Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C18 And It Was an Instant Kill
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Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C18 And It Was an Instant Kill
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C18 And It Was an Instant Kill

This slash was absolutely terrifying. If it could do that to stainless steel, imagine what it would do to a person's head—probably knock them senseless.

"Ma Wen is truly the school's most ruthless guy. Ye Feng is digging his own grave by provoking him. He's definitely going to have his legs broken."

"Ma Wen is incredibly strong. If he doesn't win, I'll eat my words on live stream."

"How is Ye Feng as formidable as he was last time? Now, all he can do is dodge. In the face of a serious Ma Wen, Ye Feng is less than nothing."

Watching Ye Feng effortlessly evade the strike, Ma Wen launched another kick.


His kick swept up from the ground, sending a wooden sign flying as if it had been hit by an elephant, shattering mid-air.

The sign flew three or four meters before exploding upon hitting the ground.


People gasped in astonishment.

"Who could withstand that kick? If it landed on Ye Feng, he'd surely be kicked to death."

"That kick could've easily turned Ye Feng into a complete fool."

But in the next instant, the smiles on their faces solidified into looks of horror. Everyone's eyes were glued to the scene unfolding before them in disbelief.

Confronting the ferocious kick, Ye Feng calmly raised his left hand and caught it without so much as a wobble.

"Hmph, seeking death."

Ma Wen snorted disdainfully, quickly recovering and leaping up, his other leg slicing through the air towards Ye Feng's head with a whistling sound.

This kick was even more powerful than the last, capable of bending a metal pipe.

"This time, let's see how you defend yourself," Ma Wen sneered. But the next moment, his taunt caught in his throat, his eyes bulging in shock.

Ye Feng caught Ma Wen's swift kick with his right hand, suspending Ma Wen in mid-air.

"How is this possible!" Ma Wen's face twisted in disbelief.

The following moment, Ye Feng's hand rotated, sending Ma Wen flying as if performing a Tai Chi maneuver.


Ma Wen slammed into the fence with a thunderous crash.

The stainless steel fence buckled inward with a crash.


He coughed up blood before tumbling to the ground.

Ye Feng calmly withdrew his hand, as if nothing of note had just occurred.

Onlookers, however, were left in stunned silence, their eyes wide with shock.

Ma Wen, having exerted his full strength, was formidable.

He had cleaved the fence with his saber and shattered the wooden sign with a kick. Yet Ye Feng had effortlessly caught the attack and, with a single move, vanquished the formidable Ma Wen.

"Did I just see things? How on earth did Ye Feng defeat Ma Wen?"

"How can Ye Feng be that strong? It must be that Ma Wen hasn't fully recovered, and Ye Feng exploited that weakness."

"It had to be a fluke. If Ye Feng really had that kind of power, I'd explode right here and now."

Ma Wen, clenching his teeth, rose from the ground, his red eyes fixed on Ye Feng with a deadly glare.

"You're a dead man."

Ye Feng appeared not to hear the threat, continuing on his way to the classroom.

Su Qiyue was more than just his childhood friend.

She was also his desk mate.

Sitting at her desk, Su Qiyue held a book, though her mind was clearly elsewhere.

"I wonder what Ye Feng is up to. Has Lin Tao caused him any trouble?"

"I'll give him a call later to check in."

Just then, someone took the seat beside her. Su Qiyue's eyebrows knit together as she began to speak, "This seat is..."

Recognizing the newcomer, her expression brightened, and she quickly shifted her tone, saying with a hint of delight, "Ye Feng."

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