Immortal Cultivation in Six Realms/C3 Invigorated Meridian Realm
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Immortal Cultivation in Six Realms/C3 Invigorated Meridian Realm
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C3 Invigorated Meridian Realm

"Ah Bao, wake up."

In a simple room, Ah'Bao was lying on the bed, his frail body looking somewhat frail.

"Grandpa Liu, is this your home? Where's my mother? "

Liu Zichen sat on the edge of the bed, holding a string of pearls in his hand. There were eight of them in total, and none of them had the same color. Your mother is gone, and your father … After you and your mother went to the market, demons attacked the village. "

"Wuu … wuu …" Woo woo … * Ah Bao wants mother, wants father. "

"Ah Bao, my parents are not here anymore. Just follow grandfather from now on. Do you have any wishes?"

"Father and Mother were killed by the demons. Ah'Bao wants to become a cultivator to kill the demons and avenge Father and Mother."

"Cultivators? "Yes, Grandfather understands." Liu Zichen revealed a faint smile. He pressed his right hand on Ah'Bao's chest, causing a faint white light to shine from his palm.

Ah'Bao only felt that his body suddenly became very hot, incomparably hot. Having such a poor family background, he had no nutrition ever since he was young, and his body was not in a good condition.

Liu Zichen drew a strand of his own immortal elemental energy into Ah'Bao's body, examining his condition.

"Hmm? I never thought that this child would have water and fire spiritual roots. It's just that his talent is too low. Sigh, his body is too weak. "

In the cultivation world, if one wanted to cultivate, they had to have spiritual roots, not the more spiritual roots the better, but their talent. In the cultivation world, if one wanted to cultivate, one had to have spiritual roots, not the more spiritual roots, not the better, but their talent. But Ah'Bao was only average.

"Many cultivators would stop at the Invigorated Meridian Realm their entire lives, not because of their bad talent, but because they do not have enough resources for cultivation. Ah'Bao, Grandfather will help you open up all the meridians in your body. Liu Zichen's speech seemed relaxed, but if there were any cultivators who heard it, they would definitely be very surprised. Once all of the meridians in his body were opened, he would be equivalent to a peak Invigorated Meridian Realm cultivator. The Invigorated Meridian Realm could be considered the upper echelon of Dacheng Town.

As time passed, Liu Zichen circulated his immortal elemental energy to comb through the meridians in Ah'Bao's body. Suddenly, Liu Zichen's brows tightened as he muttered to himself, "Hmm?" This brat's body? What was going on? "Obviously his meridians have been cleared, but why is this kid's body still able to absorb my immortal energy?"

He had lived for thousands of years, and his cultivation was astonishing, but he had never seen such a physique that could absorb immortal elemental energy. Immortal elemental energy could only be called immortal elemental energy once one reached the Immortal Clearing Stage, while Invigorated Meridian Realm cultivators were usually called true energy.

To a mortal, every strand of immortal elemental energy was a huge boon, but it was harmful to their body. Ah'Bao unexpectedly continued to absorb Liu Zichen's true essence for an entire hour before stopping.

At this time, Ah'Bao only felt that his body was about to explode, and an intense burning sensation made him struggle to hold on. He knew that if he couldn't persevere, he wouldn't be able to become a cultivator, and only by becoming a cultivator would he be able to avenge his parents.

After an unknown amount of time, Ah'Bao had already lost consciousness.

"It was dark, and the surroundings were pitch black." What is this place? Where am I? " Ah'Bao kept running with all his might, but he could no longer feel his own existence. Finally, when he was exhausted, a harmonious voice sounded.

"Child, you were originally an Immortal because … Just because... " The sound became softer and softer and gradually disappeared.

"Ah'Bao, you're awake." Ah'Bao opened his eyes. Liu Zichen looked at him with concern, "Grandpa Liu."

Liu Zichen revealed a faint smile, "Eh, Ah Bao, how does your body feel?"

"Ah'Bao moved his limbs." "Un, it's so comfortable, so warm, and my whole body is warm."

"En, Ah Bao, you are now an Invigorated Meridian Stage 15 cultivator."

Cultivators? He had become a cultivator. Ah'Bao was immediately overjoyed, and abruptly sat up from the bed, asking: "Grandpa Liu, is what you said true? "I am a cultivator now?"

Liu Zichen nodded and said, "Yes, and it's at the peak of the Invigorated Meridian Realm. As long as you work hard, you can condense your Qi into a pill and step into the Aurous Core stage within two years."

"Invigorated Meridian Realm? Qi Condensation Pill? Grandpa Liu, what are you saying? "

Liu Zichen slightly smiled and said, "Cultivators are divided into different levels. The lowest is the Body Transformation stage, and the upper is the Invigorated Meridian realm, and the Aurous Core stage."

Ah'Bao didn't understand a word he said. Rubbing the back of his head, he said, "Grandpa Liu, can you tell me more details? I don't understand. "

If you want to become a cultivator, you need to have a body that can contain true energy. In order to train your body, you need to prepare for cultivation, there are a total of fifteen levels, the human body has seven meridians and eight meridians, which together is fifteen. These seven meridians and eight meridians are innately blocked, and the purpose of training the body is to have a good body to withstand the pain of breaking through seven meridians and eight meridians.

Hearing this, Ah'Bao pondered in his heart, "Grandpa Liu, Ah'Bao will definitely learn from you."

In the blink of an eye, two years passed. In these two years, Liu Zichen passed on an ordinary cultivation technique to Ah'Bao, as well as some cultivation techniques at the Invigorated Meridian Realm.

Under Liu Zichen's tutelage, Ah'Bao gained a whole new understanding of the cultivation world.

Ever since Liu Zichen had successfully transcended his tribulation and failed to become an immortal, he had been searching for a fated person to meet Ah'Bao. Although there was fate, there was also a lot of helplessness.

"Teacher, there's demonic energy around here."

"Yes, it's a lesser demon that has just awoken."

The Giant Dragon Mountain Range was located to the east of the state of China and was the largest mountain range in China. The Giant Dragon Mountain Range stretched for a thousand miles, just like a huge dragon.

Ah'Bao's face was cold, "Master, since it is a demon, I will go and finish it."

Liu Zichen raised his hand to stop Ah'Bao, saying, "No, demons are good and bad, you can't kill them by mistake, this is what happens to people, cultivation is fate, practice is good, and practice is true. You don't understand this right now, so when you have enough strength, you will understand.

In Ah'Bao's eyes, as long as it was a demon, it would be bad. Because his parents died at the hands of a demon, in his heart, he harbored hatred for a demon.

This time, the reason he followed Liu Zichen to the Dragon Mountain was because there was a rumor circulating around the continent in recent months that an ancient demonic beast had descended into the Dragon Mountain Range. As a result, it attracted a large number of cultivators to come and subdue this ancient demonic beast.

Every ancient beast, as long as they grew up, would be comparable to the best experts of the human race. If they were able to subdue a beast and use it as their own mount, it would mean that they would have an extra super bodyguard.

The Giant Dragon School was the largest cultivation sect in China, among the few nearby small countries, it was one of the strongest sects. The sect ancestor was a thousand year old expert at the Void Initiation Stage, and his sect had tens of thousands of disciples and countless experts.

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