Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C15 The Shocked Old Man
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Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C15 The Shocked Old Man
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C15 The Shocked Old Man

The method for removing medicinal residue, as chronicled in ancient texts, was something he had assumed to be a myth. Yet, witnessing it firsthand left him astounded, especially since it was executed by a young person.

This technique alone was enough to confirm that Ye Feng was a master alchemist.

The elder swallowed hard, reflecting inwardly, "I was actually doubting a true master just moments ago."

But then, his eyes bulged even wider, as if they might burst from their sockets.

Ye Feng ignited the flame beneath the Medicine Cauldron, then strode over to the medicine shelf to gather herbs, tossing them in one after another with seemingly reckless abandon.

It appeared haphazard, a stark contrast to the traditional, precise methods of pill concoction—it looked like sheer folly.

"What are you doing?" the old man blurted out, rushing to intervene.

These herbs were exceedingly rare, each one hard-won. Yet here was Ye Feng, carelessly throwing them in as if he were a complete novice.

"Do you even know how to concoct pills?" he questioned, his doubts about Ye Feng growing. Perhaps he wasn't a master alchemist at all but merely someone adept at removing impurities, someone who had never actually concocted a pill.

"You're causing chaos," the elder accused, moving to halt Ye Feng's actions.

Undeterred, Ye Feng added the final herb to the Medicine Cauldron and secured the lid.

The old man watched in despair, feeling as though the sky itself were falling. He pointed at Ye Feng, berating him, "You lunatic!"

For an alchemist, each herb was treated with utmost care, as tenderly as one would treat their own child. That he hadn't resorted to violence against Ye Feng was a testament to his restraint.

"I had thought you were truly a master," he lamented.

"But now, you seem nothing more than a madman, utterly clueless about the art of pill concoction."

"It's done," Ye Feng announced calmly, stepping forward to lift the lid. Immediately, an enchanting fragrance permeated the room, as if a smoke grenade had been detonated.

A golden glow wafted gently from the Medicine Cauldron.

The old man's impending rebuke was arrested mid-breath, and he gaped at the cauldron in stunned silence. The golden radiance bathed his weathered face in light.

"Golden Marrow Pill!"

He walked stiffly over to the Medicine Cauldron and saw a thumb-sized pill lying within, shimmering like it was crafted from gold.

The old man's hands trembled as he lifted the pill.

"This, this is truly a Golden Marrow Pill!" he exclaimed, his voice quivering with excitement.

Then, he turned to Ye Feng, his eyes wide with astonishment.

The pill he had attempted to make countless times had been successfully crafted by this young man.

And it was done using such an absurd method.

This was no ordinary talent in pill refining.

This was nothing short of a prodigy in the world of alchemy.

With a shaky voice, the old man asked, "Master, may I have the honor of knowing your name?"

"Ye Feng."

Ye Feng responded calmly, "I'll be taking these eight Spirit Stones."

With that, he picked up the Spirit Stones and departed.

The old man watched Ye Feng's retreating figure, his heart restless with emotion.

Reflecting on his earlier doubts about Ye Feng, he was overwhelmed with embarrassment. In Ye Feng's presence, his own alchemical skills seemed insignificant.

His eyes brimmed with respect for Ye Feng.

Because Ye Feng had not scorned him, remaining silent even in the face of harsh words.

He marveled, "That is the mark of a true master."

But what he didn't realize was that the Golden Marrow Pill was merely a product of Ye Feng's casual effort. He hadn't even tapped into half of his pill-refining prowess.

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