Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C6 Bet
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Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C6 Bet
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C6 Bet

"Your restaurant's prices are through the roof. Who would come to eat here? Fancy decor won't make a difference," Uncle Wang said with a dismissive glance at Du Binn. "You'd be better off getting a regular job."

Du Binn bristled at the comment. True, his place used to be empty, but times had changed. Just yesterday, a grandfather and his grandson had thoroughly enjoyed his Osmanthus Lotus Seed Porridge and were sure to return for seconds soon.

"Uncle Wang, let me be honest with you. I sold two bowls of that porridge yesterday, and the customers loved it," Du Binn retorted.

Uncle Wang was momentarily taken aback but quickly regained his composure, scoffing, "Ridiculous. Only a fool would pay that much for porridge."

"You might be surprised, but there are people who will pay. The wealthy don't mind splurging, even on the priciest dishes," Du Binn replied, his pride evident in his smile. "And let's not forget, my culinary skills are top-notch. When the food is delicious, people are happy to pay."

Uncle Wang chuckled at Du Binn's self-praise. "Enough with the self-promotion. No matter how good your cooking is, it's not worth those prices."

Du Binn decided not to engage further with Uncle Wang. If Uncle Wang didn't believe him, he'd just have to prove his culinary prowess. Then he'd see what Uncle Wang had to say.

"Uncle Wang, do you even know how I secured the support funds yesterday?"

Uncle Wang paid him no mind, continuing with his work. He was convinced Du Binn had gotten the funds through connections, as everyone in the village knew the village chief favored him.

In Uncle Wang's view, the support funds were clearly a favor from the village chief to Du Binn.

Seeing Uncle Wang's scornful look, Du Binn understood his thoughts and countered, "I earned that support money fair and square, without relying on anyone else."

"Keep telling yourself that," Uncle Wang replied with even more scorn, convinced that someone who had received favors would never admit it openly.

"Uncle Wang, why won't you believe me? Just yesterday, I whipped up a Golden Egg Fried Rice that outshone Zhao Tian's famous Slide Meat."

"What? You're saying you beat Zhao Tian?"

Uncle Wang had savored Zhao Tian's Slide Meat, a dish that truly showcased the skills of a master chef. So, it was no wonder he was taken aback by Du Binn's claim.

"Absolutely. My Golden Egg Fried Rice triumphed over his Slide Meat. If you're skeptical, I'd be happy to cook up a bowl for you to try."

Uncle Wang, observing the confidence etched on Du Binn's face, suspected there was no bluffing involved. Still, he found the claim hard to swallow.

"I find that hard to believe. His cooking is renowned throughout the region. You, a young upstart, besting him? Sounds more like a fluke to me."

Du Binn bristled at Uncle Wang's skepticism. Determined to prove himself, he decided to demonstrate his culinary prowess then and there.

"Uncle Wang, let me prepare some Golden Egg Fried Rice for you. If it wins you over, then you'll have to grant my request. Deal?"

Uncle Wang wasn't one to seek undue advantage. Considering Du Binn charged a hefty 5,800 yuan for a simple bowl of porridge, the Golden Egg Fried Rice would surely command an even steeper price. He quickly interjected.

"No, no, I can't afford your cooking."

"You've got it all wrong, Uncle Wang. I'm not after your money. I genuinely want you to sample my dish. I'm earnestly inviting you to join me in the kitchen because your skills are unparalleled, and that's why I'm so eager."

Uncle Wang's hand shook slightly, moved by Du Binn's earnest appeal. Being recognized for his culinary talent was indeed gratifying.

Sensing Uncle Wang's hesitation, Du Binn pressed on, "Let's make it interesting, Uncle Wang. How about a wager?"

"What kind of bet?"

"If my Golden Egg Fried Rice leaves you singing its praises, then you agree to cook with me. If it doesn't meet your standards, I'll never bother you again."

Du Binn's eyes sparkled with confidence, and Uncle Wang, now intrigued, knew the verdict on the dish would be his alone. If he could get Du Binn to leave him in peace, all the better.

"Alright, I'll take that bet."

"Okay then, Uncle Wang, just hang tight at home for a bit. I'll head back and whip up that Golden Egg Fried Rice for you."

"Hey, there's no rush..."

Uncle Wang had intended to tell Du Binn that there was no hurry, suggesting he could simply visit Du Binn's restaurant later instead of going through all this trouble. But before Uncle Wang could finish his thought, Du Binn was already sprinting away.

Du Binn quickly made it to his little eatery, thankfully not far from Uncle Wang's place. He dashed into the kitchen and swiftly got the ingredients ready.

But as soon as Du Binn stepped into the kitchen, he heard someone calling out for him from outside.

"Boss, we'll have two bowls of the Sweet Osmanthus Lotus Seed Porridge, please."

In the courtyard, Song Jia helped her grandfather settle down. The old man had been craving the Sweet Osmanthus Lotus Seed Porridge since tasting Du Binn's recipe the day before. His phlegm had significantly lessened after eating it, and though he still coughed occasionally, his throat wasn't dry or hoarse anymore.

So today, the old man had asked Song Jia to take him for another bowl of the pricey porridge.

Completely focused on preparing Uncle Wang's Golden Egg Fried Rice, Du Binn didn't notice Song Jia's calls.

Impatient after receiving no response, Song Jia raised her voice, "Boss, are you open for business or what?"

Du Binn, in his rush to serve Uncle Wang, was irked by the interruption and yelled back, "I'm in the middle of something! Just wait a moment."

Song Jia, unaccustomed to such a response from a restaurateur, felt her temper flare, "Excuse me, boss, but is that any way to talk to a customer?"

She was about to give Du Binn a piece of her mind when her grandfather intervened, "Jiajia, mind your manners. It's alright to sit and wait a bit. Grandfather isn't in any rush."

The old man remained serene, unbothered by Du Binn's brusqueness. He knew that talented folks often had their quirks, and he could empathize with Du Binn's youthful vigor. More importantly, he didn't want to fall out with the only chef who could make the Lotus Seed Porridge that so benefited his health.

Song Jia bristled inwardly, feeling justified in her discontent. She had been nothing but courteous, and it was the shopkeeper's poor attitude that was to blame. Yet, she couldn't muster the courage to talk back to her grandfather, so she resorted to grumbling under her breath.

"Who's the one being impolite here? It's clearly his fault for being so unpleasant. What's he so proud of, anyway? Just because he can cook, doesn't make him special."

The old man, overhearing Song Jia's murmurs, chose to ignore them. He simply sat in silence, patiently waiting.

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