment, the Alchemist Union was left with only Chen Mo and Xuan Yi, aside from a few lesser figures.

"What happened? They just took off like that. What about those ten lads who needed the Shadow Expelling Pill?"

Xuan Yi expressed his bewilderment.

Chen Mo offered a wry smile and responded.

"Senior, my master has never operated within the Alchemist Union. I, Chen Mo, have been overseeing this place. Master prefers solitude, dedicating himself to alchemy at his residence."

"It's surprising, really. One should always regard an old acquaintance with fresh eyes. Little Lingzi wasn't nearly as diligent back in the day."

"Since I haven't seen him this time around, I'll take my leave... Little Mo, when you return, inform Little Lingzi that I'll be visiting in a few days to evaluate his alchemy. He should prepare himself. If he falls short of my expectations, he'll revisit the punishment from a century ago."

With a hint of regret, Xuan Yi then turned and made his way outside.

Listening to Xuan Yi's words, Chen Mo struggled to find peace within himself. Despite his skepticism about the man before him truly being his Forefather, Xuan Yi's prior actions had led Chen Mo to believe that the likelihood was high.

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