Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C11 Gold Egg Fried Rice Set
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Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C11 Gold Egg Fried Rice Set
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C11 Gold Egg Fried Rice Set

Jiang Jiafei couldn't help but murmur under her breath, "It's clear as day—he's a sham."

Her comment, though whispered, didn't escape Song Jia's ears.

Song Jia, with her high-society temperament, couldn't stand such an affront. She confronted Jiang Jiafei, demanding, "What's with your tone? Who are you calling a sham?"

Jiang Jiafei shot Song Jia a withering look and dismissed her with silence, her eyes brimming with contempt.

Infuriated, Song Jia moved to confront Jiang Jiafei physically, but Du Binn quickly intervened, pulling Song Jia aside. "Let's not get worked up. I'll handle this. Just take a moment to cool down," he urged.

Turning to Jiang Jiafei, Du Binn continued, "Miss, your words are quite harsh. She's here to dine, just like you. There's no need for such cruelty. If you're skeptical, give it a try. If you're still unconvinced, you're free to leave. There's no need to cast aspersions on others."

Du Binn's frustration grew with each word. He was eager to sell more servings of his Egg Fried Rice to get home early, but not at the cost of his reputation.

The elder listened to Du Binn and gently shook his head, realizing that Jiang Jiafei was likely taken aback by Du Binn's pricing, just like they were before.

Never having faced such rudeness, Jiang Jiafei's anger flared. "What kind of establishment are you running here? Driving customers away, the very idea is outrageous!"

"Please watch your language, dear customer," Du Binn retorted. "I haven't asked you to leave. You're the one refusing to eat and slandering my guest. If my prices don't suit you, feel free to dine elsewhere. I can't cater to your extravagant expectations."

Du Binn's patience had worn thin. He had no desire to engage further with someone so unreasonably contentious.

"Who said I'm put off by your prices? I'll be the judge of whether your food is worth it. Serve me the Golden Egg Fried Rice Set. And if it's not up to scratch, you'll be compensating me."

"No problem, I'm on it—I'll whip up the Golden Egg Fried Rice Set for you right away."

Du Binn's face was lit with a grin. A little goading was all it took for Jiang Jiafei to take the bait. He was determined to impress Jiang Jiafei with his Golden Egg Fried Rice Set.

"Old Master, if you could kindly wait a moment, I'll start on your meal."

After acknowledging the old master with a nod, Du Binn headed to the kitchen. At that moment, he was still in a fog, clueless about the components of the set meal the system had tasked him to sell. If he guessed wrong, completing the task would be a tall order. So, Du Binn silently pleaded for guidance from the system in his mind.

"System, system..."

Yet the system remained unresponsive. Anxious, Du Binn called out again, "System, you've got to tell me what's in this Golden Egg Fried Rice Set. How am I supposed to finish the task without knowing?"

Silence. The system gave no indication it had heard Du Binn's plea.

With a helpless shake of his head, Du Binn decided to start by making the Sweet Osmanthus Rice.

But just as he finished the Sweet Osmanthus Rice, the system finally chimed in.

Ding! A gentle prompt from the system announced: The Golden Egg Fried Rice Set includes a bowl of seaweed soup and a plate of secret-recipe radishes.

Before Du Binn could inquire about the preparation, the system went silent.

"What a piece of junk, vanishing before it's done explaining—how am I supposed to work with this?"

Du Binn grumbled internally while sitting down to tackle the Golden Egg Fried Rice.

Thanks to the system's provided kitchenware, the cooking time was halved, and the Golden Egg Fried Rice was quickly ready.

Du Binn plated the dish and placed it on the tray, where, to his astonishment, the seaweed soup and secret-recipe radishes had appeared.

Staring at the complete Golden Egg Fried Rice Set before him, Du Binn couldn't help but marvel.

So that was it—the system had ignored his questions about the set meal because it didn't require his preparation; the system had it all arranged. This was a real time-saver.

"Old Master, your meal is served. Please enjoy."

Du Binn first delivered the elder's meal before bringing over Jiang Jiafei's order.

"Here's the Golden Egg Fried Rice you requested. Enjoy your meal."

Jiang Jiafei eyed the Golden Egg Fried Rice Du Binn set before her and scoffed, "It looks like a regular bowl of egg fried rice to me. I doubt it's any different from what's available elsewhere."

With a dismissive glance, she added, "Charging such a steep price for this? Your place must be a rip-off."

"Lady, you're free to critique the food, but let's not jump to conclusions. Our prices are clearly listed, and we're certainly not the kind of establishment you're suggesting. Besides, you haven't even tasted it yet. How can you judge whether my Golden Egg Fried Rice Set is the same as any other?" Du Binn responded, thumping his chest confidently. "I assure you, you won't find a meal like this in any other restaurant."

Seeing Du Binn's unwavering confidence, Jiang Jiafei felt an unexpected urge to try the Golden Egg Fried Rice.

"Fine, I'll give your Golden Egg Fried Rice a shot today. If it turns out to be average, I'll have your signboard taken down."

"Go ahead and taste it. I guarantee your satisfaction," Du Binn replied.

Jiang Jiafei then took her first bites of Du Binn's Golden Egg Fried Rice.

Each grain was enveloped in a rich golden egg coating, fluffy and non-sticky, with a sweet, tender texture that melted in her mouth, releasing a distinctive aroma.

Internally, Jiang Jiafei couldn't help but admit, "It's truly exquisite. No wonder he was so sure of himself."

Having sampled many gourmet dishes and being a frequent patron of five-star hotels, she had to agree with Du Binn—she had never encountered a meal quite like this.

Noticing the smile on Jiang Jiafei's face, Du Binn approached and asked gently, "So, what do you think? I didn't overpromise, did I? Is the meal to your liking?"

Caught off guard by Du Binn's direct question, Jiang Jiafei quickly masked her smile and met his gaze with a cool stare, "It's decent, but it's not as exceptional as you claimed."

Deep down, Jiang Jiafei actually held Du Binn in high regard, but her pride made her say things that went against her true feelings.

Just then, Song Jia from the next table unexpectedly chimed in. "Grandpa, do you feel a lot better after having the Golden Egg Fried Rice Set? It seems like the fatigue from earlier has vanished, doesn't it?"

Song Jia gazed at the elderly man with a hint of astonishment. She had been exhausted from trekking up the mountain path before arriving, but now, after indulging in the Golden Egg Fried Rice Set, she felt a surprising lightness in her body.

"Absolutely, I feel the same way," the old man replied with a smile, nodding in agreement. He had already experienced a soothing relief after savoring the osmanthus lotus seed porridge, so he harbored no skepticism about the restorative powers of the Golden Egg Fried Rice.

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