Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C16 Refining Spatial Ring
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Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C16 Refining Spatial Ring
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C16 Refining Spatial Ring

Ye Feng arrived back at his home.

He dumped all of his purchases from the day onto the floor and began to sort them.

"Let's get started."

Ye Feng meticulously cleaned a dozen herbs before pulverizing them in a juicer. Once filtered, he was left with a vibrant emerald liquid, which he poured into a bucket.

A delightful fragrance quickly permeated the house.

The scent was so refreshing that it made one feel utterly at peace, as if transported to an idyllic retreat where every cell in the body unwound.

With a splash, Ye Feng washed eight stones, dried them, and tossed them into the bucket to be thoroughly soaked in the herbal juice. The stones needed to absorb all the liquid before they were considered complete, a process that would take about half a day.

Meanwhile, Ye Feng kept busy.

He had also purchased some jade and bones from wild beasts, intending to craft two spatial rings.

Spatial rings are essential for a cultivator, as they often carry numerous items like clothing, weapons, money, and valuable cultivation artifacts.

Furthermore, some advanced rings come with additional features.

As the strongest being of his time and a half-step Heavenly Emperor, creating spatial rings was effortless for Ye Feng.

He carefully ground the bones into powder and carved two rings from the pristine white jade.

On one, he inscribed the name Su Qiyue.

Then, he summoned all his spiritual energy and applied a secret method to refine the rings, blending them with the bone powder and herbs. Drenched in sweat and pale-faced, he finally completed the first spatial ring.

This ring was his: a translucent snow-white with a crystalline luster that seemed to shimmer if examined closely, a truly exquisite piece.

Its sole function was storage, but for Ye Feng, that was more than sufficient.

Creating it had depleted his spiritual energy entirely.

After a period of cultivation to replenish his energy, he set to work on Su Qiyue's ring.

Su Qiyue's ring turned out similar to Ye Feng's, equally pristine and adorned with a captivating luminescence that was instantly endearing.

Now, the ring was only halfway complete.

After the spiritual energy was restored, Ye Feng channeled all his strength to infuse the ring with his own spiritual essence, various techniques, and a sealing spell.

Consequently, the ring acquired the ability to protect its wearer.

Should Su Qiyue face imminent danger, the ring's spiritual energy would erupt, unleashing the methods Ye Feng had imbued it with, whether for offense or defense.

It held the power of the Second Level of Qi Refinement.

It could even repel a charging tiger with a single punch.

The sealing spell served to pinpoint Ye Feng's location.

Once the ring was finished, Ye Feng stocked it with food and water.

Within the ring, there was only space, no time, so the contents would not spoil.

Having secured her ring, Ye Feng turned his attention to the bucket, now devoid of medicine, with eight fist-sized stones at the bottom glowing faintly.

He removed the stones and arranged them in a specific pattern around the room.

As soon as they were set, the earth itself seemed to thunder, and a delicate white mist began to fill the small spirit gathering area.


With a serene smile, Ye Feng sat down in the center of the Small Spiritual Gathering Formation, began to practice his cultivation technique, and inhaled the surrounding spiritual energy.

During his practice, a white mist rose from his body, blending with the spiritual energy, enveloping him in a cocoon of light, with flashes of electricity and distant echoes of thunder.

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