Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C5 Looking for a Carpenter
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Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C5 Looking for a Carpenter
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C5 Looking for a Carpenter

With the grant in hand, Du Binn could finally give his little shop the makeover it deserved. But first, he had to submit the selected names for approval from the higher-ups. Once greenlit, the funds would be released—a process that would take no less than a week.

In the meantime, Du Binn decided to get a jump on things by researching renovation options and pricing. However, he wasn't too familiar with the village's skilled carpenters, so he turned to Wang Jianqiang for assistance.

Wang Jianqiang was the village's go-to guy, a veritable walking encyclopedia. There wasn't a thing he didn't know, and it helped that he and Du Binn were on good terms.

"Qiang, I need a favor," Du Binn approached him.

"Anything for you, Binn," Wang Jianqiang replied with a ready smile. "If it's within my power, consider it done."

"I'm looking for someone with top-notch woodworking skills."

"Without a doubt, it's Li Erhua from the east side of the village and Uncle Wang from the west," Wang Jianqiang answered promptly.

Du Binn was somewhat familiar with both craftsmen. Uncle Wang was known for his excellent, albeit traditional, craftsmanship, while Li Erhua, though not as skilled as Uncle Wang, was renowned for his innovative ideas. Each had their strengths.

Noticing Du Binn's silence, Wang Jianqiang probed, "Binn, why the sudden interest in carpentry? You're not thinking of tackling the renovation yourself, are you? Why not just hire a professional crew and save yourself the hassle?"

He glanced over at Du Binn's shop and added, "Besides, your place doesn't really need much work."

Wang Jianqiang hadn't been at the cooking contest the day before, but he'd heard the news about Du Binn's windfall. It didn't take long for him to connect the dots to a potential shop renovation.

"Exactly, I'm doing it myself," Du Binn confirmed.

He had it all planned out. He would design the blueprints and have the carpenter execute them. This approach would not only cut costs significantly but also ensure a unique flair to the shop's new look.

Though the shop was small now, Du Binn envisioned a few new chairs and a charming loft addition. With these changes, he was confident his business would thrive more than ever.

"Going it alone, huh? So, what's your plan?"

Wang Jianqiang's curiosity was piqued. He had never questioned Du Binn's capabilities.

"I'm thinking of asking Uncle Wang for help."

"Uncle Wang? That's risky. Did you forget your family still owes his money?"

Uncle Wang had put money into the venture last time. Though he hadn't pressed for repayment, his demeanor towards Du Binn had soured, especially after learning about the exorbitant prices at Du Binn's new eatery. His disdain for Du Binn only grew.

If Du Binn had diligently worked to repay the debt, Uncle Wang wouldn't have minded a slow return; his own family was financially comfortable and not in urgent need of the money. He could afford to give Du Binn more time. But Du Binn wasn't putting in the effort, preferring to daydream instead. Charging 5,800 yuan for a bowl of porridge was outrageous—it was nothing short of highway robbery. As a result, Uncle Wang never showed Du Binn any kindness.

"Uncle Wang is skilled. I want to give it a shot."

Du Binn's choice of Uncle Wang was primarily due to his excellent craftsmanship. More importantly, Uncle Wang was known for his integrity, never cutting corners or skimping on materials, which made Du Binn feel confident entrusting the project to him.

And the reason Du Binn didn't opt for Li Erhua was two-fold: Li Erhua was sly, and his skills were mediocre at best. There was no guarantee he could execute the designs Du Binn had in mind.

That afternoon, Du Binn headed over to Uncle Wang's place.

"Is Uncle Wang in?"

Du Binn knocked and entered upon seeing the door ajar.

Inside, Uncle Wang was engrossed in his work. He barely acknowledged Du Binn with a glance before returning to his task.

"Looks like you're busy, Uncle Wang. I've got something I'd like to run by you."

Mentioning business seemed to irk Uncle Wang. He looked up at Du Binn and asked bluntly, "What 'good' thing could you possibly need from me?"

With a dismissive stare, Uncle Wang added, "Just get to the point and then leave, will you? I don't need any distractions."

"Uncle Wang, please don't hurry me out the door. I came to you because I'm hoping you could lend a hand with some renovations."

As Du Binn spoke, Uncle Wang's movements momentarily stalled, and he mused, "Has this kid struck it rich? How else could he afford renovations?"

Uncle Wang had been working in another village yesterday and was unaware of the subsidy Du Binn had received. Since he wasn't an entrepreneur himself, he paid no mind to such financial aids.

Seeing Uncle Wang's gaze lift to his, Du Binn quickly added, "I need to spruce up my little shop and I'd really appreciate it if you could handle the renovations, Uncle Wang. Naturally, I'll make sure you're paid promptly."

"Paid on time, huh? Tell me, where's the money coming from? If you've come into some cash, you should settle your debt with me first."

Uncle Wang's blunt inquiry left Du Binn momentarily speechless; he hadn't anticipated such a question.

Uncle Wang wasn't trying to be difficult; he simply wanted Du Binn to be responsible and repay what he owed sooner rather than later.

"Look, Du Binn, no offense, but as a college grad, you could land a decent job anywhere. Why cling to that rundown eatery of yours?"

Uncle Wang's thoughts then turned to Du Binn's pricing. "And your menu prices—they're all over the place. If you're serious about running a restaurant, set fair prices. There's no need to overcharge your customers."

With a sigh, Uncle Wang concluded, "Anyway, you should head out. I've got my hands full and no time for idle chit-chat."

This time, Uncle Wang was truly showing Du Binn the door. If not for his longstanding friendship with Du Binn's father, he would have sent him packing much sooner.

As Uncle Wang stood to go inside, Du Binn blurted out, "Uncle Wang, I'm not fibbing this time. I've just received a grant and want to buy some new furniture for my little place. I'm really hoping you can help me out just this once."

"No, let's talk after you've paid back the money."

Uncle Wang had no faith in Du Binn's promises. He was convinced that even if Du Binn managed to get the restaurant up and running, turning a profit was out of the question. Thus, Uncle Wang was not in Du Binn's corner.

While Uncle Wang spoke, he kept busy with his work. This time, however, he purposefully flicked wood shavings onto Du Binn, hoping to prompt him to leave on his own.

Unperturbed, Du Binn simply brushed off the shavings and explained, "Uncle Wang, it's not that I'm unwilling to pay you back. The problem is that the startup funds I have aren't sufficient to cover the debt. Once the restaurant's renovation is complete and it starts attracting more of the older crowd, business will pick up. I promise you, I'll pay back every penny then."

Du Binn wasn't trying to dodge repaying his debts, but the startup funds were finite and earmarked for getting the business off the ground. They simply couldn't be diverted for other uses. Besides, if he paid Uncle Wang back now, it wouldn't be long before other creditors came knocking.

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