I Want To Be A Buddha/C13 Black in the indian house there must be a great danger
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I Want To Be A Buddha/C13 Black in the indian house there must be a great danger
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C13 Black in the indian house there must be a great danger

Bai Mu and the others were on the way to the Bian Tou Mountain, but unlike before, their speed had increased, making the journey easier.

Looking at the nearby village, Bai Mu wiped off his sweat and sighed in his heart. They were finally about to arrive.

While Bai Mu was sighing emotionally, Mo Xin frowned. Even though he hadn't been to the village in front of him, the feeling that came from the village made him, a ghost, feel a little strange.

Slightly stepping out of the layer of the map, he spoke to Bai Mu, "Bai Mu, there's an unusual aura ahead. I'll go to the village to take a look. Please wait here for a moment."

"Hmm, then I'll have to trouble you."

He knew that Mo Xin was a ghost so he wasn't afraid of tiring out. Moreover, it would definitely be convenient to scout out out the road, so he didn't refuse. Moreover, he was tired and needed some rest.

Seeing Mo Xin digging into the ground, Bai Mu thought of the Earth Elemental Sun on the Divine Seal Decree. Back then, he had always felt that those TV shows were too fake and too mystical. Now that these things happened to him, to be honest, Bai Mu felt a faint repulsion in his heart.

Raising his head to look at the blood-red setting sun, Bai Mu felt an unprecedented heaviness in his heart. He had a feeling that the trajectory of this world had already begun to deviate.

About ten minutes later, a slightly shadowy figure wearing a daoist robe walked out from a grassy path.

That person was clearly walking very slowly, but in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived before Bai Mu.

As he got closer, Bai Mu was finally able to see the face of the person before him.

A thin old man with a mustache and a loose robe was holding a horsetail whisk in his hand. When he saw Bai Mu, he spoke with a serious expression.

"Little Jie, Little Brother, I wonder why you have come to this place?"

"Eh …" Bai Mu raised his head and looked at the skinny old man standing in front of him. When he saw that this old man looked like he was someone who knew the way to the Dao, he immediately thought to himself, could this person be the Taoist from Bian Tou Mountain that Mo Xin mentioned?

However, how could the Daoist Priest come to this place?

"Of course I have matters to attend to here." Before Mo Xin arrived, Bai Mu felt that it would be better to ignore this person. He didn't think that the seemingly calm Daoist Priest would actually sneak a furtive glance at him just now.

Furthermore, the first impression that Bai Mu had of this person was that he exuded an aura that no one could fathom.

Bai Mu ignored the Daoist priest and continued to sit in his original spot, thinking about his own matters. Mo Xin had said that even though they were only going to the first level of the Nine Nether Maze City, the first level was already filled with all sorts of dangers. Besides those evil things, there might even be other dangers.

Although he had somehow gained some power, Bai Mu wasn't sure if he could handle the supernatural. However, Bai Mu did not regret his promise to Mo Xin to fetch Tianshui from the Zodiac Mountain.

He owed Qin Qianqian his life.

Seeing how Bai Mu ignored him, the Daoist Priest didn't pay any attention to him either.

Instead, he took the initiative to sit beside Bai Mu. He gently swept his horsetail whisk across the room and meaningfully glanced at Bai Mu. He frowned as he pinched his slender white fingers. Then, he turned to Bai Mu and spoke in a somewhat anxious tone.

"This young man, this little Taoist temple … your eyebrows were originally filled with a powerful aura, but now there is a black aura lingering around you." So if the small path makes some calculations for you and finds out that you have been possessed by evil spirits recently, if you don't think of a way to get rid of them, then there must be some great calamity! "

Bai Mu glanced at the Taoist's slender white fingers and then looked at his aged face. He smiled and said, "A small path?" Aren't you being too modest? "

Bai Mu's words caused the old Daoist Priest to be slightly stunned. He then smiled and said, "I hope that little brother can elaborate."

"I'm just curious. You're older than me, so why are you speaking so humbly?" As Bai Mu spoke, he stood up and patted off the dust on his body. He glanced at Mo Xin, who was hiding in the distance, before turning around with a smile and said, "Alright, we'll meet again in the future."

What evil spirits and evil spirits? To him, these past few days had been a common occurrence. It was normal for there to be black gas lingering around Mo Xin, but how could he be so fierce? He didn't dare to let this Daoist in front of him help.

As for what exactly this thing was, he couldn't tell. However, Bai Mu was certain that this person wasn't as simple as a Taoist.

"Little brother, I advise you not to go to that village." Seeing that Bai Mu was about to head in the direction of the village, the Daoist Priest hurriedly rushed over and even pulled on Bai Mu's sleeve.

Smiling at the Daoist Priest and the obvious difference between the dry wrinkles on his face and the skin on his hand, Bai Mu cracked open his white teeth and said in an ambiguous manner, "Daoist Priest, you are not willing to part with me like this. Could it be that Daoist Priest has some sort of hobby?"

The Daoist priest was completely stunned as he didn't expect Bai Mu to reply him in such a manner. Bai Mu took advantage of the Daoist priest's dazed moment to quickly walk in the direction of the village entrance.

He could not allow the Zerg to roam the mountains tonight, but he could not spend the night in the wilderness here. Who knew what unknown wild beasts or beasts were roaming around?

Therefore, no matter how odd the village was, it was better than this place. At least with Mo Xin, the ghost that had existed for hundreds of years, he should be able to deal with it.

The Daoist Priest looked at Bai Mu's back as he rushed forward and the corners of his mouth curled up. "There's a path to heaven, but you chose not to take it. Since you will be obstructing my plan, don't blame me for not leaving a path for you."

With that, he turned around and a cloud of black smoke disappeared.

"Mo Xin, when you went to the village, what did you find?" When Bai Mu saw that Mo Xin was still hiding in the soil, the doubts on his pale face could be clearly seen.

"This village is a little strange. I didn't find anything else." Mohsin shakes his head and leads the way.

"Let's go take a look first. This village is at the foot of the mountain. Aren't there Taoists up there?" If there really is something strange about it, they should be able to sense it. "

Bai Mu followed Mo Xin and before long, they arrived in front of a tiled room. The door of the room was wide open and an 80 year old old old woman was inside, carrying a small wooden bucket. She was walking towards the pigsty beside the house.

When Bai Mu saw this, he hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Granny, are you trying to feed the pigs? Let me help you." As she spoke, she rolled up her sleeves and prepared to pick up the wooden bucket in the old woman's hand.

The old woman raised her head and stared at Bai Mu for a moment with her pitch-black eyes before placing the bucket down. She then nodded her head in agreement.

Bai Mu's heart skipped a beat when he saw the old granny's face. The old lady had the aura of a dying person and her eyes were like a dried up river. The aura of death she gave off caused even Bai Mu, who had seen countless ghosts, to feel slightly fearful.

He subconsciously looked down at the old granny's shadow. When he found her shadow, he let out a sigh of relief.

However, when he looked at the old granny again, Bai Mu couldn't help but think of that strange Daoist Priest. Although he had many doubts, Bai Mu still poured the bucket of pig food into the trough.

"Hur hur, old granny your pig is really fat!" After Bai Mu finished pouring the pig food, he smiled as he looked at the white contents of the pig food. Seeing that the old granny wasn't paying attention to him and was about to leave, Bai Mu hurriedly chased after her.

"Granny, I wish to stay here for the night, I hope Granny …"

Before Bai Mu could finish his sentence, the old woman suddenly turned her head and looked deeply at Bai Mu with her pitch-black eyes. Then, she lowered her head and pointed her walking stick at the inside of the house.

At this moment, Mo Xin was already wearing fluttering white clothes as he stood beside Bai Mu. Because Mo Xin didn't use his spiritual energy in front of this old woman, this old lady naturally couldn't see Mo Xin, who was a ghost. Therefore, Bai Mu signaled Mo Xin to take a look at what was wrong with this old woman.

The old woman brought Bai Mu into a room in the cubicle. Then, she walked out of the cubicle with her walking stick. Since she didn't want to talk much, Bai Mu couldn't ask her any other questions.

He took a look at the room. It was an old-fashioned rural room with no windows. The interior was completely lit by kerosene lamps. He looked at the dimly lit room and then at Mo Xin floating in the air.

"Mo Xin, don't you feel that there's not a single person in this big village?" Bai Mu walked towards the only wooden bed in the room and sat on it. He looked at Mo Xin, who was staring at the door.

Perhaps Mo Xin could tell that Bai Mu was looking at him strangely, but he also knew the habits of humans. Thus, he floated over to the table in the room and sat down like a human. Casually picking up a teacup, he played with it and said, "Indeed, but when I first entered this village, I looked around and didn't find anything strange."

"I don't know if it's my imagination, but I keep having the feeling that the old lady's shadow is a little strange." Bai Mu felt that something was amiss when he thought of how the old granny was different from the other people.

"Brother Bai Mu, please speak." Mo Xin raised his hand to signal Bai Mu to continue speaking.

"When we arrived at this village, the sun had just set, and the sky wasn't completely dark yet. Our shadows were all longer than a person's height, but that old lady's shadows were only half a meter long. Not only were they short, but they were also small.

Mohsin nodded. "I have noticed this as well, but such a small shadow doesn't explain anything else. After all, the world is big and full of wonders. "

"Well, I hope it's as you said. We will only stay here for the night anyway, so we will leave tomorrow." As he spoke, he yawned and fell onto the bed.

"Brother Bai Mu, you rest first. I'll take a walk around this village."

Bai Mu knew that Mo Xin didn't need to sleep so he waved his hand and closed his eyes to sleep.

Mo Xin glanced at Bai Mu before floating towards the wall.

Neither Bai Mu nor Mo Xin noticed that a pair of pitch black eyes was staring at them from the corner of the room.

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