I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C6 Begging!
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I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C6 Begging!
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C6 Begging!

After listening, Chen Mo glanced at the still seething Yao Ling, sighed deeply, and without a word, turned to leave the room.

Outside the mansion, Chen Mo faced the ten Black Armored Army soldiers still kneeling on the ground. With a helpless sigh, he said, "I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do to help you."

Without waiting for a response, Chen Mo turned and made his way toward the Alchemy Guild.

The soldiers, seeing him leave, felt a surge of despair. They hadn't caught a glimpse of Yao Ling from start to finish, so they persisted in following Chen Mo.

Back at the Alchemy Guild, Chen Mo couldn't bring himself to look outside, where the ten soldiers continued their vigil on the ground—a vigil that had lasted three full days.

In that time, the city was abuzz with the news. Compassionate citizens brought the men food and water, but to demonstrate their resolve, the soldiers refused to eat or drink anything for three days.

Watching them grow increasingly gaunt, some even trembling from weakness, it was clear they were at their breaking point.

"Why don't you just leave? I've truly done all I can. Without my master's intervention, what more can I do?" Chen Mo said, his voice tinged with resignation.

Just then, a squad of guards accompanied by a carriage arrived. Chu Qiushui and the Emperor of Aibruba alighted from the carriage.

Upon seeing the emperor, the ten soldiers turned to him and pleaded fervently, "Your Majesty, we implore you to help us, to save our general. He has braved countless dangers for the sake of Aibruba and doesn't deserve such a fate."

The emperor, moved by the soldiers' plea, turned to Chen Mo and inquired, "Director Chen, what exactly did your master say?"

Chen Mo let out a weary sigh. "The bet made thirty years ago is a thorn in my master's side. There's nothing I can do. Perhaps, Your Majesty, you might have better luck?"

After a moment's hesitation, the emperor nodded, though he knew well that his royal status held little sway with Yao Ling compared to Chen Mo. His attempt would likely be in vain.

Despite the circumstances, the Emperor of Aibruba was aware that he had to make an appearance. With so many eyes upon him, and the Black Armored Army being Aibruba's elite force, fiercely loyal to him, inaction would surely dishearten the frontline warriors.

The entourage quickly reached Yao Ling's residence. Upon recognizing the Emperor of Chu, the doorman promptly informed Yao Ling. Yet, Yao Ling remained indifferent to the news, engrossed in her book.

"Emperor of Chu seeks an audience with Yao Ling," the Emperor of Aibruba called out.

Yao Ling, however, continued to ignore the Emperor's plea.

Feeling the sting of rejection, the Emperor's face flushed with embarrassment. He gathered himself and called out once more, "Chu Country—"

"The Patriarch requests that you please leave," the doorman interjected respectfully.

Startled by the doorman's sudden appearance, the Emperor cut himself off mid-sentence.

"I've come all this way; may I not have a moment with Yao Zun?" the Emperor asked, a note of desperation in his voice.

"I apologize, but without the master's consent, no one may enter," the doorman replied, shaking his head firmly.

"Father, what do we do now?" Chu Qiushui inquired, puzzled.

The Emperor responded with a resigned chuckle, addressing the ten onlookers with a wry smile, "I apologize for my limitations. Let me find the finest physician immediately. Rest assured, I will not let your general perish."

Meanwhile, Xuan Yi had already left the village and was en route to Yao Ling's mansion.

"Your Majesty, isn't there another solution? Even Mr. Chen Mo is at a loss with the general's affliction. Surely, an ordinary doctor will fare no better," a member of the Black Armored Army stated the grim reality.

The Emperor exhaled a weary sigh upon hearing this.

Witnessing the dire situation, Chen Mo grew increasingly anxious. After a moment's hesitation, he offered, "Please, everyone, stay calm. I will seek out my master."

After Chen Mo entered Yao Ling's estate, a series of explosions erupted, and Chen Mo was soon seen flying out, tracing a graceful arc through the sky.

Dusting himself off after rising from the ground, Chen Mo gave a resigned shake of his head.

Witnessing this, the ten members of the Black Armored Army broke down in tears.

Before long, wails filled the air outside Yao Ling's mansion.

"Little Lingzi! Your master has arrived, come out and greet me."

At the sound of this voice, the crying ceased, and everyone turned to Xuan Yi in astonishment.

"You charlatan, how dare you show your face here? This isn't the Alchemist Guild; this is the residence of Yao Zun. If you make a scene here, it could be the death of you."

Chu Qiushui addressed Xuan Yi with a tone of resignation.

Yet, upon seeing Xuan Yi, Chen Mo remained silent, his eyes whirling as he pondered something.

"I've told you, I am Yao Ling's master. Why won't you believe me?"

Xuan Yi brushed off Chu Qiushui's comment with a nonchalant reply. His real concern was the situation with the ten kneeling members of the Black Armored Army.

"Didn't you say your general was poisoned? Didn't I instruct you to use the Shadow Expel Pill? What's the matter? Didn't it work?"

Xuan Yi inquired with a hint of curiosity.

"No, sir, in the Aibruba Kingdom, only Yao Zun can craft the Shadow Expel Pill, but Yao Zun refuses to intervene. We're pleading for his assistance," explained one of the Black Armored Army men through tears.

"He refuses to act?"

Xuan Yi was taken aback and turned to Chen Mo in disbelief.

Yao Ling was known to Xuan Yi as someone who loved money and could be miserly, but he didn't think Yao Ling would disregard human life.

"Has Little Ling really changed to this extent?"

Xuan Yi questioned Chen Mo.

Chen Mo, cautious not to speak out of turn, especially since Xuan Yi was inquiring about his own master, kept his thoughts to himself.

"Please, elder, follow me to meet my master," Chen Mo murmured.

Seeing Chen Mo's demeanor, Xuan Yi's suspicion turned to anger, and he bellowed, "Yao Ling, you scoundrel, come out here this instant!"

Upon hearing Xuan Yi's words, everyone fell silent, their eyes wide with shock as they turned to look at him.

In Aibruba, no one had ever dared to address Yao Ling in such a manner, not even the Emperor of Aibruba himself.

"How can you speak about our master in such a way?"

Chu Qiushui glared at Xuan Yi, his face etched with displeasure. Had the Emperor of Aibruba not been there to intervene, Chu Qiushui might have already taken a swing at Xuan Yi.

The Emperor of Aibruba was no ordinary man; he recognized immediately that there was something extraordinary about Xuan Yi.

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