Immortal Conceited Son-in-law/C10 Wu Clan Cultivators
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Immortal Conceited Son-in-law/C10 Wu Clan Cultivators
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C10 Wu Clan Cultivators

Lin Ming looked around and couldn't find his master. He couldn't find his senior brother and sister who adored him so much, so he could only mechanically kill those people who attacked his sect. Even so, it was like a cup of water on a cart of firewood, and gradually, more of his peers died under their hands. He knew that his sect was doomed.

How many years had passed? No matter what he had experienced, whenever he dreamed about it at midnight, he would always remember the tragic scene back then. The Profound Nether Sect had become a name he hated to the bone.

Lin Ming looked up at the starry sky. In the Age of Chaos, other than the aristocratic families, so many cultivators were stuck in a standstill. What was their motive for coming out at such a time?

Lih Hong walked out of the bathroom with some dew, and on the bed was a naked girl, currently breathless. The girl's body was covered in kiss marks, and she looked really pitiful. Lih Hong put on his clothes and called in the people at the door. Those people carried the girl's body out, and one of them said to Lih Hong: "Young Master, that Meng Meng has met with someone from Wang Family recently."

"What's going on?"

"I heard that it was the Old Master of the Meng Family who gave his life. We ran into Wang Zhong and Wang Donglai in the hall."

"Wang Zhong, is this old man still alive?"

The subordinate handed the information to him, "No, I heard that he doesn't look too good, but he doesn't look as bad as he did when he was rumored to be."

"Hmph, even if that's the case, this person is already so old, I don't think he will live more than a few days. When Wang Zhong dies, with only Wang Donglai remaining in the Wang Family, what's the use? Sooner or later, it will be annexed by our three families. "

"Yes, Young Master is wise."

"Alright, let's not worry about that. Dad is still holding on even when the sky is falling. Go and find me another woman."

The subordinate was in a bit of a dilemma: "Young Master, we have searched through all the Linjiang City and the nearby girls. Other than Wang Yunzhi and Meng Meng, there really aren't any other good girls.

Lih Hong's sharp gaze made him shut up completely. He picked up the cigar in his hand and directly burnt it on Lih Hong's face.

Hearing the miserable screams of his subordinates, Lih Hong seemed to be satisfied, he smiled and said, "I don't care what I can do, in short, I want a woman, and a woman with good looks and talent. If you can't satisfy me, then just give me your own daughter."

Hearing this, his subordinate didn't even have time to scream and immediately kowtowed to beg for mercy, "Please spare my daughter, young master. My daughter is only five years old this year, she's too young, it's really inappropriate."

"I don't care about that. Just think of a way yourself. At this time tomorrow, I must see a beautiful and talented woman lying on my bed. Otherwise, think of the consequences yourself!"

This place was a desolate mountain near the Linjiang City. There were a lot of vegetation and things like that, but there were very few people around, so Lin Ming did not see many people. It was precisely because of this that he was able to handle this matter.

He came here to gather herbs, a natural born spiritual herb, was becoming rarer and rarer, and only the wilderness could produce one, but even so, the quality was not as good as before, and what Lin Ming was looking for was a type of spiritual herb that could only grow in Linjiang City, called Bi Xuan.

Bi Xuan was actually an auxiliary ingredient used to refine pills. She could balance various types of herbs and was similar to the licorice found in traditional Chinese medicine. However, she had chosen to grow this large in Linjiang City …

Bi Xuan's main point was that the quantity was too small. Basically, you could not find a single one even after searching the entire mountain, so Lin Ming had come back empty-handed with the banner, yet accidentally picked up a young girl collecting mushrooms halfway up the mountain.

The little girl had sprained her leg and was squatting on the tree trunk, crying. When Lin Ming arrived, she was already crying like a little rabbit.

"Don't cry."

The little girl seemed to be shocked, "You … "Who are you?"

"I'm a passenger passing by. How did you get injured? Do you need help?"

The little girl seemed to have thought of something and began to cry sadly. "I sprained my leg and lost the mushroom. Big brother, can you send me home?"

Lin Ming looked at the little girl carefully and accepted the black ghost aura.

He followed the girl down the mountain and arrived at a small village. There were so many houses and houses in the village, but the girl's house was located in the most remote part of the village.

What a great place to nourish ghost aura. It was only an extremely dangerous place, how could there be anyone living here?

It wasn't until someone walked out of the door that he understood what was going on. The father of this girl was a cultivator who had already reached the Foundation Establishment stage. Furthermore, judging by his clothes, he should be a disciple of a clan.

"Qi'er, where did you run off to?"

The little girl ran towards her father like a cannonball. The cultivator looked at her carefully and was only relieved after he confirmed that nothing had happened to the girl. Then, he noticed Lin Ming.

"You are?"

Lin Ming nodded: "My name is Lin Ming. I came to the mountain to pick herbs and coincidentally met your daughter with a sprained leg, so I sent her back."

The cultivator thanked him: "Thank you sir, my name is Wu Guang, this is my daughter Wu Qi, we are from Handan Wu Family."

Lin Ming was slightly surprised. The Handan Wu Clan, one of the five great cultivation families in China, had actually run into one of their own. It was truly an accident.

After Wu Guang settled his daughter down, he invited Lin Ming in. During their short conversation, Lin Ming found out that Wu Guang was a cultivator sent by Handan Wu Clan to guard the Yin Gathering grounds, and because Yin Qi would be gathered here over a long period of time, it would be easy for those evil cultivators to use it. In order to prevent them from committing evil, Wu Family would send in cultivators every year to guard the place.

"In that case, why did you bring your daughter here? I can see that your daughter's cultivation is low, and is unable to resist such dense Yin Qi. If you bring her here, she will be affected. "

Wu Guang sighed, "I also want her to stay in Wu Family, but other than me, there is no one else in my faction. My wife also passed away early, and Wu Family is in the midst of a struggle between direct descendants, so I'm afraid that my daughter will be used as cannon fodder. Thus, I can only pull her out and guard this place with me."

The direct line of descent fighting? That seemed to be the case, who told the old master of the Wu Family to be such a mediocre person, to have so many illegitimate children, and who the master of the Wu Family was, it was not certain.

When Lin Ming thought of this, he couldn't help but take joy in his misfortune. Who asked their Wu Family Ancestor Wu Nan to scam him like that, causing him to be punished for all these years.

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