I Want To Be A Buddha/C5 Dream?
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I Want To Be A Buddha/C5 Dream?
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C5 Dream?

"Is everything done?" When Xuan Qing and Guan Li knelt in the great hall, the black-haired man on the throne didn't even raise his eyebrows as he asked faintly.

"Reporting to my lord, that man's heart has already been taken away. Subordinate has already confirmed that they are indeed from All Yang. " Xuan Qing respectfully replied.

Guan Li then stepped forward and gave Kai Ye the small porcelain bottle containing the four Yang pillars, and asked: "Master, are we starting now? What else do we need our subordinates to prepare? "

"Isn't Zi's time still half an hour away? "Right, where's Yayan?" As he spoke, he fiddled with the small porcelain bottle, casually asking about something else.

After hesitating for a moment, Guan Li replied, "Master Wizard said that he went on a trip, so he doesn't need to do the rest. He even said that he would congratulate you in advance!"

Carefully looking at the change in his master's expression, Guan Li let out a sigh of relief.

Hearing Guan Li's words, Kai Ye smirked, "Let him be. He really doesn't have anything to do with us after this."

An hour later, Kai Ye placed Bai Mu's heart into a white plate. A bloodthirsty light flashed in the eyes of Kai Ye and the others as they looked at the fresh, blood-red heart.

He opened the stopper of the bottle and started chanting an incantation. The same thing happened again, but this time, the runes and the liquid medicine all rushed towards the heart.

Suddenly, Kai Ye, who was in the midst of chanting, paused for a moment before his eyebrows creased slightly. Following that, he chanted an incantation. At the very start, his vibrant heart turned from a purplish red to a bright red.

He felt as if he was drenched in blood, exuding a strange red color.

At this moment, Bai Mu, who had his heart taken away, felt as if he was in a thick sea of white fog. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get out.

This sense of powerlessness made Bai Mu a little angry. He made up his mind and was about to leave. This will, seemed to be unreasonably firm.

He had just finished chanting the Night Breaking Incantation, and there was not a single drop left of the Magic Liquid in his hand. Just as he was about to sigh with emotion, his bright red heart was sent flying out of the hall uncontrollably.

Kai Ye and the rest were all dumbfounded, especially Kai Ye. He remembered that he didn't use any incantation at all, so how could this heart move on its own?

This was truly strange! Could it be that this was the strangeness of the Four Pillars of All Yang?

"Follow them and take a look." Kai Ye knitted his brows and pondered for a while before instructing the people below.

As for the two of them, they had been following Bai Mu's heart the entire way. However, they felt as if it had a consciousness of its own, directly heading towards the residence of the person who took their heart today.

No matter how suspicious they were, they still had to finish what their master told them. The two of them silently followed the heart to the boy's room. The moment he entered the room, he saw the heart automatically return to the human's heart.

The most surprising thing was that the heart was different from before. Perhaps it was due to the effects of the demonic liquid, but when it entered Bai Mu's chest, a black fog appeared.

It was as if a protective layer had been formed. It wasn't as if a pair of invisible hands had forcefully pulled the heart into Bai Mu's body.

Seeing this, the Profound Blue Guan Li looked at each other in confusion and then jumped down from the window at the same time.

As soon as the two of them left the room, Bai Mu sat up from the bed and patted his chest with some lingering fear in his heart. "Oh my, that feeling just now was as if I was lost in a white mist. This is so scary! "

Ye Zichen wiped away the sweat on his forehead. Right now, his pajamas were mostly done for due to his heart palpitations.

"Ai, it seems that the pressure is really too great." Bai Mu lay back down on his bed and clenched his fist indignantly. "It's all because of those bastards. I'll see how I'll play with you when I've righted myself!"

"Eh? Something's not right. Why does it feel like there's something heavy falling from my chest? It's like … like my heart has a weight! " And then he clapped his head and laughed, "What am I thinking all day? This heart does indeed have a weight, but how can one feel it? "

Even though Bai Mu had said those words, he involuntarily placed his hand on his heart.

Hearing the favorable heartbeats, Bai Mu couldn't help but say, "This is life, right? However, the people who gave me their lives, where are they? "

He sat up again and looked at his feet. There were extra toes growing on his toes. He couldn't help smiling bitterly as he touched them.

"If not for these fingers, would my fate have been different?"

He stretched out his left hand and looked around. There was nothing on it, except for a smooth cut on the side of his pinky finger. Judging from this smooth cut, it should have been cut off a long time ago.

Looking at his right hand, it was the same. However, these traces weren't restored by time like his left hand. It was as if he had been recently cut.

When he was a child, he had a little finger on each side of his little finger. These four fingers had probably become the reason for his parents to abandon him.

Thinking of his fingers being broken when he was a child, that feeling had never been felt before. The right hand is the same, because the right hand's callus is rejected by many companies, the reason being that the person with the callus is the ominous person. For the sake of work, for this so-called grand reason, he had removed the callus on his right hand.

"Hehe, I would really like to see just what kind of unpleasantness this innate callus will bring to people." Staring at his two remaining fingers, Bai Mu said with a smile.

"I want to live a wonderful life and let the world see if there is anything wrong with my Finger!" You two can become my witnesses! " He spoke to his feet half-jokingly and then moved two fingers. He felt that the two fingers were pretty cute, so he laughed out loud when he thought about it.

"What's going on?"

Bai Mu was flabbergasted as he stared at the sudden and uncontrollable movement of his legs. He desperately tried to control his legs, only to discover that he actually walked towards the window uncontrollably.

"Damn, am I being controlled by a ghost?" Could it be that this house of mine is haunted and this ghost wants to kill me? "

Seeing one of his legs hanging by the window, Bai Mu was on the verge of tears.

Bai Mu exerted all his strength to protect the window, but he was unable to endure the sudden urge to "walk". In the next moment, it was a sad scene as Bai Mu stood beside the window.

"Your grandmother!" Bai Mu spat on the ground and closed his eyes.

Then he leaped, a feeling of falling that he had never felt before in his life. Following which, Bai Mu lost the ability to sense himself.

At this time, he had just finished chanting the incantation for Wailing Moon Palace. At the entrance of Weeping Moon Hall, a short-haired man wearing a white shirt appeared.

As for this man, he was none other than Bai Mu.

"Success!?" Staring at the two empty eyes of the short-haired man, all of the subordinates of the Wailing Moon Palace were stunned.

After a while, Kai Ye laughed out loud. "Finally, my business is about to come to fruition. My revenge can now be avenged! "

The Mystical Green Mountain Pass brought along everyone as they yelled "Long live", their excited voices resounding throughout the underground palace.

"Why is it so noisy?"

Bai Mu could only feel his eardrums vibrate. He rubbed his ears, stunned by the sight before him.

The vast and majestic palace was reconstructed, and there was even a freaking abnormal head. There was still blood on the head, and all of them widened their eyes as if they were staring at him.

"Damn, I must be dreaming." Bai Mu patted his own head and nodded firmly. "Yes, jumping off a building just now was just a dream. Coming to this damned place now is also a dream."

At this moment, Bai Mu's actions had a lot of repercussions. Not only that, when Bai Mu saw that there were still ancient people in the palace, all of them were staring at him with widened eyes.

Bai Mu was puzzled. Why did this dream have a sense of reality?

When all the subordinates saw that Bai Mu had returned to his normal state, they sighed in their hearts. "Damn it, we failed again this time."

As for Bai Mu, he hated this dream of his. Thus, he pinched his thigh, hoping to wake up as soon as possible. However, this pinch made Bai Mu want to burst into tears. "Damn it! I was just dreaming, is there really a need for such pain?"

Looking at Bai Mu's bizarre actions, he couldn't help but feel perplexed. "Could it be that I've failed again this time?"

Thinking that it would be extremely difficult to find a four-poster, Kai Ye was even more unwilling to waste it. He silently chanted an incantation and saw that the man who had been touching his body just a moment ago was now unmoving, as if his acupoints had been hit.

Then, when his incantation stopped, the man was actually able to move again.

"Eh, what happened to me just now?" Bai Mu could clearly feel that his movements had become sluggish, but he couldn't figure out what was going on. He only wondered why he couldn't wake up from his dream even though he had been tormenting him like this.

Since he couldn't wake up, he might as well enjoy the dream he created.

As he thought of this, Bai Mu smiled and waved to Kai Ye. "Hey, that guy above, do you know where we are?"

Bai Mu, who had just finished greeting the other party, suddenly felt an earth-shaking roar.

"Bold scum!" You actually dare to be so unreasonable to your master, why don't you just kneel down! "

"Aiyo, aren't you a bit too much of a playboy? No matter what, I am the creator of this dream! " Bai Mu walked forward to pat Xuan Qing on the shoulder. Who knew that his hand would be caught before it could even land on Xuan Qing's shoulder?

Then, a wave of intense pain covered the sky and covered the ground, followed by an overwhelming pain. )

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! Quickly let go, let go!"

Bai Mu was on the verge of tears. Wasn't this dream too weird? Why did it hurt so much that even his soul was destroyed?

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