Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C23 The Words from the Heart
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Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C23 The Words from the Heart
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C23 The Words from the Heart

Admittedly, I was at fault, and I sincerely apologize to the elder and Song Jia.

"My apologies, sir. I was wrong, and I offer my sincere regrets."

The elder was quite amiable. Upon seeing Du Binn bow, he quickly lifted him up, saying, "No need for that, young man. We're here today with the hopes of tasting your famous steamed buns."

Licking his lips in anticipation, the elder added, "I've heard your steamed buns are exceptional. I'm curious if I'll have the pleasure of trying them tonight."

"I'm sorry, sir, but the steamed buns are only available in the morning. Unfortunately, you won't be able to have them tonight."

Du Binn had no intention of making an exception for the elder. Despite feeling somewhat remorseful, he believed in sticking to his principles.

Song Jia was taken aback by the outcome and lost her temper. "What are you saying? You're telling me there are no steamed buns tonight? Do you realize how long we've waited for you?"

Her face turned a shade of iron, her eyes wide with fury. "Look at my grandfather's age. He waited all this time for your steamed buns, and now you say there are none? What are you trying to say?"

Song Jia was beyond furious, having expected Du Binn to make an exception for her elderly grandfather, but he remained unyielding.

"I'm sorry, I'm at fault, but the shop has its rules, which I cannot break. If you'd like to try the buns, you'll need to come back tomorrow morning."

"What did you just say?"


Song Jia was cut off by her grandfather's stern voice.

"What have I always told you at home? What kind of behavior is this?"

"Grandpa, I..."

"Enough, go home and think about your actions."

The elder began to cough violently, agitated by Song Jia's outburst. Concerned, Song Jia quickly supported her grandfather. "Grandpa, I'm so sorry. This is my fault."

"How many times have I told you... to be kind to others? Why don't you ever listen?"

"Grandpa, I'm sorry. I promise to change my ways. Please, don't speak anymore."

Song Jia stroked her grandfather's chest as tears streamed down her face.

Du Binn stood to the side, his heart softening. "Shall I make a batch of steamed buns for you and your grandpa?"

"Yes, please do. Look what your anger has done to him."

As she wept, Song Jia implored Du Binn, "And bring my grandpa a bowl of sweet osmanthus and lotus seed porridge."

Du Binn couldn't help but smile at the sight of Song Jia's tear-streaked makeup. Despite her occasional haughtiness, she was endearing.

"What's so funny? Get going already."

"Alright, alright, I'm on it. Just give me a moment."

Du Binn started with the sweet osmanthus porridge, concerned about the old man's persistent cough and not wanting his condition to worsen, especially since the porridge had special healing properties.

"Grandpa, have some porridge first. The steamed buns will be ready soon."

Song Jia hurriedly took the porridge, carefully blew on a spoonful, and gently fed it to her grandfather.

"Grandpa, drink this. You'll feel better in no time."

Worry etched on her face, Song Jia watched as her grandfather sipped the porridge and instantly felt relief.

Once the old man's coughing eased, the enticing aroma from the kitchen filled the air.

The old man couldn't help but exclaim, "Ah, truly scrumptious."

Song Jia bristled at his words. "Grandpa, you've only just tasted it. How can you know it's truly delicious?"

"Don't you know the chef's skills? If the aroma is this enticing, imagine the taste. Plus, didn't you hear the lunch crowd's compliments?"

Though Song Jia inwardly respected Du Binn, she outwardly remained stubborn. She had heard the lunchtime praises for Du Binn's steamed buns but still sought to find fault.

"Here we go, your steamed buns are ready. Enjoy."

"Boss, we've heard plenty of good things about your steamed buns at lunch." Song Jia picked up a bun and added, "I'm just curious if they live up to their reputation."

As the conversation reached this point, Song Jia cast a disdainful glance at Du Binn.

With a slight smile, Du Binn responded, "You'll know it's as good as its name once you try it."

Remembering the wasted afternoon waiting, Song Jia couldn't hide her irritation. "If it's not tasty, you owe me for my wasted time," she declared.

Unruffled by Song Jia's petulance, Du Binn was confident in his steamed buns. He offered a serene smile and replied, "In that case, I doubt I'll have to compensate you at all."

Hearing Du Binn's self-assurance only irked Song Jia further. She took an aggressive bite of the steamed bun.

To her surprise, that single bite transformed her mood; the earlier frustration seemed to vanish like mist. Song Jia had never tasted such an exquisite steamed bun. She had previously enjoyed Du Binn's Golden Egg Fried Rice, which was impressive, but it paled in comparison to the flavor of these buns.

Seeing Song Jia's look of pleasure, Du Binn chuckled and teased, "Miss, how do you find my steamed buns? Do they live up to their reputation?"

Song Jia shot Du Binn a glare but said nothing more, choosing instead to continue devouring the steamed buns.

Song Jia was the type to have a sharp tongue but a tender heart, often speaking without thinking. Du Binn knew better than to take offense. Watching her relish the meal, he didn't dare interrupt her enjoyment any further.

He shifted his attention to the elder gentleman, who was eating at a much more leisurely pace than Song Jia.

"Old sir, how do you like the steamed buns?" he inquired.

The old man nodded, swallowed his mouthful, and then praised, "Delicious. Truly a heavenly delight. Young man, your culinary skills are exceptional. I dare say some five-star chefs might not match your talent."

At this, Old Nectar sighed deeply.

Puzzled, Du Binn asked, "What seems to be the matter, sir? You're sighing despite enjoying your meal?"

The old man had been a regular at his small eatery for some time, and they had grown quite familiar. So, it was natural for them to strike up a casual conversation.

"It's not that I can't afford to hire you, kid. It's that I genuinely enjoy the food you prepare, and I really wanted to bring you on board."

The old man was still hung up on Du Binn's refusal to become his personal chef.

Du Binn was about to respond when the old man cut in, "No need to turn me down again. I understand that your aspirations lie elsewhere. With your exceptional skills, it's only right that you share them with the world. You're aiming high, and as an old man, I couldn't be prouder of you."

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