I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C7 I Am Sorry
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I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C7 I Am Sorry
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C7 I Am Sorry

"Father, what are you doing pulling me like that?"

Xuan Yi paid no mind to Chu Qiushui, focusing instead on Chen Mo with a frosty demand, "Tell your master to come out. Didn't you hear me?"

With a resigned smile, Chen Mo, under the pressure of Xuan Yi's threat, re-entered the mansion.

"Master, there's someone outside claiming to be your master. Should you take a look?"

Chen Mo asked, his voice tinged with embarrassment.

At Chen Mo's words, the once serene room erupted with noise.


The door flew open, and Yao Ling emerged, her excitement palpable.

"What did you just say? My master?"

Yao Ling asked, her voice brimming with excitement.

"Yes, the person outside claims to be your master."

Chen Mo replied with an awkward smile, proceeding to relay the events that had unfolded at the Alchemist Guild.

"It doesn't make sense. If my master had truly come, wouldn't I have been informed?"

While Yao Ling was mulling over this, a voice called out from outside.

"Yao Ling, you little rascal, if you don't come out this instant, your mansion is history."

Yao Ling's eyes reddened at the familiar voice, and she bolted towards the mansion's exterior.

"Have you no shame? My father is right here, and you dare to demolish my master's house in his presence? I don't believe this. Let's see if you have the gall to follow through," Chu Qiushui challenged, hands on her hips and voice icy.

Meanwhile, the Emperor of Aibruba had heard enough. Though he suspected Xuan Yi was no ordinary individual, it seemed unlikely he was Yao Ling's master, especially given Xuan Yi's youthful appearance.

"Sir, don't you think you're overstepping? This is my domain, after all. Surely you'd need my consent to tear down a house, wouldn't you?" the Emperor said, his tone firm yet courteous.

"Indeed, consent is necessary," Xuan Yi conceded. With a flick of his wrist, a jet of flame burst forth, striking the door.


The fire engulfed the door, reducing it to ashes in moments. Had Xuan Yi not been in control of the blaze, the entire mansion might have been reduced to cinders.


The Emperor of Aibruba was fuming with anger, silently plotting in his heart. If Yao Ling claimed not to recognize Xuan Yi, he would immediately give the order to have Xuan Yi seized.

But in the instant the flames vanished,


Yao Ling approached Xuan Yi, disregarding the ashes beneath her feet, and knelt before him.

Witnessing this, Chen Mo also dropped to his knees and urgently called out, "Forefather."

This turn of events startled Chu Qiushui, who had always been at odds with Xuan Yi, and she stared at him, her face a picture of astonishment.

Chu Qiushui wasn't the only one taken aback; even the Emperor of Aibruba wore a look of shock. The ten soldiers of the Black Armored Army, still kneeling, couldn't help but smile. With Xuan Yi confirmed as Yao Ling's master, they were confident that their general would be rescued with his intervention.

"Master, what brings you here? I feared you wouldn't return," Yao Ling said, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Come now, you're too grown up for such displays," Xuan Yi chided gently, shaking his head.

Yao Ling quickly got to her feet at his words.

"Disciple Chu Qiushui pays respects to the Forefather," Chu Qiushui said, kneeling before Xuan Yi with palpable excitement.

"This is your disciple?" Xuan Yi inquired, a smile gracing his lips.

"She's somewhat of a disciple. I merely guided her into the world of alchemy," Yao Ling replied with a sheepish grin.

"Well, she's quite promising, though a bit too hasty. If she can temper her impatience, she'll go far in her alchemical pursuits," Xuan Yi advised, nodding approvingly.

"Thank you for your wisdom, Forefather," Chu Qiushui responded, nodding earnestly.

Now, Chu Qiushui wouldn't dare to challenge Xuan Yi; Yao Ling's acknowledgment was confirmation enough of her esteemed Forefather.

"Enough of this. Let's go inside and talk. Everyone, please, let's continue indoors. And little Lingzi, I'm eager to hear what's been happening with you," Xuan Yi said, addressing the ten Black Armored soldiers still kneeling with a stern expression.

Upon hearing Xuan Yi's words, Yao Ling had a clear idea of what was coming and could only respond with a wry smile.

Soon after, the group made their way into Yao Ling's residence and settled in.

"So, what's the situation? Have you forgotten everything I've taught you? Are you only interested in personal gain?" Xuan Yi asked Yao Ling with an icy stare.

"Forefather, it's not as you imagine, it's..." Yao Ling began.

"Silence! I'm speaking to your master. It's not your place to interrupt," Xuan Yi cut off Chen Mo sharply, then turned his attention back to Yao Ling.

Yao Ling offered another helpless smile. Xuan Yi was clearly making an example of him, his anger evident. Yao Ling understood all too well.

"Master, I was left with no choice. After completing my training with you, I used the skills I acquired to heal people and gradually built a reputation. My family members grew envious and challenged me to a bet. If I lost, I would be barred from crafting pills for thirty years," Yao Ling explained the whole situation.

Xuan Yi's face darkened with rage upon hearing this, and he pointed at Yao Ling, too furious to speak.

"You fool, have you been feasting on the teachings I gave you? Where's your sense?" Xuan Yi bellowed.

Yao Ling, chastened, hung her head like a child who had erred and remained silent.

Just then, a guard from the Black Armored Army collapsed, unable to stand any longer.

The group rushed to his aid, and after Xuan Yi had examined him, he shook his head in resignation. He produced ten pills and declared gravely, "These are Body Strengthening Pills, ninth grade. Consider them compensation. I'll handle your general's issue. My disciple has wronged you, and I offer my apologies on his behalf."

The Black Armored Army soldiers' eyes gleamed at Xuan Yi's words.

Emperor of Aibruba watched as Xuan Yi handed out all the pills to the soldiers, his lips twitching with envy. He longed to be one of the recipients.

Ninth grade pills were coveted treasures in Aibruba, yet here was Xuan Yi, using them to make amends, seemingly without a second thought.

Once the distribution of the pills was complete, Xuan Yi walked over to Yao Ling and extended his hand.

Yao Ling, anticipating a blow, quickly shut her eyes.

But when no pain came, she opened her eyes, puzzled.

"What are you doing? Aren't you going to give me the pill formula?"

Xuan Yi, looking equally perplexed, returned her gaze.

At Xuan Yi's question, Yao Ling breathed a sigh of relief and began searching for the pill formula. "Master, you were the one who provided these formulas. Surely you haven't forgotten them?" she asked.

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