Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C17 Delicious Dish That Cannot be Stopped
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Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C17 Delicious Dish That Cannot be Stopped
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C17 Delicious Dish That Cannot be Stopped

"Instructor Wang, we're all good, just out for a stroll to take in the scenery," said the woman who had earlier pulled Zhang Jiahao aside. She offered Instructor Wang a reassuring smile, her composure surpassing that of Zhang Jiahao.

Instructor Wang surveyed the group with a contemplative nod before asking, "Aren't you going inside?"

"No, we'll stay out here. You go ahead," she replied.

She chose not to disclose the shop's situation to Instructor Wang, preferring he discover the steep prices for himself.

After a moment's pause, Instructor Wang nodded again and made his way into Du Binn's shop.

"What's on the menu here, boss?" he inquired.

"Here's the menu for you to look over," Du Binn responded, passing it to him and then standing back to observe quietly.

Instructor Wang scanned the menu, noting the mere four dishes listed at exorbitant prices. He didn't react as dramatically as the others had, instead examining the menu closely.

"It's no surprise the employees were gathered outside earlier, likely deterred by these hefty prices," he mused to himself.

None of the others had mentioned the costliness within, probably hoping to watch him embarrass himself. But Instructor Wang was worldly and not easily flustered.

In reality, Instructor Wang wasn't there to train; his role was oversight and management, serving as Jiang Jiafei's secretary. With Jiang Jiafei having departed first, she left Secretary Wang behind to report the daily happenings, hence his mistaken identity as an instructor among the staff.

"Boss, this Golden Egg Fried Rice seems quite unique. Do you offer delivery?" Secretary Wang inquired.

He had previously savored the lunch Jiang Jiafei had arranged for them, the lustrous Golden Egg Fried Rice leaving an indelible impression. It was the finest meal he'd ever had, which is why the dish caught his eye immediately.

Yet, he couldn't be certain that Jiang Jiafei had ordered the Golden Egg Fried Rice from this place, given the lofty prices. After all, they had arrived in a group of sixty.

Should Jiang Jiafei have placed an order for Golden Egg Fried Rice here, the cost would certainly have exceeded their budget.

"We offer delivery, but it's only cost-effective for large orders. Just one or two servings wouldn't make sense."

Du Binn gestured towards his restaurant before continuing, "As you can see, I'm the only one running this little place. If I were to go out for deliveries, I'd be swamped."

Secretary Wang glanced around the quiet, empty restaurant and managed a weak smile.

It wasn't surprising that no one was dining on such pricey fare, but the idea of the owner being too busy to deliver was amusing.

"Boss, have you previously delivered the Golden Egg Fried Rice set to the training base?"

The more Secretary Wang thought about it, the more something seemed off. The Egg Fried Rice he had before closely resembled the dish on the menu, both shimmering with a golden hue. Achieving such an effect with ordinary Egg Fried Rice would be quite a feat.

Given that the dish was named Golden Egg Fried Rice, the owner must have a knack for making it so.

"Indeed, I delivered sixty servings at a time. Are you the manager there? Are you looking to place another order?"

Du Binn quickly surmised Secretary Wang's role.

But that wasn't surprising. Secretary Wang's demeanor suggested a connection to the training base.

"Is that so? The Golden Egg Fried Rice we enjoyed before came from here?" Secretary Wang exclaimed, slapping the table.

His outburst startled not only Du Binn but also Zhang Jiahao, who was eavesdropping at the entrance.

"Yes, that's correct," Du Binn replied, eyeing Secretary Wang with a hint of bewilderment.

He hadn't expected the man's astonishment to stem from a previous delivery rather than the steep prices.

Meanwhile, Secretary Wang stood there, dumbstruck, equally astonished that his boss would splurge on such an expensive lunch for them.

"Are you going to eat or not? If not, please don't disrupt my business."

Du Binn, noting Secretary Wang's prolonged silence, prompted him.

Jolted by Du Binn's nudge, Secretary Wang looked at him, astonishment written all over his face, and said, "Your Golden Egg Fried Rice is truly exquisite. We were all raving about it after the last time. Boss, you've got some serious skills."

"Thanks for the compliment. What can I get for you today?"

Du Binn, with the door wide open, wasn't in the habit of turning away a smiling face, especially not after Secretary Wang had just complimented his cooking. He didn't want to send him packing, but at the same time, he wasn't keen on letting him linger and chew the fat.

"I was passing by earlier and caught a whiff of something delicious. What's the special today?"

Secretary Wang's visit was driven by the desire for that tantalizing aroma he had encountered. Though he had been inquiring about other matters, his primary goal hadn't slipped his mind.

"Oh, the dish you're referring to? I just took some Soup Dumplings out of the steamer. Care to try them? I guarantee they'll hit the spot."

"Sure, serve me up a basket, please."

Price was the least of Secretary Wang's concerns. Having previously savored Du Binn's Golden Egg Fried Rice, he had full confidence in his culinary prowess. Plus, the scent that had ensnared his senses was too enticing to resist, regardless of cost.

"Coming right up! Just give me a moment to get those buns for you."

Du Binn was pleasantly surprised by Secretary Wang's eagerness, which quickly dissolved any prior irritation he had felt.

As Du Binn turned toward the kitchen, in came Zhang Jiahao. Before Du Binn could inquire, Zhang Jiahao spoke up.

"Boss, I'll have a basket of those buns too."

Having eavesdropped on the exchange between Secretary Wang and Du Binn, Zhang Jiahao's skepticism about Du Binn's skills had vanished. After spreading the word, he made his way over.

"Weren't you just complaining about the price? What changed your mind?" Du Binn asked, eyeing Zhang Jiahao skeptically.

Zhang Jiahao's face flushed with embarrassment, blindsided by Du Binn's blunt call-out in front of Secretary Wang.

Annoyed, Zhang Jiahao shot back, "What's it to you? Can't a guy change his mind?"

"Of course, I never said you couldn't."

Du Binn chuckled at Zhang Jiahao's discomfort.

"Just a sec, and I'll have your order out."

Acknowledging Secretary Wang with a nod, Zhang Jiahao then made his way to another table.

Before long, Du Binn arrived with two baskets of steamed buns.

"Your buns are ready. Please, take your time and enjoy," he said.

The aroma of the buns was irresistible, and Zhang Jiahao found himself salivating. Without a word, he grabbed a bun and held it to his lips, blowing gently to cool it.

"Huff, huff, huff..."

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