Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C10 You Are like Gods
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Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C10 You Are like Gods
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C10 You Are like Gods

Gaining the goodwill of the Lau family was undoubtedly a significant boon in Songjiang.

The phone began to buzz. Ye Feng checked the caller ID and saw Su Qiyue's name. As he answered, her melodious voice came through.

"Ye Feng, Lin Tao hasn't been bothering you, has he?" she asked, concern lacing her words.

"Don't worry, he hasn't," Ye Feng replied, his voice tinged with a light smile.

Reassured of Ye Feng's well-being, Su Qiyue expressed her care before ending the call. Ye Feng then had a quick bite to eat before retreating to his room to resume his cultivation.

Dawn's light filtered through the window, casting a golden glow over Ye Feng's figure.

A mist rose from his body, enveloping him in a cocoon of white. Within this dense fog, the distant rumble of thunder could be heard, accompanied by the occasional flash of lightning.

Seated in meditation, Ye Feng resembled a deity amidst the primordial chaos.

Having expended two precious drops of Blood Essence, Ye Feng intensified his cultivation efforts.

The following noon, Ye Feng's phone rang abruptly. It was Lau Zhongguo on the line, now awake and aware of the recent events. He requested a meeting with Ye Feng.

Seeing no downside to fostering a good rapport with the Lau family, Ye Feng agreed.

"Mr. Ye," greeted the man who had been injured the day before, rushing over to welcome Ye Feng as he arrived. A group of over ten black-clad bodyguards stood vigil at the ward's entrance.

"You've finally arrived," he said, his eyes alight with excitement.

"Your generosity will not be forgotten," the middle-aged man exclaimed, his voice filled with emotion. He had been wracked with guilt over Lau Zhongguo's near-death experience and had resolved to atone with his own life if necessary. Ye Feng's intervention had saved them both.

He offered a business card to Ye Feng.

"Mr. Ye, I'm Zhang Ming. Here's my number. Should you encounter any issues in Songjiang, don't hesitate to call me. I have a fair amount of influence here," he said.

Ye Feng accepted Zhang Ming's card with a polite nod.

"Please, Mr. Ye, come inside. The elder and the young lady have been awaiting your arrival for quite some time," Zhang Ming urged with due respect.

Ye Feng nodded to him and entered the hospital room. Inside, Lau Yiyi was engaged in a cheerful conversation with Lau Zhongguo, her frequent laughter indicating she was in high spirits.

"Master Lin, you've arrived."

Upon noticing Ye Feng, Lau Zhongguo attempted to rise and pay his respects.

"There's no need for formalities," Ye Feng quickly interjected. "Focus on healing."

"What was it you summoned me for?"

Lau Zhongguo managed a strained smile and settled back onto the bed, turning his gaze to Ye Feng. "Yiyi has recounted the events to me. I must express my gratitude to you, Master, for saving my life."

"Master, what can I do for you? The Lau family will strive to meet your needs, provided they are reasonable."

Observing Ye Feng's composed demeanor, Lau Zhongguo offered another wry smile before continuing, "I have one more favor to ask of you."

"Having witnessed your martial prowess, I knew instantly that you were no ordinary man. Yi Yi's high praise only deepened my respect for you."

"Therefore, I would be honored if you could offer Yi Yi some instruction."

Ye Feng cast a glance at Lau Yiyi and responded, "I might consider guiding her, but I'll need a compelling reason and substantial benefits in return."

His connection to the Lau family was purely circumstantial, born from the debt of gratitude owed for saving Lau Zhongguo.

Lau Zhongguo was taken aback by the response.

Meanwhile, Lau Yiyi scoffed, "I wasn't even hoping for your tutelage. Hmph."

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