Immortal Conceited Son-in-law/C18 Lin Ming Couldn't Think of a Way out
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Immortal Conceited Son-in-law/C18 Lin Ming Couldn't Think of a Way out
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C18 Lin Ming Couldn't Think of a Way out

When Lin Ming woke up the next day, Mengmeng had already left. They used to sleep separately, but Meng Meng cried too much yesterday and had a low fever. Therefore, Lin Ming put her on the bed and went to sleep on the sofa.

Lin Ming reflected on himself. Although he was living in the Meng family to avoid his enemies, he had always treated this relationship as a game, and now it seemed like he really shouldn't.

But what did he do?

Suddenly, he remembered what Meng Meng had told him a few days ago about starting a business. He understood that Meng Meng probably wanted to start her own business and gradually get rid of the influence that the Meng family had on her.

Perhaps one day, when Meng Meng succeeded, the causal link between the two would be broken. It would not affect the other party, nor would it affect himself.

He did not know many people in Linjiang City, so it seemed that he had to start from Wang Family if he wanted to help Meng Meng.

At this moment, Wang Yunzhi who was accompanying Wang Zhong did not know that someone was targeting their Wang Family. Wang Zhong's body was gradually recovering, but it would be difficult for him to recover to his usual level.

No matter how hard he tried, it was difficult for him to act like a normal person. However, Wang Zhong was glad that he was able to face the remaining months in a more normal state.

When Lin Ming arrived, Wang Yunzhi went to pour some water for Wang Zhong. Wang Zhong was very surprised to see Lin Ming: "Mr. Lin, why are you here?"

"I came to visit."

Wang Zhong wanted to get up, but Lin Ming immediately held down the person and looked at him carefully. The presidential suite level ward was indeed the sign of a rich person.

"Mr. Lin, what's the matter?"

Lin Ming's gaze was as warm as jade. He looked at Wang Zhong, and Wang Zhong's tiny eyes shone. The two of them looked at each other and smirked, as if they understood each other's actions.

When Wang Yunzhi came back, she coincidentally bumped into Lin Ming. With a rare shyness, she slowly approached, "Mr. Lin."

"Miss Wang."

The two walked out of the hospital side by side. For some reason, they didn't talk to each other. Wang Yunzhi felt embarrassed to open her mouth, and Lin Ming didn't know how to answer, but the moment he thought about it, Meng Meng decided to put on a thick face.

"Miss Wang, I heard that your Wang Clan has a project that you're in charge of, right?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"My wife, Meng Meng, has been trying to start a business lately. Her projects are similar to yours, so I would like to ask if you're interested."

Wang Yunzhi was also a bit disappointed. Originally, she thought that Lin Ming wanted to greet him, but she never expected that it was actually for his wife, Meng Meng.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin. I'm afraid I've disappointed you."

The project Wang Yunzhi was in charge of was her first independent project. She had already invested 80% of her energy into it, so how could she let an outsider get involved? What's more, this person was Lin Ming's wife. She had a sinister thought.

Lin Ming wasn't too disappointed because he wanted to return home in disappointment so he asked. However, since they had a beginning, the two of them started to discuss about this issue and gradually walked to the park in the center of the city.

A breeze blew, and they felt a little cool. Only then did they realize that they had already walked a long distance.

"I'm really sorry. You should tell me first, but we were too busy chatting, so I forgot that I've already passed by."

With a decent smile, Lin Ming replied elegantly, "No need to apologize, it's my honor to be able to talk to Miss Wang."

Wang Yunzhi pushed her hair back in embarrassment, exposing her delicate ears. The two of them looked each other in the eye and quickly passed each other.

After returning home, Lin Ming began to prepare for his training.

It was not enough just to be independent in business. In this era, most of the resources were controlled by aristocratic families. Training was the most important thing in order to enter the ranks of aristocratic families.

He had seen Meng Meng's good posture before, and as long as she could persevere, she would definitely be able to enter the Qi Cultivating Stage.

He wasn't sure, but if Meng Meng wanted to be truly independent, that was necessary.

He had prepared a set of cultivation technique for Meng Meng from a female cultivator in Tang Dynasty. It had been quite some time, and at the beginning, it was still a bit incomplete. After so many years, it was now very perfect, suitable for women to cultivate.

Meng Meng would have a hard time at first, but as soon as she entered the sect, her progress would be very fast. However, there was a big problem — the inner demons. It was very easy to have inner demons if you advanced too fast, so he had to think of a way to solve them.

Lin Ming subconsciously touched a string of beads with his right hand and remembered that the dean gave this to him. Maybe he could find some buddhist cultivators to try it on.

The most famous Buddhist holy land in China was owned by Shaolin Emei. However, the current Shaolin was not as good as it was before, and gradually became a place to amass wealth.

The Daoist scriptures could also remove inner demons, but it couldn't possibly allow a girl to meditate and chant all day long. Even if he asked, Meng Meng wouldn't do it.

Lin Ming felt a headache coming on. Eh, what was this?

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and he discovered that it was a nanny. This nanny should be new and did not despise him like the other nannies. "Sir, madam will treat you to a meal."

When Lin Ming walked down, Meng Meng, Meng Lin, and the other two were already sitting at the table waiting for him. When he was about to walk down, he heard Shen Qiu say in a weird tone, "You still have the nerve to eat? You don't even know what kind of harm you've done to people. If I were you, I wouldn't eat anymore, so I might as well just leave."

Meng Lin was submissive and did not dare to speak. Meng Meng's face was cold. It seemed that she had not forgiven him.

The atmosphere at the table was stiff. Everyone was eating their own food, so they did not say anything. Shen Qiu finished her meal first and looked at Lin Ming with malicious intent: "Eat a little more, you better die from choking."

Lin Ming could not quite eat it. He put down the bowl and chopsticks and asked with a smile, "Why do you have to be so harsh on your mother-in-law?"

"You know that I'm your mother-in-law too? How can you speak to your mother-in-law like that? "You trash, you might as well get the hell out of here!"

Meng Meng's face darkened as she slammed her chopsticks on the table. "Mom, stop it."

"Why can't you say that you love him!"

Meng Lin looked at his daughter with a bad expression and wanted to organize his wife to talk, but unfortunately, Shen Qiu did not understand what he meant.

"I've been opposed to your marrying this piece of trash from the beginning and insisted on doing so. Now, you're happy, satisfied, our family has been ostracized, and is becoming less and less valued. Your shares were almost taken away by others, have you thought about who caused all of this? Is that me? "


"It's not enough. Let me tell you, you'd better quickly divorce him. Otherwise, our entire family will die because of you."


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