Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C10 New Mission Unlocked!
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Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C10 New Mission Unlocked!
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C10 New Mission Unlocked!

[New mission activated: Host, you are tasked with selling 50 servings of the Golden Egg Fried Rice Set within one week.]

[Host: Du Binn.]

[Physical Condition: Average.]

[Skill: Divine Egg Fried Rice.]

[Tools: None.]

[Culinary Level: Beginner.]

[Current Mission: Sell 50 servings of the Golden Egg Fried Rice Set.]

Du Binn glanced at the system panel and noted that his culinary level was still beginner. Despite acquiring a new skill, there had been no change in his level.

Du Binn was baffled, unsure of how to advance his culinary level.

Inwardly, he questioned, "How can I increase my cooking level?"

To his surprise, the system responded to Du Binn's silent query, "Level up by completing the system's missions on time."

"But I just finished a mission. Why hasn't my level gone up?"

The system abruptly displayed a message: "Insufficient host level to answer this question."

Du Binn was frustrated. The system's evasive response was as good as getting no answer at all.

As Du Binn mulled over his next steps for leveling up, the system chimed in once more.

[A new mission has been activated. Host, please complete it promptly.]

With the mission alert, Du Binn decided to cut the chatter with the system short. His best course of action was to focus on the mission at hand. Perhaps leveling up required completing a series of missions.

With this in mind, Du Binn checked the reward from the system: a fully automated dishwasher. He positioned the dishwasher in the kitchen, eager to test it out.

He loaded the unwashed dishes into the machine, and with a "ding," it sprang to life autonomously.

In under two minutes, the dishwasher had finished the cycle, including washing, disinfecting, and drying, arranging the dishes neatly afterward, sparing Du Binn any further effort.

Impressed by the appliance, Du Binn couldn't help but commend it, "Hmm, quite impressive. With this dishwasher, I can say goodbye to hand-washing dishes."

He then gazed at his soft, pale hands, destined to be the hands of a culinary genius. They certainly couldn't afford to be marred by the menial task of dishwashing.

As Du Binn was tinkering with the dishwasher in the kitchen, a new customer arrived at the door. The woman, clad in a professional business suit with a limited edition Hermes bag slung over her shoulder, stepped into the courtyard with an air of indifference, her high heels clicking on the ground.

She surveyed the surroundings, her gaze eventually settling on a nearby table. With a frown, she extended her hand to touch the table's surface. Finding it dust-free, her expression softened.

This woman was Jiang Jiafei, a 32-year-old general manager of a large corporation. Today, she had brought her company's top talent for a team-building exercise.

Jiang, a self-made woman of wealth and beauty, had built her company from the ground up, despite coming from a business-oriented family. She had a slight obsession with cleanliness, which made dining out a rare occurrence for her. After struggling through the company-provided meal, she set out in search of a more suitable dining option.

Her quest led her to Du Binn's modest eatery. Though somewhat shabby, the restaurant was spotlessly clean.

"What kind of dishes do you serve here?" she inquired.

"Take a look at our menu and see what you'd like," Du Binn replied, handing her a simple list.

The menu was brief, listing just a couple of options like Sweet Osmanthus Lotus Porridge and Golden Egg Fried Rice. Jiang Jiafei was at a loss for words, torn between amusement and disbelief. She had wanted something simple to minimize contact and ensure cleanliness, but the limited choices were unexpectedly extreme.

"Is this really a restaurant?" Jiang questioned, her skepticism growing.

"Absolutely," Du Binn assured her.

"With only two dishes on the menu? It seems like you're just toying with your customers," she remarked, her dissatisfaction evident in her now stern demeanor.

"So what if it's just two dishes? Don't underestimate them; these two are absolutely top-notch. I guarantee you've never had anything like them before."

Jiang Jiafei couldn't help but chuckle at Du Binn's self-praise. "Boss, aren't you a bit full of yourself? These dishes seem pretty standard. What could possibly be so special about them? Although, I must admit, your prices are certainly extraordinary."

It was only when she glanced at the prices on the menu that her amusement turned to astonishment. The Sweet Osmanthus Lotus Seed Porridge was listed at 5,800 yuan, pricier than the premium bird's nest she was accustomed to. And the Golden Egg Fried Rice? At 530 yuan, it was several times more expensive than a typical meal.

"Look, I know my prices are steep, but you get what you pay for, right? Quality comes with a price."

Du Binn eyed Jiang Jiafei's attire, recognizing she wasn't just anyone. He figured she could handle the cost.

"What's so great about them? Is your Golden Egg Fried Rice actually made with real gold?" Jiang Jiafei said with a hint of sarcasm. Despite Du Binn's confidence, she couldn't shake the feeling he was just a smooth talker, hence her playful jab.

"You must be kidding. If I were using real gold, these dishes would cost a fortune! And you can't exactly fry gold, can you?" Du Binn knew she was ribbing him, but he wasn't bothered. He was more focused on convincing this elegant woman to try his fare.

"If you're so skeptical, why not give them a taste and see for yourself if I'm lying?"

Jiang Jiafei saw right through Du Binn's challenge and wasn't about to take the bait. She was on the verge of calling him out when Song Jia approached, supporting an elderly gentleman.

"Boss, we'll have two bowls of the Sweet Osmanthus Lotus Seed Porridge and two of the Golden Egg Fried Rice, please."

Song Jia's demeanor was noticeably gentler with Du Binn today, probably because of another lecture from the old man after their last visit.

Upon noticing the old man's more courteous demeanor, Du Binn quickly stepped forward to pull out a chair for him.

"Sir, our restaurant has just introduced a Golden Egg Fried Rice combo. Would you like to give it a try?"

"Ah, you're quite the go-getter, aren't you? Whipping up a combo meal so promptly. Sure, let's go with two servings, just as you suggest."

The old man was filled with anticipation, keen to be among the first to sample Du Binn's latest offering. Price was no object to him; he immediately ordered two servings.

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