Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C21 Business Stopped
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Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C21 Business Stopped
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C21 Business Stopped

"Uncle Wang, you in?" called out Du Binn before he even reached the doorstep.

The door stood ajar, yet no response came from inside. Du Binn figured Uncle Wang must be so engrossed in his work that he hadn't heard him, so he strode in confidently.

Sure enough, Uncle Wang was hard at work, surrounded by a fresh array of tables and chairs filling the courtyard.

"Du Binn, you've arrived! Take a look and tell me if these tables and chairs meet your expectations," Uncle Wang said, setting aside his work as Du Binn entered.

Du Binn surveyed the furniture Uncle Wang had crafted and felt a surge of satisfaction.

"Uncle Wang, you've outdone yourself. These pieces are exactly to my liking."

"As long as they suit you, that's what matters. This last set is ready. You can haul them back tomorrow."

A weight lifted from Uncle Wang's shoulders. He had been pressing Du Binn to check on the furniture, ready to make adjustments if they weren't to Du Binn's taste.

But Du Binn had been completely relaxed about it, not once coming to inspect, entrusting all decisions to Uncle Wang, even encouraging him to follow his own judgment on the final look.

Du Binn's trust in Uncle Wang's skills had spurred him to take extra care in his work.

"Great, I'll be by first thing in the morning to pick them up."

While lifting a chair, Du Binn remarked, "Uncle Wang, this isn't just any craftsmanship – these carvings could pass for the real thing."

Admiring the intricate carvings, Du Binn couldn't help but praise the work.

"Nonsense, it's just years of practice. But I'll tell you, my skills are nothing compared to your cooking. Your culinary talents are truly exceptional."

Uncle Wang replied with humility, but his words were heartfelt. Since tasting Du Binn's Golden Egg Fried Rice, he hadn't found any meal that matched its flavor, and it lingered in his memory.

As Du Binn and Uncle Wang enjoyed their conversation, back at Du Binn's little eatery, chaos had ensued.

The first to arrive at the restaurant were Song Jia and the elder gentleman. They had been tied up with errands earlier in the day, which made them late, only to find that Du Binn's place was unexpectedly closed.

"Grandpa, what could be so important that the owner would skip out on business?" Song Jia inquired, glancing back at the gathering crowd.

"I'm not sure. It's lunchtime, and this place should be bustling," the old man replied, equally puzzled. He observed the steadily growing throng of people and let out a sigh. "Ah, I've always said the owner is a real gem. Such a shame..." He trailed off, shaking his head. Despite his efforts to persuade Du Binn to cater exclusively for him, it was clear Du Binn had bigger plans.

The old man could empathize with Du Binn, though. With Du Binn's exceptional culinary talent, the old man was confident that someone so capable would surely carve out their own success.

Meanwhile, other patrons who had come for a meal took note of the sign. They held onto hope that Du Binn might return to open up shop for the lunch rush—nobody likes to miss out on a thriving business.

Time flew by, and by noon, Du Binn's restaurant was packed with people. Each person muttered their thoughts upon reading the notice.

"What's the deal? It's the middle of the day and they're not open? I drove all the way here and have to head back to work soon," grumbled a man in a business suit, glancing impatiently at his watch.

"The notice clearly states that the owner had urgent matters and will only open in the evening," a woman interjected, her voice tinged with disappointment. She had hoped Du Binn might open by noon, but it seemed unlikely now.

"They were open this morning, so why shut down at noon?" lamented the old man who had enjoyed the Soup Dumplings earlier. He had made a special trip back with his wife for those very dumplings, only to be greeted by a closed door.

"It was open this morning? Then why close now?" The businessman disregarded the notice on the door and pressed for answers.

"Who knows?" the old man said with a shrug. "I had the Soup Dumplings this morning, and they were absolutely divine. That's why I brought my wife back for more." He shook his head in resignation. Indeed, the best culinary delights are often those you stumble upon when you least expect it.

"Soup dumplings? Has the boss rolled out a new item?" Song Jia's face registered shock as he stared at the elderly man speaking.

His mood was already sour from skipping breakfast, and learning he had missed out on a new dish only soured it further.

Du Binn had promised his grandfather he'd be the first to know about any new offerings, yet here they were, the last to find out while everyone else had already sampled the novelty.

"Absolutely, those soup dumplings are incredibly tasty," the old man enthused, oblivious to Song Jia's darkening mood as he continued to sing their praises.

Soon, the morning crowd who had savored the soup dumplings arrived, still not sated from their earlier indulgence and eager for a second helping. They had no choice but to return at noon, only to be met with disappointment upon seeing the notice.

As the old man extolled the virtues of the soup dumplings, others chimed in, their conversation buzzing with enthusiasm. Their earlier frustrations dissipated, replaced by the pangs of hunger.

"Enough with the compliments, my stomach's protesting here," grumbled the man in the suit, patting his belly. His hunger, exacerbated by the chorus of praise for the dumplings, was now unbearable.

But the tide of admiration for the dumplings soon turned to a wave of criticism towards Du Binn.

"What's the boss thinking, shutting down shop at noon?"

"Who knows? I haven't even had my breakfast yet."

The old man, unable to wait any longer and concerned for his wife's empty stomach, spoke up, "Let's not waste our time here. It looks like the young chef won't be opening until evening."

His words struck a chord; the notice had clearly stated evening hours, but hope had kept them waiting, wishing for the boss's arrival. As time passed without a sign of him, their hope faded.

Disheartened, the crowd began to disperse, though some couldn't shake off their irritation, muttering complaints as they left.

"To walk away from such a thriving business... what's going on in the boss's head? Could he have made enough money already?"

"Why the alarm? The sign clearly states they're opening in the evening. You made it sound so dire, anyone would think they were shutting down for good without knowing any better."

"Exactly. Ugh, if it weren't for the tasty meals here, I'd have been long gone."

"I'm with you. The owner's culinary skills are top-notch. I've yet to find another restaurant that comes close."

As people nodded in agreement, they dispersed.

From a distance, Wang Jianqiang noticed the commotion. By the time he rushed over, the crowd had nearly dissipated, leaving only Song Jia and her grandfather.

Approaching quickly, Wang Jianqiang asked with concern, "Grandpa, what was all the fuss about just now?"

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