Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C2 I Guarantee You a Yearly Income of a Million
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Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C2 I Guarantee You a Yearly Income of a Million
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C2 I Guarantee You a Yearly Income of a Million

"So fragrant?"

He, a connoisseur of global delicacies, was astounded.

Eagerly, he grabbed a spoon and took a taste.

The porridge was velvety, dissolving instantly upon touching his tongue.

The crisp aroma was intoxicating, enveloping him in comfort as if he were nestled in a bamboo grove in June.


With that, the elderly man eagerly slurped it down. Had it not been for his ingrained manners, he might have lifted the pot and guzzled it down.

The bamboo shoots were cool and crisp, surpassing even the fare at five-star hotels.

This was truly a feast fit for royalty.

In comparison, all previous meals seemed as bland as swine feed.

Soong Jiayi's cooking was indeed sublime!

Suddenly, the courtyard was filled only with the clinking of dishes.

Ding! The host has opened for business. Mission activated: Sell two servings of the Lily and Lotus Seed Porridge with Osmanthus set. Reward: One recipe and thirty points.

A new mission has been triggered. The host must sell one hundred servings of the Lily and Lotus Seed Porridge with Osmanthus set within a week for a substantial reward.

Du Binn browsed the system shop, eyeing the various recipes and their associated points.

Twenty points weren't much, but they were enough to purchase a few homestyle recipes.

Du Binn closed the shop and accessed the system panel.

Host: Du Binn.

Skills: None.

Cookware: One set of black iron cooking utensils.

Cooking level: Beginner.

Points: Twenty.

Watching the two devour their meal with abandon, Du Binn felt the upcoming mission might not be so daunting after all.

"Young man, you've got some serious cooking talent."

The old man, having polished off his meal, looked at the clean plate, feeling a touch embarrassed. He reached for a napkin to wipe his mouth.

"I've never had porridge this good before. How do you make it?"

"Start with spring water, add lilies and lotus seeds, then simmer. Place bamboo leaves on the lid to infuse the aroma..."

Du Binn shared openly, knowing that even with the recipe, replicating the flavor was another matter entirely.

His ingredients were all rewards from the system, impossible to replicate on the outside.

"Come with me. How would you like to be my personal chef?" Elder Song extended an offer to Du Binn.

A personal chef?

Out of the question. He aspired to be a culinary deity.

Besides, leaving the village would render his system virtually obsolete.

"Thanks for the generous offer, but I'm afraid I have no intention of leaving. You're both welcome to dine here, but that's as far as it goes."

Elder Song hadn't anticipated a refusal and dangled another carrot, "Your culinary skills are decent, but what do you really earn out here? Join me, and you're looking at an annual income of a million yuan."

"And as my honored guest, you'll also get a Ferrari."

A million yuan a year was beyond Du Binn's wildest dreams.

Such lavish gestures showed how highly the elder esteemed his cooking.

Yet, Du Binn remained resolute in his refusal.

Soong Jiayi witnessed her grandfather being rebuffed twice, a first for her. She arched an eyebrow and challenged, "Do you realize how many people would jump at the chance to cook for us? Don't be foolish. You've impressed us today, but do you expect to keep getting lucky?"

"A job that pays a million yuan a year doesn't come around often," she added, her voice edged with frustration.

"Your offer is appreciated, but my ambitions lie elsewhere."

Frustrated by Du Binn's obstinance, the grandfather and granddaughter stormed off.

Stepping outside, Soong Jiayi gaped at her grandfather, striding away in a huff, faster than she'd ever seen.

He had needed assistance walking earlier, yet now he was outpacing her after just one meal.

Could the porridge have healing powers beyond soothing a cough?

She hurried after him, mouth covered in astonishment, planning to get him checked out.

If it turned out that meal had indeed improved her grandfather's health, she'd go to any lengths to bring that chef back with her, even if it meant resorting to force.

Watching the two figures disappear into the distance, Du Binn couldn't help but sigh. Who wouldn't want to rake in the big bucks?

Sadly, the system wouldn't allow it.

"I should really spruce up the shop if I make some more money."

Surveying the decor of his establishment, Du Binn sighed again, wondering if those two would ever return.

Just then, a charming figure entered the courtyard.

"Xiaoying, what brings you here?"

It was Lee Xiaoying, the village chief's daughter.

"My dad just got back from a meeting in town. They're launching an entrepreneurship support program for the village, with a grant of fifty thousand yuan. Your place is the only one around with any buzz, so he sent me to see if you're interested."

Du Binn glanced at the large courtyard. Only two customers in over a year, and she claimed it had a buzz? He had to admire her talent for spinning tales.

Lee Xiaoying, catching the emptiness of the courtyard, looked somewhat embarrassed. "Don't lose heart, Binn. Your prices might be steep, but I'm sure people will eventually discover your incredible culinary talent. Before you know it, they'll be lining up to pay for your cooking."

Du Binn recognized her words for the comfort they were meant to provide.

To the entire village, opening a restaurant here with sky-high prices seemed like madness.

"Thanks for Uncle Lee's good will."

Seeing Du Binn's smile, Lee Xiaoying's face lit up with delight. "My dad's planning to gather everyone in the village tomorrow. Anyone with a business or a business idea should come. He'll pick one to support. You've got to be there."

"Don't worry about Zhang Er and the rest. Their misjudgment is on them, not you."

"This was the last thing my father entrusted to me before he passed away," Du Binn shared.

Lee Xiaoying fell silent, realizing she had inadvertently reminded him of his loss, and quickly excused herself.

Over a year ago, an old classmate of Du Binn's father had come back to the village boasting of big earnings and plans to invest in rural ventures, even coaxing others to join in.

Everyone in the family had pooled all their savings in hopes of making money, but shockingly, the man they trusted took off with the entire sum. Since Du Binn had been introduced by Old Man Du, the villagers unanimously sent him to reclaim the funds. Tragically, while traversing treacherous terrain in his search, Old Man Du met his end in a traffic accident.

With his dying breath, Old Man Du confessed to Du Binn that his misplaced trust in a scoundrel had led to this disaster. He felt a profound sense of guilt towards the villagers and implored Du Binn to settle his debts on his behalf.

Yet, Du Binn, having dropped out of school and returned home, was burdened with a ludicrous Chef God System that demanded outrageously priced dishes, resulting in a lack of customers. Over the past year, Du Binn endured scorn from his fellow villagers and faced extortion from the likes of Zhang Er. Without the protection of Village Head Lee and others, he might have lost the small eatery his parents had left him.

"But now, things are looking up. I'm sure Soong Jiayi and the rest won't be able to hold back, and I'm bound to make a substantial profit," he mused optimistically.

The following day, at the crack of dawn, Du Binn made his way to Village Head Lee's home at the entrance of the village.

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