Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C19 I Don't Care
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Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C19 I Don't Care
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C19 I Don't Care

Sitting beside her was none other than Ye Feng, who had just arrived.

"Why did you come?"

A flicker of concern crossed Su Qiyue's face after her initial delight. "You've become quite the talk of the school, and Ma Wen keeps coming to the classroom to hassle you."

"You should head back."

Ye Feng chuckled and shook his head, saying, "Let's set that aside for now. I'm here today to give you a gift."

"A gift?"

A blush crept onto Su Qiyue's cheeks, vanishing as quickly as it appeared. She teased, "What kind of gift? I don't want it if it's just something ordinary."

"Close your eyes first."

With her eyes closed, Ye Feng slipped the ring onto her left hand's middle finger.

"This is..."

Upon opening her eyes, Su Qiyue was momentarily taken aback by the ring on her finger, then her eyes sparkled with joy. "Such a beautiful ring."

Crafted from jade, the ring radiated spiritual energy and a captivating glow.

No girl could resist its allure.

"This gift isn't too shabby," Su Qiyue said, grinning as her right hand gently caressed the ring.

At that moment, their homeroom teacher, Liu Ming, approached them abruptly.

He had spotted Ye Feng giving Su Qiyue the ring from the doorway.

Liu Ming pointed at Ye Feng and raised his voice, "Knowing full well your grades are poor, you still neglect your studies in favor of these pointless distractions."

"What future do you have if you continue like this? Will you be able to land a decent job? Find a spouse?"

"Today, I want a 2,000-word written reflection from you."

Someone in the room couldn't suppress a laugh: "Pfft, well done, hahaha..."

But Su Qiyue's brows furrowed, and she stepped in front of Ye Feng, her expression icy. "On what grounds?"

Liu Ming faced Su Qiyue.

"As class president, pairing you with Ye Feng as desk mates was intentional. Today, you will oversee him as he writes his reflection."

"He hasn't done anything wrong," Su Qiyue retorted coldly.

Challenged by Su Qiyue's defiance, Liu Ming's face soured, and he barked, "I say he's wrong, so he is wrong. Today, you must ensure he writes a 5,000-word reflection."

"Otherwise, you might as well step down as class monitor."

"No need."

Just when everyone expected Su Qiyue to back down, she faced Liu Ming and declared, "I'm not interested."

All those present were taken aback, staring at Su Qiyue in disbelief.

"Has Su Qiyue lost her mind?"

Laughter broke out among the crowd.

Liu Ming's face turned a shade of purple with rage.

"Do you really think it's worth it? For someone who barely scores in the single digits on exams and might not even graduate?"

"What kind of job can he get with those grades? What can a person with single-digit scores even do?"

"Don't you see it as a loss?"

"If you're having regrets now, I can still offer you a chance."

"No, thanks."

Liu Ming had barely finished speaking when Su Qiyue immediately rejected his offer.

"Su Qiyue must be out of her mind."

The others looked at Su Qiyue as if she were a fool.

"You'll regret this."

Liu Ming, fuming with anger that darkened his complexion, turned to Ye Feng and barked, "You'll take the exam later."

"If you fail again, you're writing a 20,000-word reflection."

With that, he stormed out of the classroom.

"Haha, he's digging his own grave."

No sooner had Liu Ming left than the classroom erupted in laughter.

"With Ye Feng's lackluster abilities, breaking into double digits is a challenge, let alone passing. He's clearly being set up to write that reflection. Hahaha..."

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