Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C4 Supporting the Ownership of the Gold
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Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C4 Supporting the Ownership of the Gold
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C4 Supporting the Ownership of the Gold

Several elders approached the Golden Egg Fried Rice prepared by Du Binn, but they didn't rush to taste it; they took a moment to admire it first.

The dish gleamed with a golden hue, each grain of rice shimmering like tiny treasures.

One elder found the dish particularly intriguing and inquired of Du Binn, "What do you call this creation?"

With a smile, Du Binn replied, "Golden Egg Fried Rice."

The elder nodded in approval. Du Binn's version stood out from the usual Egg Fried Rice, though its flavor remained to be discovered.

Off to the side, Zhao Tian cast a dismissive glance at Du Binn's dish and let out a derisive snort. "Golden Egg Fried Rice? It's just a common dish. A fancy name doesn't make it any better."

Seeing the dish Du Binn had made, Zhao Tian felt assured of his victory. He was about to prepare his signature dish, confident that even Du Binn's special creation couldn't surpass his own culinary skills, especially not such a commonplace Egg Fried Rice.

"Let's give it a try," suggested the eager elder, his curiosity piqued by the unique Golden Egg Fried Rice.

He scooped up a spoonful and tasted it; the rice was tender and chewy, with a flavor that was delightfully refreshing.

Beside him, Lee Xiaoying watched anxiously, her handkerchief twisted tightly in her clenched hands.

"Indeed, it's quite good. This is the best Egg Fried Rice I've ever had," the elder exclaimed, unable to contain his admiration as he went for another spoonful.

The other judges, observing his contented expression, eagerly sampled the Golden Egg Fried Rice themselves.

The elders were unanimous in their praise for Du Binn's dish, finding it superior to Zhao Tian's earlier offerings. They were convinced that Du Binn's Golden Egg Fried Rice was the clear winner.

Refusing to accept their verdict, Zhao Tian stepped forward, raising his voice in protest, "Impossible! How could such a simple Egg Fried Rice possibly outshine my Steamed Pork Slices?"

The elder at the forefront approached Zhao Tian and said, "Zhao Tian, Du Binn's Golden Egg Fried Rice surpasses yours in both color and flavor. Your Steamed Pork Slices don't stand a chance against it. You might as well concede defeat."

"No way, I refuse to lose."

"Don't believe it? Give it a taste."

Du Binn, catching a glimpse of Zhao Tian's stubbornness, swelled with pride. If he were just an average chef, maybe Zhao Tian would have a shot at winning. But he was destined to be a culinary god—defeat was not an option.

Zhao Tian sampled the Golden Egg Fried Rice and felt a jolt in his heart; it was truly exceptional and far surpassed his Steamed Pork Slices.

"Well? Isn't it better than yours?" Du Binn asked, smugness written all over his face.

Zhao Tian, feeling indignant, replied sternly, "It's just alright."

Upon hearing this, the village chief stepped forward and announced, "I declare Du Binn the winner of this contest."

Before the chief could even finish, Zhao Tian interjected, "I don't accept this. I demand a rematch."

"A bet is a bet. You must honor your word," the chief retorted.

Lee Xiaoying, overhearing Zhao Tian, couldn't hide her irritation. "We agreed on a fair competition. The victor gets the support fund. How can you renege now?"

"What's wrong with me? I just think that..."

"What do you think? That you'll never be able to cook Egg Fried Rice like this in your life?"

Du Binn cut him off before Zhao Tian could finish his thought.

Truth be told, Zhao Tian was about to reluctantly claim that Du Binn's dish was on par with his own, warranting another round. But he never anticipated Du Binn's biting remark.

Even though Du Binn was correct—he couldn't replicate that Golden Egg Fried Rice—Zhao Tian's pride was wounded. His cooking skills were renowned far and wide. How could he possibly lose to an obscure chef like Du Binn?

"I won't accept this. I demand a rematch," Zhao Tian insisted stubbornly. Meanwhile, the villagers who had gathered around began to buzz with their own opinions. Some doubted Du Binn's culinary skills, deeming it impossible for him to outcook Zhao Tian, while others accused Zhao Tian of poor sportsmanship, frustrated that he wouldn't honor the terms of the competition he had agreed to.

Amidst the growing clamor, the village chief found himself in a tight spot. That's when Du Binn, who had been quietly observing, chimed in.

"Let's do this: have everyone here taste the dish. If the consensus is that my Golden Egg Fried Rice is the tastier choice, then I'm the winner. But if it turns out that my dish doesn't measure up to Zhao Tian's, I'll gracefully concede defeat."

Du Binn was brimming with confidence in his Golden Egg Fried Rice, convinced he couldn't lose. The villagers had previously expressed some reservations about his cooking, and this was the perfect moment for him to showcase his true culinary talent.

"I like the sound of that," the village chief agreed, "but let's all remember to judge with integrity."

Soon, a long queue formed, but thankfully, Du Binn had prepared a generous amount of his Golden Egg Fried Rice, and the turnout for the meeting wasn't overwhelming, so there was just enough to go around.

The villagers couldn't stop raving about Du Binn's Golden Egg Fried Rice after tasting it. Each person had only a small taste, leaving them craving more.

Even the village chief was tasting Du Binn's cooking for the first time and was taken aback by the exceptional quality. "Du Binn, your culinary skills are impressive. I'm awarding you the support funds, hoping you'll use them to establish a successful restaurant. I'm confident that with your talent, you'll achieve great things."

The village chief held Du Binn's cooking in high regard and had high hopes for his future. Seeing Du Binn's skills firsthand put his mind at ease.

"I hereby declare Du Binn the winner of this competition, and he will receive the support funds. I trust that Du Binn will use this money to build a prosperous business and, in time, contribute to the well-being of our village."

Everyone unanimously agreed with the Village Chief's remarks. Du Binn's Golden Egg Fried Rice was truly scrumptious.

"Rest assured, Village Chief. As soon as my business picks up, I'll make sure to pay back everyone," Du Binn promised once again in front of the crowd, making it clear that he had no intention of shirking his debts.

Lee Xiaoying had always believed that the support funds were destined for Du Binn. Though she had been anxious for him, fearing that Zhao Tian might snatch away the opportunity, her concerns vanished after tasting Du Binn's delectable Golden Egg Fried Rice.

Brimming with joy, she approached Du Binn and exclaimed, "Congratulations, Binn! I always knew you could do it."

"Thank you, Xiaoying," he replied with gratitude.

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