Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C12 You Know Nothing about Power
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Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C12 You Know Nothing about Power
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C12 You Know Nothing about Power

"Someone's put a price on one of your legs."

The green-haired youth swaggered forward, twirling an iron pipe, as he closed in on Ye Feng. His companions followed suit, grinning as they converged. Each of the four sported a chilling smirk.

"You've got no one to blame but yourself for not seeing clearly and messing with the wrong crowd."

"Here's your chance. Pick a leg."

He spoke with a tone dripping with casual contempt, as if the thought of breaking Ye Feng's leg was as mundane as having a meal.

Most people would have been paralyzed with fear in the face of such intimidation. But these four had the misfortune of encountering Ye Feng.

Ye Feng regarded them with a serene gaze, remaining silent.

Passersby halted, forming a crowd that watched with a mix of curiosity and amusement as Ye Feng stood encircled. Their eyes gleamed with a ghoulish delight.

"This kid's got a death wish, tangling with these four. Just one hit and he'd be done for."

"Those four look way tougher than him. This guy's in for a beating. He'd better pray for luck."

"He's really asking for it, challenging them like that. Doesn't he realize what they're holding? He must be sick of living."

The four young men, each with distinctively colored hair, stiffened for a moment before swinging their makeshift weapons, eyeing Ye Feng as if he were a fool.

"Given how unfazed this kid is, what if he's trained in martial arts?"

The one with yellow hair burst into laughter, "If he's a martial artist, I'll eat dirt right here on the ground."

The crowd erupted into laughter, their faces twisted with scorn as they watched Ye Feng with a mocking air.

But the next moment, they witnessed Ye Feng walking unfazed toward the one with green hair.

"Is he out of his mind?"

"It's too late to run, and here he is walking right into the lion's den. Did he get his brain squashed by a door?"

"They say it's a fool's errand to deliver your own head on a platter, haha..."

But in the blink of an eye, their smiles solidified, as though time itself had come to a sudden halt. Just as quickly, their laughter morphed, skipping a beat in the flow of time.

They stood there, slack-jawed.

It was as if they had encountered a ghost in broad daylight, their pupils quivering with shock.

Through those shaking eyes, they saw Ye Feng grasp Green Hair by the neck and toss him aside as if discarding a piece of garbage.


A muffled sound echoed.

Yellow Hair was hurled through the air, slamming into an icy wall before collapsing to the ground.

"Clap clap..."

Ye Feng dusted off his hands as though he had just completed a trivial task. Yet, he had flung a man weighing over a hundred Jin with ease.

His nonchalance was striking.

It left onlookers questioning whether he had indeed just tossed away something as inconsequential as trash.

The spectacle rendered everyone speechless.

Moments ago, they had been mocking Ye Feng for his foolhardiness, eagerly anticipating his downfall at the swing of a stick. But now, this turn of events struck them like a harsh slap across their faces.

Their cheeks burned with embarrassment.

"Cough cough."

Green Hair picked himself up, glaring at Ye Feng with clenched teeth, and then bellowed, "Attack him together! Today, I swear I'll break his arms and legs."


Yellow Hair let out a fierce cry, striding forward and swinging his wrench with lightning speed, aiming a vicious blow at Ye Feng's head.

But Ye Feng stepped into the attack.

With a swift lift of his left hand, he caught Yellow Hair's incoming swing. In his moment of astonishment, Ye Feng gave a gentle twist.

"Crack crack!"


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