I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C4 Xuan Yi
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I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C4 Xuan Yi
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C4 Xuan Yi

Near the capital of Aibruba, there lay a small village where the population was sparse and the collective strength modest. In comparison to the capital's residents, the villagers' abilities were as disparate as the heavens are from the earth.

Yet from this humble place emerged a figure of unparalleled might, an invincible warrior who dwarfed the countless strong of the capital. His name was Xuan Yi.

Now, Xuan Yi found himself strolling down a narrow path leading to the village, his heart heavy with reflection. "A century has passed, yet this road remains unchanged—a precious rarity. I hope its people have remained true to their past selves as well."

Memories flooded Xuan Yi's mind. He recalled his arrival in this fantastical realm, possessing nothing, an orphan with a despair so deep he contemplated ending his life. Fortune smiled upon him when a village couple took him in, sparing him from a grim fate of starvation and cold.

In time, his system awakened, and he was compelled to spend a century in solitude atop a desolate mountain. Now, at long last, he had returned to visit the couple who had once given him a home.

As he approached the village entrance, a group of children darted around him in play, one particularly mischievous child sticking out his tongue at Xuan Yi before scampering off. Xuan Yi chuckled and carried on without concern.

He encountered a robust man carrying a bucket of manure, on his way to tend to the crops. The man gave Xuan Yi a curious glance and asked, "Young man, who might you be? What brings you to our village?"

With an unwavering smile, Xuan Yi replied, "I'm searching for a couple. One named Chen Qing, the other Wang Yi. Are they still here?"

"Chen Qing? Wang Yi?" The man paused, then answered, "We've only ever had one Chen Qing—she was the village chief's wife, but she passed away years ago. And Wang Yi? He's the village chief himself."

The man scratched his head and responded,

"The village chief? Aunt Chen has passed away... Sigh, did I return too late?"

Upon hearing this, Xuan Yi's face lost its smile, replaced by a look of regret. But he didn't dwell on the feeling for long, quickly regaining his composure before inquiring further,

"Could you tell me where the village chief is now?"

"Just take a right up ahead, and you'll find the village chief's residence."

The man gave directions, then turned to carry on with his task, hoisting a bucket and walking away.

Xuan Yi followed the indicated path and soon arrived at a house. An elderly man was reclining in a rocking chair at the front, eyes half-closed, basking in the sun with a contented ease.

"Uncle Wang!"

Time had left its marks, but Xuan Yi instantly recognized the old man as Wang Yi, one half of the couple who had taken him in.

Startled by Xuan Yi's voice, the old man jolted, his eyes snapping open as he quickly rose from the chair, turning around in disbelief.

"Xiao Xuan?!"

Wang Yi could hardly believe his eyes. Seeing Xuan Yi, he felt as if he were witnessing a vision from the afterlife.

"After more than a century apart, I never imagined I'd see Xiao Xuan again. This is truly a blessing!"

Tears streamed down Wang Yi's face as he gazed at Xuan Yi approaching, his expression filled with joy.

"What afterlife? Uncle Wang, you're very much alive, and so am I. I am Xuan Yi, the same one from a hundred years ago."

Xuan Yi said with a wry smile, shaking his head.


Wang Yi stood there, dumbfounded, staring at the eternally youthful Xuan Yi in utter amazement.

"Could I be mistaken? Are you really Xiao Xuan?"

Wang Yi rubbed his eyes and then his snow-white, withered hair, still in awe.

"A century is but a brief moment to me now. My cultivation has reached the pinnacle of this world."

Xuan Yi explained as he stepped closer to Wang Yi.

"Really? It looks like I once had the honor of raising someone quite remarkable," Wang Yi mused, his mind suddenly clearing as Xuan Yi's explanation dissolved his doubts. He gazed at the young man before him, who was as handsome and radiant as ever, and his heart swelled with immeasurable joy.

"It's such a shame that Chen Qing isn't here to see you now," Wang Yi remarked, his thoughts drifting to his late wife, and a wave of sorrow washed over him.

"Death is final, but I'm sure Aunt Chen is watching over you from above," Xuan Yi said, shaking his head and giving Wang Yi's shoulder a comforting pat, though he too felt a pang of sadness.

Despite his profound abilities, Xuan Yi knew he couldn't bring back someone who had passed away years ago.

Eventually, Wang Yi's grief subsided, and he led Xuan Yi by the hand into his home. "Let's set aside the sorrow for now. Xiao Xuan, you've been away for a hundred years—tell me about the fascinating things you've encountered. I've spent over a century in this little village and I'm eager to hear your stories."

With a smile, Wang Yi fetched two cups of tea and handed one to Xuan Yi, who took a sip before recounting his monotonous experiences over the past century: the numerous disciples he had instructed, the various cultivation methods he had taught, and the amusing foibles of his sometimes foolish and lazy students.

Though his tales were hardly thrilling, Wang Yi listened with rapt attention. He might not have grasped all the details, but he understood enough to recognize Xuan Yi's extraordinary prowess—even the former Emperor of Aibruba had been his pupil.

As the evening wore on, Xuan Yi wrapped up his century's worth of adventures. He then presented a wooden box, exuding a delicate scent, to Wang Yi.

"Uncle Wang, inside this box is a pill that can extend your life and enhance your cultivation. Take it, and it should add at least another hundred years to your lifespan and elevate your cultivation level."

Xuan Yi extended the wooden box in his hand with a gentle motion.

Wang Yi didn't reject the offer, but his gaze lingered on the box, betraying his uncertainty.

He realized that he and Xuan Yi were no longer from the same world. The pill inside the box was likely Xuan Yi's way of acknowledging their diverging paths. Accepting it might mean that seeing Xuan Yi again would become a rare occurrence.

Observing Wang Yi's troubled look, Xuan Yi grasped his thoughts and reassured him with a smile.

"Uncle Wang, I'll be residing here for the next few days, and I'll make sure to visit you whenever I get the chance."

With those words, Wang Yi's hesitation melted away. He gladly took the pill from Xuan Yi's hand, his face breaking into a warm smile.

"That settles it, Xiao Xuan. Make yourself at home these next few days, and I'll introduce you to the culinary delights of my village!"

Xuan Yi returned the smile and gave a nod of agreement.

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