Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C14 Zhen Ding Remove All Impurities
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Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C14 Zhen Ding Remove All Impurities
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C14 Zhen Ding Remove All Impurities

Ye Feng strolled down the old street when, suddenly, a stall caught his eye.

The stall radiated a spiritual essence.

"Spirit Stones," Ye Feng murmured, making his way through the throng of people to get a closer look.

There, he found eight snow-white stones, each resembling finely carved jade, displayed on the stall. These were premium Spirit Stones.

An elderly man with white hair sat serenely behind the stall, his eyes closed. On the stall, a wooden sign bore a single line of text.

A crowd had gathered, eyeing the old man with curiosity.

"What are these white stones? And what does the sign say?"

Someone read the words on the sign aloud: "Exchange for a Golden Marrow Pill."

The crowd paused, then began to murmur in confusion.

"Exchange with these eight shabby stones?"

"Could these old men be swindlers?"

Amidst the murmuring, Ye Feng approached the stall and addressed the old man, "I can refine the Golden Marrow Pill."

The old man's eyes snapped open.

He looked up at Ye Feng, scrutinizing him for a long moment before speaking, "This is no place for jesting."

To him, Ye Feng was too youthful, barely in his twenties. He found it hard to believe that such a young man could possess a Golden Marrow Pill.

He suspected that Ye Feng didn't even know what a Golden Marrow Pill was and was simply causing a disturbance.

"The opportunity is in your hands," Ye Feng stated.

"Miss it, and you'll never break through in this lifetime."

Taken aback, the old man rose to his feet and fixed his gaze on Ye Feng. Without another word, he packed up his stall and grasped Ye Feng's hand.

"Come with me."

He led Ye Feng away swiftly.

The onlookers shook their heads and sighed, "That young man is too gullible. He's been taken in without knowing a thing."

The old man escorted Ye Feng to a house.

Inside, the house was spotless. Ye Feng observed numerous herbs and Medicine Cauldrons, the air permeated with a refreshing fragrance that invited deep breaths and a sense of well-being.

"Is that really true?"

"Do you possess the Golden Marrow Pill?"

The elder's eyes sparkled with excitement as he regarded Ye Feng.

"No," Ye Feng replied evenly, "but I can craft it."

"Craft it!"

The elder's initial shock gave way to skepticism, and his eyes narrowed as he scrutinized Ye Feng. His voice tinged with a mix of warmth and irritation, he accused, "You're toying with me."

"How old are you, anyway?"

"Do you even know how to concoct pills?"

"Do you think the Golden Marrow Pill is as common as cabbage? That you can just decide to refine it on a whim?"

Unperturbed, Ye Feng approached the Medicine Cauldron, extending his right hand to forcefully slap the side of the cauldron, which stood nearly as tall as a man.

A resonant hum echoed from the cauldron, lingering in the air.

"What is this!" The elder, who had been moving to intervene, suddenly stopped in his tracks, his eyes wide with astonishment at the unfolding scene.

The stubborn medicinal residue that had clung to the inside of the Medicine Cauldron for ages was effortlessly removed by Ye Feng. This residue, once firmly embedded, had been a constant source of frustration for the elder, resistant to every attempted remedy.

Not even a shovel could scrape it off.

But now, with a single palm strike from Ye Feng, the residue had been dislodged.

The problematic dregs that had so vexed him were dislodged with one swift blow.

The elder gasped, a mix of awe and disbelief in his voice as he exclaimed, "This is the Cauldron Quaking Removal Technique!"

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