Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C13 Completing the Mission ahead of Time
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Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C13 Completing the Mission ahead of Time
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C13 Completing the Mission ahead of Time

Jiang Jiafei's team was in the midst of a team-building exercise nearby. Providing them with the Golden Egg Fried Rice Set could not only satisfy their basic needs but also boost their training efficiency.

Earlier that morning, as she observed the training session, Jiang noted the new recruits' poor physical condition; they were worn out in no time. A meal that could alleviate their fatigue would surely enhance the training experience.

"Boss, if your Golden Egg Fried Rice Set truly helps with fatigue, I'd like to place an order for my employees' meals," she proposed.

At Jiang's words, Du Binn's face brightened. He had been concerned about finding buyers for the fifty sets of Golden Egg Fried Rice, and now an order had practically fallen into his lap.

Yet, it was rare for a boss to spring for such a premium meal for their staff. Curious, Du Binn inquired, "Where might your employees be?"

Jiang pointed not far off. "They're over there, engaged in a team-building exercise. If your dish is effective, it could really benefit their training."

Du Binn hadn't expected business to come knocking so swiftly. "If you're skeptical, why not try out a serving for your employees first?" he suggested.

Jiang agreed with Du Binn's logic. After a moment's thought, she pulled out her phone and dialed her assistant. "Wang, get down to the small village south of the base, and make it quick—I'm giving you ten minutes."

With the call ended, Jiang turned back to Du Binn. "Boss, I'll take one serving of the Golden Egg Fried Rice Set."

"Coming right up," Du Binn replied, setting to work.

He couldn't help but admire Jiang's decisiveness.

Meanwhile, Wang on the other end of the line was baffled by the abrupt command. Knowing better than to keep Jiang waiting and risk her wrath—and his job—he dashed off towards the base's southern end without a second thought.

Ten minutes later, a young man in his twenties arrived, gasping for breath.

"Mr. Jiang, CEO Jiang, what did you need to see me for?"

"Go ahead and eat this bowl of Golden Egg Fried Rice," Jiang Jiafei said as she slid the dish toward Wang.

Wang was baffled. He had rushed over, thinking Jiang Jiafei was in some kind of trouble, only to find out she just wanted him to eat.

With a furrowed brow, Wang picked up the Golden Egg Fried Rice.

Jiang Jiafei watched him intently, making Wang feel self-conscious. He glanced at her sheepishly and said, "CEO Jiang, with you watching me like this, I'm a bit too nervous to eat."

"Enough with the chatter; just eat when I tell you to," she snapped.

Jiang Jiafei was eager to witness the effects of the Golden Egg Fried Rice, and her assistant's dawdling was testing her patience, causing her temper to flare.

Seeing Jiang Jiafei's irritation, Wang clammed up and began to eat heartily.

With the first bite of Golden Egg Fried Rice, Wang's eyes popped. He stared at the dish in front of him, incredulous.

"This is incredibly tasty. I've never had Egg Fried Rice this good before. Thank you, CEO Jiang."

He continued to eat, spooning another mouthful of the Golden Egg Fried Rice, his mood lifting with each bite, the earlier reprimand from Jiang Jiafei forgotten.

"So, how does it feel?" Jiang Jiafei asked eagerly once he finished.

"CEO Jiang, this rice is amazing. How did you come across this place?"

"I wasn't asking about the taste. I meant, are you experiencing anything else?"

Wang was stumped by Jiang Jiafei's question. He didn't grasp her meaning and was afraid to speak out of turn, so he just looked at her, puzzled.

An old man nearby intervened, "Young man, try the soup and the side dishes as well, then see how you feel."

Taking the old man's advice, Wang nodded and finished the rest of his meal.

Jiang Jiafei, with a look of concern, pressed him, "Now, any different feelings?"

"CEO Jiang, I feel so much lighter and the fatigue is gone. What's going on?"

Wang was hesitant, unsure if his observation was appropriate, but he genuinely felt the weariness had disappeared, though he couldn't explain why.

Jiang Jiafei, hearing Wang's comments, let out a rare laugh, catching Wang off guard. Known for her seriousness, her laughter today was completely out of character.

Unconcerned with Wang's reaction, Jiang Jiafei turned to Du Binn and exclaimed, "Boss, your Golden Egg Fried Rice is miraculous. I'd like to order sixty servings, and I'd appreciate delivery."

She handed over a gold card to Du Binn, "Go ahead and charge it."

Du Binn was astounded by the swift completion of his task. He had planned to promote his dish, but now it seemed unnecessary.

After swiping her card, Jiang Jiafei departed. Wang then asked, "CEO Jiang, how did the chef make that Golden Egg Fried Rice so magical?"

"Do you think they'd reveal their secret recipe? That's proprietary information," she replied.

Jiang Jiafei understood the importance of keeping trade secrets, much like in their own business dealings.

"Wang, do you think the Golden Egg Fried Rice Set is worth six hundred and eighty-eight yuan?"

Caught up in the meal, Wang hadn't glanced at the price, assuming it was the usual cost for fried rice, and was stunned by the actual price.

"What? Six hundred and eighty-eight yuan for one set?"

His eyes nearly bulged out in shock.

"Don't make such a fuss. It's not just any fried rice; it has unique benefits," Jiang Jiafei said, convinced of its value. She was willing to pay even more for food with special effects.

Wang, unfamiliar with the extravagant lifestyles of the wealthy and Jiang Jiafei's world, could only nod in agreement.

Meanwhile, the elderly gentleman settled his bill and departed. Du Binn loaded the dishes into the dishwasher and set about tallying the day's earnings.

Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission. Since the host has finished the task early, Du Binn is awarded a one-time upgrade of any item of his choice.

A new mission has been activated: the host must gather five hundred popularity points within the next two weeks.

Hearing the system's prompt left Du Binn somewhat bewildered. What exactly did it mean to 'upgrade any item'? And what were 'popularity points'?

"System, can you explain what 'upgrade any item' means? Does it imply I can upgrade anything I choose?" Du Binn couldn't resist inquiring.

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