Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C8 Convincing the Carpenter
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Igniting Taste Buds Globally/C8 Convincing the Carpenter
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C8 Convincing the Carpenter

"Wow, this is really good, truly lives up to its reputation."

Uncle Wang's mood lifted considerably after savoring the Golden Egg Fried Rice, and his gaze towards Du Binn seemed to sparkle.

He was astounded, having never tasted Egg Fried Rice this exquisite. Beyond its enticing golden hue, the flavor was incomparable to any ordinary version.

"So, what do you think, Uncle Wang? My culinary skills have impressed you, haven't they? The Golden Egg Fried Rice didn't disappoint, did it?" Du Binn asked with a beaming smile.

Uncle Wang was visibly content. It was undeniable that Du Binn's cooking was exceptional. It made sense now how he claimed to have outcooked Zhao Tian with this dish. Clearly, Du Binn wasn't just boasting.

Uncle Wang nodded in agreement, "Indeed, it's impressive. I never imagined your cooking to be this exceptional."

With a modest smile, Du Binn inquired, "So, Uncle Wang, do you think my cooking could be the backbone of a successful restaurant?"

"Well, I'm not so sure. While your skills are commendable, your pricing is quite steep. Do people really come in for such pricey dishes?"

"Uncle Wang, I'll be honest with you, I sold two bowls of Sweet Osmanthus Lotus Seed Porridge just yesterday."

At those words, Uncle Wang was dumbfounded, standing motionless, struggling to grasp the reality of the situation.

"People are actually buying porridge at that price? Du Binn, you're not pulling my leg, are you?"

Uncle Wang found it hard to believe that there would be patrons for such costly meals, especially when the porridge's price was astronomical to him.

"People do eat it. The wealthy don't mind spending that kind of money. In fact, Uncle Wang, there's someone in my restaurant right now waiting to enjoy the Golden Egg Fried Rice."

Uncle Wang regarded Du Binn with a pensive look. If Du Binn's Golden Egg Fried Rice was indeed a culinary triumph, it wouldn't be surprising for it to attract customers. Yet, the high price still made him skeptical about whether people would actually pay.

Seeing Uncle Wang's disbelief, Du Binn offered, "If you're doubtful, come with me and see for yourself. If my dishes are indeed selling, doesn't that prove I can manage the restaurant successfully? Then maybe you'd consider working with me."

Uncle Wang gave a nod of acknowledgment. He had indeed lost the wager, but rather than holding it over him, Du Binn had won him over with his conviction. Curious to see the person willing to pay such a hefty sum for a meal, he agreed to take a look.

"Alright, let's go check it out."

With that, Uncle Wang followed Du Binn back to his restaurant. Inside, Song Jia was waiting, her patience wearing thin. Upon seeing Du Binn, she snapped, "What took you so long? Don't you realize our time is extremely valuable?"

Her tirade took Uncle Wang by surprise, prompting a slight frown, though he remained silent.

Du Binn, however, was unfazed and wore a look of contempt. He had no interest in engaging with a pampered heiress.

The old man, noticing their arrival, barked, "Jia Jia, this is no way to behave! Apologize to the owner at once."

Song Jia, defiant and unapologetic, shot Du Binn a glare instead.

Her grandfather's frustration led to a fit of coughing.

Quick to respond, Du Binn said, "Please, Old Master, don't be upset. The delay was my fault. Let's not dwell on it. I'll get started on your meal right away."

Du Binn's concession was not about pride; he simply chose not to stoop to arguing with a woman, especially one so spoiled. More importantly, he didn't want to upset the old man, who was, after all, his financial benefactor.

The old man, still coughing, apologized to Du Binn, "Young man, I'm terribly sorry. My granddaughter lacks manners. I hope you won't take it personally."

"Of course not. Why would I take it personally?" Du Binn replied, casting a glance at Song Jia, who was also looking his way, puzzled by the charm that made her usually stern grandfather so courteous.

"Just do as we discussed," the old man instructed, then turned to Song Jia. "Jia Jia, go ahead and pay."

Song Jia met her grandfather's stern gaze, held her tongue, and passed her card to Du Binn.

Du Binn swiped his card and approached Uncle Wang with a soft voice, "Uncle Wang, I'm going to cook for our distinguished guests. Please wait here for a moment."

Uncle Wang gave a wooden nod, his mind reeling from shock. He had never before encountered such lavish spending. Although he had anticipated meeting a wealthy individual on his way over, witnessing the rich man's nonchalance while enjoying the meal left him inwardly shaking his head in awe.

Du Binn then retreated to the kitchen, where he prepared two bowls of fragrant Sweet Osmanthus Lotus Porridge, a couple of plates of cucumber, and two bowls of Golden Egg Fried Rice.

"Your dishes are ready. Enjoy your meal," he announced to the guests.

As before, the old man was instantly soothed by the aroma of the porridge. With each sip, his lungs relaxed and his throat felt increasingly refreshed.

Uncle Wang watched the pair dine, his gaze fixed on them in amazement. Once Du Binn finished his tasks, he joined Uncle Wang to talk about the upcoming renovations.

"Uncle Wang, you've seen it for yourself; I wasn't fibbing," Du Binn said, gently getting his attention.

Uncle Wang, snapping out of his daze, nodded in agreement. "Now I believe you. It's no wonder you charge such prices—only someone with your culinary talent could do so. I truly admire your skills," he confessed.

Uncle Wang's respect for Du Binn's cooking was genuine, and having seen someone willingly pay a premium for a meal, he was convinced that Du Binn might just make the restaurant thrive.

"So, what are your plans for the renovation?" Uncle Wang inquired, casting a glance around the modest eatery, noting the sparse tables and chairs in the expansive courtyard.

"Well, Uncle Wang, I've received some funding, so I'm looking to expand the place a bit. I'm thinking of starting with some new tables and chairs, and then, if business picks up, I'll give the courtyard a proper makeover. I'm counting on your skilled craftsmanship, which is why I've come to you for help. I've got the blueprints all ready; you just need to follow them. Once the funds are released, I'll settle up with you."

Du Binn handed over the blueprint he had designed the night before to Uncle Wang, saying, "Here's the blueprint. I'm confident that with your skills, Uncle Wang, you can absolutely make it happen."

Uncle Wang examined the blueprint and replied, "I can work with this blueprint, but I've got some other projects on my plate right now. If you're not in a rush, I can start on yours once I wrap up the current work. How does that sound to you?"

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