Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C13 Small Spiritual Concentration Array
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Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C13 Small Spiritual Concentration Array
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C13 Small Spiritual Concentration Array

The right hand of the man with yellow hair emitted two bone-chilling sounds, followed by an agonized scream. The wrench slipped from his grasp and clattered to the ground.

Ye Feng offered a faint smile, lifting his left hand. The yellow-haired man was sent soaring into the air, much like his green-haired counterpart, crashing against the roadside wall before bouncing onto the pavement, where he clutched his hand and wailed in agony.


Seizing the moment, Red Hair attempted a sneak attack on Ye Feng from behind but was met with a swift, sweeping counterattack. He spun through the air, tumbling awkwardly upon landing and coughing up a mouthful of blood, a white tooth visible amidst the crimson.

"Wait, Big Brother, we can talk this out..."

Seeing Ye Feng approach, the last of them, Pink Hair, went weak at the knees. Dropping his iron rod, he knelt down and pleaded for mercy.


Ye Feng uttered the command curtly.

"Thank you, big brother, thank you!"

Pink Hair leaped up, overwhelmed with relief, and dashed off, nearly tripping over himself multiple times as if pursued by some unspeakable terror.

"You, stay away from me."

Green Hair, witnessing Ye Feng dispatch his ally with ease, grew pale and stumbled backward, sweat beading on his forehead.


With a flick of his hand and a sharp crack, Green Hair was sent spinning into the air.


He hit the ground hard, spitting out blood that was mixed with two pearly white teeth.


"Okay, okay," Green Hair agreed, nodding desperately.

The slap had scrambled his senses, leaving him disoriented and on the verge of forgetting his own name. From arrogant to utterly subdued, he was now as meek as a lamb.

With those final words, Ye Feng turned and walked away. The onlookers were left in stunned silence, their expectations shattered. Not only had Ye Feng emerged unscathed, but Green Hair and his three companions were the ones who had taken a beating so severe, they were unrecognizable—even to their own mothers. And one had even managed to flee.

Earlier, their words had been brazen, but now they hung their heads low, scarcely daring to breathe too loudly, as if they'd been slapped across the face, leaving their cheeks burning red with embarrassment.

The one who had boldly threatened to jump off the building on a live broadcast now seemed as if he wished he could bury his head in the ground.

After what felt like an eternity, Green Hair finally snapped out of his daze. He shakily rose from the ground and looked in the direction Ye Feng had disappeared, his face as dark as storm clouds threatening a downpour.


He spat out a mouthful of bloody spit.

"Ye Feng, huh? One day, I'll have you kneeling before me, begging for mercy like a dog."


The following day.

Ye Feng concluded his night of cultivation, opening his eyes that had been tightly closed and gazing through the window at the dawn's early light.

"Cultivating this way is too slow, too ineffective. If I want to grow stronger quickly..." A glint of determination flashed in Ye Feng's eyes as he murmured, "I must seek the aid of external forces."

"The Small Spirit Gathering Formation is just what I need now." A smile crept onto his face.

The Spirit Gathering Formation, as its name suggests, is a formation designed to harness the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The Small Spirit Gathering Formation, however, is a lesser version of its counterpart. Though it can also harness spiritual energy, its efficacy is modest. Yet, for Ye Feng at this moment, it was sufficiently effective.

Old Street.

A distinctive characteristic of Songjiang, rumored to have stood for centuries, the buildings there bore traces of the Republic era.

A plethora of items were available for purchase.

The selection surpassed that of a department store, and the prices were remarkably reasonable.

Ye Feng entered.

He surveyed a shop and noted, "The Spirit Stones here are of inferior quality, nowhere near the standard required to construct a Small Spirit Gathering Formation."

"I need a better quality Spirit Stone."

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