I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C8 The Blackclothed Man's Token
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I Trained A Bunch Of Saintly Disciples/C8 The Blackclothed Man's Token
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C8 The Blackclothed Man's Token

"Enough with the pointless chatter! I'm well-versed in numerous pill formulas, but you can't expect me to recite them all at once. Cut the nonsense. Where's the pill formula?" Xuan Yi demanded.

Upon hearing Xuan Yi's command, Yao Ling hastened his search.

"Um, Forefather, Master, the pill formula is actually with me," Chen Mo said timidly, handing over the formula.

"Why didn't you say so sooner?" Yao Ling snapped, snatching the formula from Chen Mo's hands.

"The Forefather told me not to interrupt," Chen Mo replied, his sense of injustice growing.

Xuan Yi took the formula, quickly glanced over it, and finding no issues, shot Yao Ling a stern look. "Your disciple has the formula, which means you must have given it to him. As a master, you should remember that. What else can you remember if not this? How did I end up with such a foolish disciple?"

Yao Ling blushed with embarrassment at Xuan Yi's rebuke and hurried off to gather the necessary herbs.

Before long, all the herbs were ready.

Surveying the herbs scattered on the ground, Chen Mo approached Yao Ling and murmured, "Master, we're missing something—the cauldron."

"Scram! I've never needed a cauldron to make pills," Yao Ling retorted.

Chen Mo had misspoken, and Yao Ling unleashed all his frustration on him.

"Enough, keep an eye on things," Xuan Yi instructed. With a single gesture, a flame burst forth from his hand, and he began tossing the herbs into the fire methodically.

Soon, a pleasant pill fragrance filled the air.

Xuan Yi extinguished the flame, and a pill settled into his palm.

"As you can see, an alchemist of a certain level doesn't need a cauldron. But that's only for simpler pills. Some require a month or two to concoct, and for those, a cauldron is indispensable," Xuan Yi explained with a smile.

"A month or two? What kind of pill takes that long? Could it be an elixir of immortality?" Chen Mo asked in a hushed tone.

Xuan Yi chuckled and passed the pill to a member of the Black Armored Army, saying cheerfully, "Administer this Shadow Dispel Pill to your general. He should recover within a day. Once he's well, have him come to see me. I have questions for him."

"Yes, sir. Once our general is well, we will certainly bring him to meet with you."

With those words, the Black Armored Army bid everyone farewell and departed.

Once the ten soldiers of the Black Armored Army had left, the Emperor of Aibruba turned his attention to Xuan Yi, clearly contemplating ways to persuade him to stay.

"Sir, may I inquire where you currently reside? Is it within the borders of Aibruba?" the Emperor asked, his smile warm and inviting.

Xuan Yi was well aware of the Emperor's intentions, but he had no desire to pledge allegiance, especially since he needed to uncover the origins of the Shadow Poison and that meant leaving.

"I am a wanderer without a permanent abode. If Your Majesty has no further business, I have matters to discuss with my disciple and must excuse myself," Xuan Yi replied.

The Emperor of Aibruba offered an awkward smile in response, nodded in understanding, and, accompanied by Chu Qiushui, took his leave from Yao Ling's residence.

After the departure of the others, Yao Ling addressed Xuan Yi with an embarrassed tone, "Master, you arrived without a word to me. Why?"

"And what would you have done had I informed you? Arranged a grand welcome with a palanquin? Or perhaps cleared the place of guests before my arrival so I wouldn't have to see them?" Xuan Yi retorted with a cold laugh.

Yao Ling, taken aback by the rebuke, could only offer a sheepish smile and chose to remain silent.

"Enough. Prepare a room for me. And while you're at it, let's discuss your household affairs. You've really outdone yourself—sacrificing your responsibilities for the sake of a wager. What happened to your medical ethics? You don't even deserve the title of Alchemist," Xuan Yi chastised sharply.

Yao Ling, chastened, bowed her head and did not dare to respond.

"What are you waiting for? Get moving. And don't forget to prepare some fine wine and a good meal; I haven't eaten all day," Xuan Yi commanded sternly.

"Yes, right away. I'll see to it immediately," Yao Ling responded, quickly setting off to carry out the orders.

After a short while, Yao Ling returned, moving at a slower pace.

"Come here," Xuan Yi demanded icily.

"Master, I realize my mistake, but I never anticipated things would escalate to this point. The bet was made, and I truly did not foresee my loss," Yao Ling confessed.

Yao Ling spoke with a sense of resignation.

Upon hearing this, Xuan Yi glanced at Yao Ling and responded with a cool detachment, "I can't linger here indefinitely. I have my own affairs to tend to. You should continue your medical practice and focus on your duties. Forget about those futile thoughts. Regarding your family issues, they can wait until I've resolved my own. Then, I'll accompany you back."

"But Master, the Yao family holds a tremendous stature among alchemists, doesn't it?" Yao Ling hinted, though not overtly, that without a significant power backing him, Xuan Yi alone might find it challenging to confront the entire Yao family.

"You needn't concern yourself with matters beyond your scope. Besides, your return to the Yao family is not imminent. Why the rush? Who can predict the future?" Xuan Yi finished, leaving Yao Ling to his thoughts.

The meal and drinks were soon served.

After dinner, led by Chen Mo, Xuan Yi was shown to his quarters.

"Chen Mo, that's your name, right? I remember you. You've got potential. Stick with your master. He tends to be overly ambitious at times, so keep an eye on him." Xuan Yi then produced a pill and offered it to Chen Mo.

"This is a Soul Enhancing Pill. It will aid your training," Xuan Yi explained with a grin.

Chen Mo eagerly accepted the pill, his voice tinged with excitement, "I am deeply grateful for your generous gift, Forefather."

"Very well, you may leave now. Alert me immediately when the general arrives tomorrow," Xuan Yi instructed with a nod.

"Yes, Forefather," Chen Mo replied before swiftly exiting the room.

Once Chen Mo had departed, a sly smile crossed Xuan Yi's face. "To think someone would dare spy on me here." With those words, he extended his hand, conjuring a tiny flame, which he then flicked away with a casual gesture.

A pained scream pierced the air, followed by a heavy thud beneath Xuan Yi's window.

Stepping outside, Xuan Yi surveyed the fallen figure with a nod of satisfaction. A man dressed in black lay dead on the ground, his body unmarked but reeking of char.

Xuan Yi quickly frisked the man in black and eventually extracted a token. With a casual flick of his wrist, Xuan Yi reduced the man in black to a pile of black ash. Clutching the token, a glint of murderous intent flickered in Xuan Yi's eyes.

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