I Want To Be A Buddha/C14 Hojo's knife sound
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I Want To Be A Buddha/C14 Hojo's knife sound
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C14 Hojo's knife sound


An ear-piercing sound suddenly rang into the ears of Bai Mu, who was sleeping soundly. The sound caused even his ears to ring, and Bai Mu was forced to sit up from the bed.

"That sound sounds like …"

With a puzzled expression, Bai Mu looked around the pitch-black room. The kerosene lamp had long been burnt out, and Mo Xin wasn't in the room either.


The sound of a knife being sharpened drifted into Bai Mu's ears once again. This sound of a knife being sharpened made Bai Mu's eyes darken. The sound of the sharpening knife was different from that of ordinary sharpening knives. Bai Mu walked quietly to the door and peeked through the gap in the door. He saw the old woman sharpening a knife on a stone slab.

Under the weak moonlight, a withered hand was holding the handle of the saber, while the other hand seemed to be using all of its strength to hold the blade. Under the weak moonlight, a shriveled hand was holding the handle of the saber, while the other hand seemed to be using all of its strength to hold the blade.

Looking at the mechanical movements of the old woman, Bai Mu felt his scalp go numb.

"Why isn't Mo Xin back yet?" Seeing that Mo Xin wasn't in the room, Bai Mu felt slightly puzzled. Logically speaking, he should have already slept for a while. This amount of time was nothing to a ghost. Wanting to wander around the entire village was an easy task.

However, at this time, Mo Xin had actually disappeared?

After glancing at the room, Bai Mu quietly opened the door and walked out of the hall. The old woman's back was still facing him as she sharpened her knife on the stone floor in the courtyard.

He looked at the sky outside. It should be midnight by now.

"An old man came out to sharpen his saber in the middle of the night without sleeping?" Bai Mu naturally wouldn't believe that this old lady had a habit of sleepwalking. From the first moment he laid eyes on her, he felt that something was off.

Taking advantage of the old granny's back to him, Bai Mu lowered his voice and walked towards her step by step.

As he got closer, the 'chi chi' sound of the sharpening knife made Bai Mu's scalp tingle even more. He had the nagging feeling that the knife wasn't used for cutting vegetables but for killing people.

Bai Mu shuddered as he tried to suppress his overabundance of imagination. When he was one meter away from the old lady, he stopped abruptly.

My god!

A face covered in blood was facing him, and a eyes that was like a dead fish was staring at him. He didn't know if it was just an illusion, but he felt that eye was smiling at him.

When he saw the man's face, Bai Mu could only feel his stomach churning.

The young man with blood all over his face was completely naked, his chest above his head was still intact, and from his stomach to his legs, everything had been cut open by a knife. White internal organs and large intestines were scattered around the old lady.

Bai Mu found it strange that the person's entire body, other than his internal organs and flesh, had no bones. Not only that, his body had been cut open by the saber. Besides his face being stained with blood, there wasn't even a drop of blood.

The sound of the knife suddenly stopped, and the old woman slowly turned around.

Bai Mu frowned as he retreated to a corner in panic.

Under the weak moonlight, the old woman stiffly turned around and grabbed the intestines that were scattered on the ground with her withered, branch-like hands, pulling them into his own hands bit by bit. Bai Mu continuously swallowed his saliva as he watched the old woman's actions.

When she reached the end, the old woman's hand stopped. The tail of the large intestine was connected to the caudal portion of the corpse.

"Gurgle ~ ~" The sound that seemed to echo out from the old woman's throat sounded for a moment, then she picked up the kitchen knife beside her, raised it high, and swung it down, chopping at the corpse's tail without hesitation.

It was as fast as chopping a meatball at home, but at this moment, the meat turned into human flesh. The meaty meat flew everywhere under the sharpened knife, and Bai Mu couldn't take it anymore. He quickly turned around, took a deep breath, and held his chest.

Just as he turned his head, he bumped into the old woman's line of sight. It was precisely because of this gaze that Bai Mu was able to clearly see the old woman's face.

Under the moonlight, the old face that was wrinkled like an orange peel looked as if its flesh and blood had been sucked dry, leaving only a piece of yellow skin covering it.

Fortunately, the old woman only glanced in Bai Mu's direction and didn't stop there. She placed the intestines on the chopping board with her hands and cut them into pieces.

Bai Mu didn't know what sort of mentality he had when he saw the impact in front of his eyes. After the old woman finished slicing the intestines, she slowly placed the clotted intestines into the wooden bucket that Bai Mu had helped her talk about in the afternoon.

After the old woman finished doing all of this, she picked up the wooden bucket and walked step by step towards the pigsty.

What the heck!

Bai Mu finally understood the situation.

There was indeed something wrong with this place!

How could an old woman kill an adult? Not only that, but he was even so freakishly chopping human flesh into pig food?

Glancing at the old woman again, Bai Mu quietly retreated back into the house. If he remembered correctly, this house should have a back door.

Mo Xin hadn't come back for so long, something must have happened!

When Mo Xin saw the strange actions of the villagers, he was about to ask Bai Mu to leave. However, he didn't expect that when he passed by a small hill, he would be tied down by something. No matter what he did, he couldn't leave that place.

It was like he had been hit by a ghost. At this time, a ghost like him had actually been hit by a ghost.

Bai Mu walked out of the old woman's room and headed in the direction of the neighboring house. As Bai Mu had expected, he heard ear-piercing sounds of sharpening knives before he had even entered the room.

Without much thought, Bai Mu walked towards another brightly lit house. Inside the house, there was the sound of sharpening knives and the "Wu Wu" sound of sharpening swords.

"There's a cry?"

Bai Mu glanced at the roof and took a step back. He made a run for it and gently jumped onto the roof. In this courtyard, he saw an old couple and an old man sharpening their sabers with their heads lowered. At their feet was the corpse of a middle-aged woman.

Glancing at the pigsty and the bucket beside the old man, Bai Mu had already guessed the fate of the dead woman.

"Hrm ~ ~"

The sound of something shattering reached Bai Mu's ears. He looked up and saw a seven or eight-year-old boy with his hands tied behind his back. His mouth was stuffed with a piece of cloth.

The old lady was holding a kitchen knife that had been sharpened to a shiny white point. She walked towards the little boy who was tied up step by step. The little boy stared at the approaching weapon with tears in his eyes and kept shrinking towards the corner.

The old woman completely ignored the pleading and fear in the child's eyes. She stopped a step away from the child, bent her body, raised her kitchen knife and chopped at the child's head.

Clang Clang …

The old woman ignored the pain in her hand and mechanically chopped her head towards the kitchen knife on the ground. She raised her head and looked at the person who had knocked down her kitchen knife.

As for the old man who was sharpening the knife, he immediately stood up the moment the kitchen knife landed on the ground. The couple stared at Bai Mu in unison.

Bai Mu couldn't be bothered to dodge the attack. He immediately jumped down from the roof tiles.

"What, you two old men can do anything to a child this young?" Bai Mu smiled as he asked the two old men who had been sucked dry. His steps were unambiguous as he walked towards the stunned little boy.

The couple didn't reply. Instead, they stared fixedly at Bai Mu. Seeing Bai Mu approach the child, the gaze with which they stared at Bai Mu grew slightly angrier. Although these two old men didn't have eyes like the old woman just now, in Bai Mu's eyes, they were in a much better condition than they were now.

This was because the eyes of the two men did not resemble that of a normal person. The pupils within were only the size of a needle. If it wasn't for Bai Mu's good eyesight, he probably wouldn't have been able to see this tiny dot.

When Bai Mu saw these two men with only the whites of their eyes, he had a feeling that these two elders were no longer alive. He lowered his head, however, he could still see two shadows of these two old men.


Seeing that Bai Mu was about to untie the little boy, the two of them rushed over. However, when Bai Mu swept his gaze over them, the two of them seemed to be afraid of something and didn't dare to move forward. He could only use a threatening tone towards Bai Mu.

However, this voice was no longer a human voice, but a beast-like roar.

As he listened to these voices, Bai Mu frowned. There were more and more suspicions about this village. Knowing that the two of them didn't dare to step forward, Bai Mu took out the ball of cloth from the little boy's mouth while guarding against their sudden attacks.

As soon as the ball of cloth was taken, the little boy wailed, "Grandpa, grandma, don't kill me, don't."


Bai Mu turned around and glanced at the two neither human nor ghost elders before picking up the kitchen knife from the ground.

When the little boy saw Bai Mu holding onto the kitchen knife, he subconsciously thought that Bai Mu was going to deal with him. Tears flowed unceasingly as he retreated step by step. As he cried, he prayed to Bai Mu, "Don't, don't kill me!"

Mo Xin was missing and Xiao Qian was still waiting for him to save her. She hadn't even entered the rumored extremely dangerous Nine Nether Maze City when she met this strange village again. Bai Mu was already extremely annoyed.

"Don't cry, if you continue to cry, I'll throw you over to those two old fellows."

Noticing Bai Mu's fierce and impatient gaze, the little boy tried his best to hold back his tears as he nodded his head.

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