I Want To Be A Buddha/C10 Exodus
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I Want To Be A Buddha/C10 Exodus
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C10 Exodus

The side with flesh and blood was eaten by the mutated eagle dog, and the rest was eaten by the ants.

Not only that, he had a secret knot with King Qinguang, and these Undead became the tools to build the Underworld's palace. Then, Kai Ye could help King Qinguang hide all the auras of the dead.

Upon hearing these words, Bai Mu couldn't help but sigh. It was no wonder that there was such a deep grudge between them. As expected, not only was the human society dark, even the society in the ghost realm was the same.

"Then, what about the others in the Underworld, do you not care?"

Qin Qianqian shook her head and said with red eyes, "I don't know! King Qinguang has a lot of power and influence, so it should be easy for him to cover up these matters. "

Hearing this, Bai Mu felt that there was something fishy about this matter. However, he couldn't explain anything and could only console her, "As one of the top ten kings of the Underworld, he should have his own difficulties, right? After all, their Underworld also had its own rules. If one did something beyond their limits, they would receive the punishment of the Heavenly Dao. "Unless …"

Hearing Bai Mu's words, Qin Qianqian immediately became excited, "The Heavenly Dao still hasn't punished him. Does this mean that it's not his fault, but us Undead? Unless? You mean someone like Kai Ye can threaten him? "

To Bai Mu's words, Qin Qianqian could only shake her head, "His thoughts are still too simple. I don't understand that there are some things that are the same between Yin and Yang." The difference between clear and turbid is not only in the human world! "

Seeing Qin Qianqian fall into silence again, Bai Mu couldn't stand the atmosphere. He clenched his fist and covered his mouth, "So many …" Cough cough … Why are you here when you are all going to build a palace? " Bai Mu directly used the word 'cough' in place of 'Yin Spirit'. Honestly speaking, as a human, he didn't want to offend those who stayed away from him.

Xiao Qian said indifferently, "Are you talking about us Yin spirits?"

Hearing this, Bai Mu had the urge to go berserk. He resentfully looked at Qin Qianqian. What an inconsiderate young lady!

Seeing Bai Mu's pained expression, Xiao Qian inwardly laughed. 'What a cute person!'

"Most of the Yin spirits are my friends, and many of them were grateful to my father. After father was gone, they couldn't bear for me to suffer, not only did they help me hide my presence, they even helped me strengthen the house with their spirit energy, so, you don't need to be so afraid.

Thinking of the mountain of bones, Bai Mu's heart chilled. "Since you have so many of them, why don't you go and fight him?" Perhaps the noise you guys made can attract the attention of other Underworld managers? "

" Heh heh, why not? For someone as vicious as him, since he was able to keep us, he would be able to think of ways to deal with the consequences. The consequence of resisting him was to be tortured by the soul.

The so-called soul torture is the punishment of the source of your souls. That rebellion launched by Father in the past had ended in failure. In order to protect the others, Father in the end had to be exterminated like a god, never to be reincarnated.

When she thought of her father, who had protected her, loved her, and treated her like a precious treasure, Xiao Qian's tears couldn't help but roll down her face.

Upon hearing this, Bai Mu couldn't help but guess how strong that masked man was. To be able to control such a large number of Yin spirits, one could escape the restrictions of life and death and live for a few hundred years.

Perhaps he was wrong. With his strength, it would be underestimating him to say that he could dodge it. But now, he was unlucky enough to be blacklisted, and he wanted to kill him like a cat playing with a mouse in the palm of its hand.

When he thought of this formidable enemy, Bai Mu's future turned dark!

Moreover, at this time, the number of troops in the underground palace had increased by several times. There were soldiers patrolling everywhere. As long as Bai Mu dared to appear here, there would be no return.

His only hope now was Qin Qianqian. He asked hopefully, "Can you help me escape?"

"Sure!" Qin Qianqian nodded. If she wanted to send him to the surface, she would need to spend more than ten years of her cultivation, as well as having nine key joints.

Seeing the struggle on Qin Qianqian's face, Bai Mu cursed himself for his stupidity. Qin Mu couldn't even protect himself right now, yet he was still troubling Qin Qianqian.

Qin Qianqian, on the other hand, seemed to have noticed Bai Mu's vexation. She smiled and shook her head. "Bai Mu, you don't have to worry. I have a way to send you out, but you have to promise me one thing."

"What is it? Just say it!" Since he was so straightforward, he, as a man, was naturally not a petty person.

"Bai Mu, if you had the ability in the future, could you have saved the lives of tens of millions of our ghosts?"

"Ahh!" Bai Mu was immediately stupefied. He wasn't the only one who wanted to deal with the big boss of the underground palace, he was also one who could deal with the people from the Underworld.

Although his bodily functions had changed and his ability to recover had become peculiar, could he really do it?

"Bai Mu, there's no need for you to make things difficult for us." Xiaoqian only wants you to remember what I said today. Xiao Qian will not let you waste your life. If you still fail to save our strength in the future, you will not need to fulfill the promise you made today. "

"Alright, Xiao Qian, I agree. "If the day comes when I, Bai Mu, possess the strength that you speak of, I will definitely rescue you all."

"Yes, thank you, Bai Mu."

There was a grateful smile on Qin Qianqian's face, but she was sure that this person would do something in the future.

"Alright, I'll send you out now." As Xiao Qian spoke, she sat down cross-legged and nine white bones of different sizes appeared out of nowhere on the ground.

Before Bai Mu could react, he saw Qin Qianqian looking at him with a serious expression, "Bai Mu, follow me and sit cross-legged across from me."

Bai Mu was puzzled, but he also knew that Xiao Qian wouldn't harm him. He quickly followed her instructions, and the nine white bones started to move. With Bai Mu at the center, they formed a circle.

At that moment, Qin Qianqian started to close her eyes. However, the nine white bones began to rapidly circle around Bai Mu, and their speed was getting faster and faster.

Bai Mu was taken aback. He suddenly felt dizzy. Accompanying the dizziness was a transparent green light. When the green light hit the spinning bones, they were linked together and formed a ring that revolved around Bai Mu.

After that, Bai Mu felt that his body was very light, so light that it no longer belonged to him. Lowering his head to look, he discovered that his body had become more and more transparent.

Just as he was about to scream and raise his head, he saw that Qin Qianqian's body was transparent. He could see the wall behind her through her body.

She was so weak when she sent him out. How much did she have to pay? Was it worth it for her to do so? If this were to continue, wouldn't her soul be shattered?

Thinking of this, Bai Mu felt a deep sense of guilt. If Qin Qianqian died because of his soul, he would never forgive her.

Thinking of this, Bai Mu reached out his hand to stop Qin Qianqian, but just as he was about to lift his hand in the air, he vanished. When he left, all he saw was the smile on Qin Qianqian's face.

Fortunately, she was fine!

This was Bai Mu's first thought before he left. Qin Qianqian had said that as long as he disappeared into her house, she would send him out. At the last moment, although Qin Qianqian was weak, she was not scared to death.

Anyway, he would do his best to fulfill his promise to her.

Bai Mu dusted the dust off his buttocks. The moment he fell onto the ground, he knew that he had come out.

Familiar smells, rows of white buildings, tree-lined paths, people strolling by, familiar streets...

Taking a deep breath, Bai Mu shouted, "We're finally out."

"These past two days have been like a dream, but luckily I managed to escape that damned place or I would have gone crazy!"

Bai Mu continued walking on the familiar pathway that he had walked a thousand times before. However, his heart was no longer as calm as it was before.

His hand couldn't help but stroke his chest, his heart thumping vigorously. However, Bai Mu also felt that the change in his body was because of this heart.

Thinking about what Xiao Qian had said, the huge powers, and the direction of their hearts, Bai Mu was at a loss.

At this moment, "Aiyo …" As Bai Mu moved, his footsteps became clearer and clearer.

Looking up, he saw an old man with a head full of silver hair lying on the ground. He was trying to get up. On the side, there were many onlookers!

This situation had happened more than once in this society. When an old man fell, everyone would become indifferent because the old man who fell might be a pengci, and the person who supported him might be ruined.

As such, the onlookers were also very afraid.

But what if the fallen old man really couldn't get up and wasn't a liar?

Bai Mu pondered as he walked over to the old man. Seeing the wooden crutch lying not far away, Bai Mu decided to help the old man up.

"Hey, little brother, you have to think twice." A middle-aged man dressed in ordinary clothes pulled Bai Mu along.

Bai Mu looked at him with a puzzled expression. The middle-aged man pointed at the bicycle he was pushing with his other hand and sighed, "Before helping the elderly, this brother will be running."

"Hehe, are you lying to me? I'm just a poor undergraduate out of society, nothing. " As Bai Mu pondered this, a smile appeared on his face. "Thank you for your reminder. It's alright."

As he spoke, he helped the old man up under the gazes of the crowd that were sighing and shaking their heads, and passed a nearby stick to the old man.

The old man's grey eyes were filled with gratitude. "Young man, thank you." As he spoke, he used his walking stick to leave.

As they walked, they muttered, "People these days have a very hard heart." An indifferent person like the human heart, it's better not to have a heart! " The words of the old man caused the onlookers to feel guilty, but Bai Mu managed to make sense of the situation.

It is better to have heart than to have no heart. A heartless person was like a heartless person.

Since he had promised others, he should work hard. Those people that didn't care for things, they would never be better than friendship.

Thinking of this, he also felt relieved.

After coming to a conclusion, Bai Mu no longer hesitated and walked briskly towards his cave of commoners.

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