Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C17 Fight Ma Wen Again!
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Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C17 Fight Ma Wen Again!
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C17 Fight Ma Wen Again!

Immersed in the dense spiritual aura, Ye Feng felt the speed of his cultivation technique's rotation quicken significantly. While it wasn't enough for an immediate breakthrough, the practice was immensely beneficial for his physical conditioning.

Electric sparks flickered across Ye Feng's body with each breath he took, his exhalations white and accompanied by the rumble of thunder. His body radiated a faint glow, and in that moment, he resembled a deity.

After some time, Ye Feng opened his eyes, and a flash of golden light filled the room.

He was hungry. As a second-level Qi Refining cultivator, he hadn't yet attained the ability to forgo food. Therefore, he still needed to eat, and eat plenty at that. Rising to his feet, his bones crackled like popping beans.

Disabling the small spirit gathering array was simple. Ye Feng nudged a stone with his foot, and the spiritual energy vanished.

"Eating like this will bankrupt me," Ye Feng muttered, eyeing the table heaped with meat. "It's time to make some money."

The following day, Ye Feng left his house early and headed back to school. His absence hadn't been about avoiding Lin Tao; it was for the sake of cultivation. Lin Tao had never crossed his mind.

As he approached the school gates, Ye Feng was immediately recognized. He had changed; his posture was erect, his features handsome, and he carried an ethereal quality that drew the eye.

Some were taken aback at the sight of him, only to quickly resort to mockery.

"Ye Feng actually dared to come back to school? With Ma Wen here, isn't he courting death?"

"Does he really think he's unbeatable just because he got lucky and beat Ma Wen once? If Ma Wen had been serious, he could've floored Ye Feng with a single punch."

"If Ma Wen were here, Ye Feng would've walked in only to be carried out."

Just then, a voice thundered, "Ye Feng, you have the nerve to show up?"

Startled, everyone turned to see Ma Wen, his face still swathed in bandages, glaring in their direction.

Lin Tao spared no expense in securing the best doctor and procuring the finest medicine for him. As a result, his recovery was swift, even though the bandages remained in place.

Yet, he could speak normally again.

He walked purposefully toward Ye Feng.

"I thought you'd hide in your shell like a turtle for life."

"Today, I'm going to break your legs myself."

Ma Wen appeared.

A murmur spread through the onlookers.

"Ma Wen's here. Ye Feng's a goner this time. Last time was sheer luck. With Ma Wen truly enraged, Ye Feng won't stand a chance against a single blow."

"Ma Wen is so formidable. It'll only take one strike to take down Ye Feng."

"If Ye Feng somehow manages to win again, I'll eat every bit of filth from the toilet."

The crowd watched Ye Feng with the anticipation of spectators at a spectacle.

Their jealousy over Ye Feng's relationship with Su Qiyue made the prospect of seeing him defeated by Ma Wen all the more satisfying.

"Prepare to die!"

Ma Wen advanced, his hand slicing through the air like a knife, aimed directly at Ye Feng's head.

His attack was so sudden that most would be caught off guard.

But Ye Feng remained unflustered, sidestepping the blow. Ma Wen's strike landed on the stainless steel railing beside them, resulting in a resounding snap. The railing buckled under the force of Ma Wen's chop.

Witnessing this, everyone around inhaled sharply.

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