Immortal Conceited Son-in-law/C20 Telling Yun Zhi
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Immortal Conceited Son-in-law/C20 Telling Yun Zhi
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C20 Telling Yun Zhi

However, since Wu Tie was about to die and Wang Donglai's cultivation was not high, when the time came, who could still protect Wang Family?

Therefore, he stayed put for the past few days because he wanted to wait for Wang Zhong to die and have a hero save the beauty. He wanted to help Wang Yunzhi out of this difficult situation, maybe he could even win Wang Yunzhi's heart.

It was unknown if Lü Bing was drunk or not, but he actually said what he was thinking out loud. Although the people around him were surprised, they also started to heckle him and came up with even more evil ideas.

"Yo, this idea of yours is not bad. Listen well, let's do it this way."

"Thank you for your praise, Young Master Lu."

"Then we'll do as you say. Hmph, once Wang Zhong dies, this Wang Yunzhi will fall into my hands."

The group of people had drunk too much horse piss and were talking nonsense, but they didn't notice that Lin Ming had appeared behind them and stared at them with a murderous look.

At first, Zhang Fei didn't notice it, but then he felt a chill on his back and turned around to look. As a result, he locked eyes with Lin Ming, and just as he was about to scream and make a gesture, all the lights in the venue went out.


"Who hit me?"

"Stop, aiyo, stop it."

After a moment of chaos, when the lights were turned on again, they discovered that, unknowingly, all of them had been beaten black and blue, lying on the sofa. The manager of the club thought that someone had died and fainted on the spot.

The surrounding people also screamed, everyone started running around. Lin Ming also took this opportunity to get out quickly. When they called the ambulance and the police, the people had already run away.

After waking up from the hospital, Lü and his team kept yelling that they wanted to find the culprit and beat him up again, but unfortunately, Lin Ming was still standing in the dead end of the filming and didn't get any shot at all. Zhang Fei also wanted to testify against Lin Ming, but unfortunately, he didn't have any evidence.

Everyone would think that they had misjudged him if he had too much to drink, so they left the issue at that. No matter what happened, no matter how Zhang Fei and Lü Bing's hatred towards Lin Ming itched, they couldn't really make a move on him.

Someone had thought of giving Lin Ming a burlap sack, but it was obvious that he was the one who had the burlap sack on his back.

It was already the third day since Lin Ming asked Wang Yunzhi out.

He had changed into a white shirt and jeans and was sitting on a bench in the park. He was elegant and handsome, the afternoon sunlight shining through the treetops onto his forehead, covering him with a layer of light.

Wang Yunzhi saw this when she came here and her heart started beating faster. She took out the small mirror to adjust her makeup and confirmed that she was still as beautiful as before. She walked in slowly and said, "Mr. Lin."

Lin Ming greeted Wang Yizhi, and the two of them sat on the bench in silence for a long time. Wang Yunzhi didn't know about what happened earlier and thought that Lin Ming had invited her out for a date.

Lin Ming was trying to explain to her what Lü had done to her, but it was difficult to say such things to the girl. He didn't know how to reply.

In the end, Wang Yunzhi couldn't stand the silence and said embarrassedly: "Mr. Lin, what can I do for you?"

Lin Ming coughed lightly and tried to adjust the wording. He slowly told Wang Yunzhi about the conversations he had with Lü Bao and what he had heard. From her bashfulness to her calmness, to her silence and anger, only a few minutes had passed.

When she finished, Wang Yunzhi was already expressionless. Lin Ming made her feel a little scared for some reason. It seemed like the calm before the storm would be destroyed if she didn't pay attention for a bit.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin. Tell me about this."

Lin Ming could see that Wang Yunzhi was forcing herself to smile. He patted her gently on the shoulder and said, "If you don't want to laugh, you can stop."

But unexpectedly, Wang Yunzhi actually smiled and asked him: "Why can't I laugh, of course I'll laugh, the more they wish for me to be sad, the more I want to laugh, It's true that my grandfather is going to die, but even so, my Wang Family will never fall, as long as my father is here, my Wang Family will definitely stand tall, and no one can replace it, no one can!"

Lin Ming was silent. Even though everyone was equal in this era, there was a huge difference between men and women. Why was there already a Tang Dynasty in China that was at the top of women's politics in the past 5000 years?

Because men need women to be safe, they want women to be obedient and do whatever they want them to do.

They strip women of all their intellectual qualities and make them into standard products on the assembly line, but they despise them for calling them wooden. Who is responsible for all this?

When he was young, although the girls would still depend on their in-laws, they were all alive and had their own personalities. Some women could even beat up their in-laws. Since then, there had only been one kind of sound in this society.

Perhaps it was because of this that she wanted to help Wang Yunzhi, because they were independent and wanted to fight for their freedom. It was also because of Meng Meng that he started to reflect on his own mistakes, hoping to help her do what she wanted.

He wanted to give this thing to Meng Meng because it was given to him by Wang Yunzhi, so he said thanks. Although he didn't know what it was, it should be used for Mengmeng, so he had to give it a try.

When he found Meng Meng, she seemed to be very happy. Lin Ming asked him what made him so happy, but he only heard Meng Meng say: "My first project was a success and someone actually invested 100 million. With this money, I can successfully complete the project."

Lin Ming thought that Wang Family people would be of use, so he did not ask. It seems like Wang Zhong was quite capable, he just said that it wouldn't be long before the matter was settled.

Seeing that Meng Meng was so happy, he passed the things in his hands to her quietly. Meng Meng did not understand what he meant. She only saw him say, "This is a congratulatory gift for your first victory."

Meng Meng was happy to accept this blessing and accepted the gift. For the first time, she said to Lin Ming in a calm tone, "You don't look that annoying, but sometimes you just give me too much trouble. It would be great if you could continue like this."

Lin Ming smiled helplessly. Actually, he didn't want to trouble her, but the karma between the two of them had already been decided and he couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

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