Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C11 You Should Live with Him
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Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C11 You Should Live with Him
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C11 You Should Live with Him

"Yiyi, what are you muttering about?"

"Ah? Nothing," Lau Yiyi replied, startled, before blurting out, "I was just saying that Ye Feng is so skilled, he surely wouldn't just teach his secret techniques to anyone."

Her murmurs, of course, did not escape Ye Feng's notice.

However, Ye Feng chose not to call her out on it.


Lau Zhongguo nodded, then turned to Ye Feng and proposed, "Master Ye, the Lau family is willing to pay you 100,000 dragon coins per month for Yiyi's tuition. What do you say?"

"Not enough."

Ye Feng shook his head without hesitation.

Lau Zhongguo paused, then with a wry smile and clenched teeth, he offered, "We have a villa on Misty Cloud Mountain in Songjiang. I am willing to gift it to Master Ye."

"Additionally, we will pay 200,000 dragon coins per month for Yiyi's tuition. How does that sound, Master Ye?"

The mention of the villa on Misty Cloud Mountain sparked interest in Ye Feng's eyes, and he nodded in agreement.

It wasn't the salary that intrigued him, but rather the villa on Cloudmist Mountain. As the place with the richest spiritual energy in Songjiang, cultivating there would undoubtedly hasten his progress.

"Grandpa, about that villa..."

Before Lau Yiyi could finish, Lau Zhongguo cut her off, "Yiyi, you must study diligently under Master Ye's guidance."

"I understand."

Lau Yiyi nodded obediently, stealing a covert glance at Ye Feng, her eyes betraying her mixed feelings.

In her heart, she lamented, "I thought you were a true sage, a master beyond this world, yet it turns out you're just like the rest, fixated on money."

Ye Feng's stature in her eyes plummeted.

"I'll have Xiaoming prepare the villa right away, so you can move in today," Lau Zhongguo said, eager to secure the agreement.

He summoned Zhang Ming and instructed him to ready the villa.

Once Zhang Ming had left, Ye Feng turned to Lau Zhongguo and offered, "I will provide you with a medicinal formula. Follow the instructions precisely, and you should see a recovery within seven days."

"Thank you, Master Ye," Lau Zhongguo said with haste, expressing his gratitude.

He had written everything down meticulously: when to take the medicine, how much to take—every detail was accounted for.

"Take your medicine on schedule, and you'll be on your feet before long," Ye Feng said, finding no further reason to stay. With those words, he turned and walked away.

Once Ye Feng was out of sight, Lau Yiyi pouted and turned to Lau Zhongguo with dissatisfaction. "Grandpa, why did you give him the villa?"

"That villa is worth 30 million," she added.

Lau Zhongguo chuckled softly before replying, "That's exactly why you need to learn diligently from Master Ye."

"He's no master," Lau Yiyi muttered under her breath. "He's just another person who's after money. I refuse to learn from him."

Lau Zhongguo simply smiled and spoke gently, "Alright, go pack your belongings. You'll be moving in with Master Ye."

"What?" Lau Yiyi's eyes went wide with shock, frozen in place.


Ye Feng had departed from the hospital.

In his past life as Heavenly Emperor Ye, he had honed his medical skills over a millennium. His expertise in alchemy and medicine preparation was unparalleled, making even the most perplexing diseases he had encountered seem trivial in comparison.

To him, Lau Zhongguo's injuries were barely an inconvenience.

As Ye Feng approached the intersection near his home, he halted, a smirk playing across his face.

From around the corner, four colorful-haired youths emerged, their noses and ears adorned with piercings.

"Are you Ye Feng?" asked the leader, a young man with green hair wielding a steel pipe half a meter long and as thick as a thumb.

His companions, armed with wrenches and iron rods, followed close behind, their weapons ominously at the ready.

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