Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C20 Absolute Trust
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Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C20 Absolute Trust
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C20 Absolute Trust

"Twenty thousand words! That's incredibly satisfying! I bet Ye Feng couldn't even manage two hundred!"

"Ye Feng really has a death wish, doesn't he? First, he crosses Ma Wen, now Liu Ming. If he manages to stay at this school unscathed, I'll eat my hat."

Ye Feng turned to Su Qiyue and expressed his gratitude, "Thank you."

Su Qiyue gave Ye Feng a look and advised, "You need to buckle down and study harder. Don't end up like he described. At the very least, make sure you graduate."

Ye Feng simply smiled, offering no reply.

He wouldn't have returned to this school if it weren't for Su Qiyue.

He was the Heavenly Emperor Ye.

Later that afternoon, the results were announced.

Liu Ming stormed into the classroom with a stack of test papers, slamming them down on a desk. His glare swept over the students.

"I haven't looked at the results myself, but the teacher who marked them was not impressed."

He bellowed, "Some of you even scored in the single digits!"

The room erupted in laughter. Who else but Ye Feng would score that low?

Su Qiyue's fists were clenched tight.

Ye Feng remained serene, as if the mocking words were nothing to him.

Liu Ming turned to Ye Feng and commanded, "Ye Feng, if you fail, you're writing a self-critique. Otherwise, forget about receiving your diploma."

The others looked on at Ye Feng with a mix of schadenfreude, scorn, and derision.

"I bet Ye Feng scored no more than five points."

"You're giving him too much credit. He only got three points last time. If he managed four this time, he'd be lucky."

"If I were him, I'd be too ashamed to show my face at school after such a dismal performance."

With a resounding slam on the table, Su Qiyue stood up.

Her expression icy, she scanned the room before fixing her gaze on Liu Ming, "And what if Ye Feng did pass? What then?"

The room fell silent.

Liu Ming laughed confidently, "If he passes, I'll bow and apologize to him."

"That's not enough," Su Qiyue retorted icily, "If Ye Feng passes..."

"You'll resign as the homeroom teacher yourself."

"If he doesn't pass, both of us will voluntarily withdraw from school."

Liu Ming was taken aback, and the other students were equally shocked. They observed Su Qiyue's expression, which was serious and earnest.

This was no laughing matter.


Liu Ming banged his fist on the table and declared loudly, "He'll never pass in his lifetime."

Laughter erupted from the crowd, loud enough for the entire classroom to hear.

Su Qiyue turned to Ye Feng with a slight smile, her eyes brimming with trust.

Ye Feng felt a surge of warmth and reassured her, "Just trust me."

Liu Ming then began distributing the test papers.

Many students scored in the teens or twenties.

Yet, there was no sign of disappointment on their faces. Instead, they eagerly watched Ye Feng, accustomed to him propping up the bottom of the class.

They were not the least bit worried.

"Su Qiyue, 90 points."

The moment Liu Ming announced this, the classroom buzzed with surprise.

"True to form for Goddess Su. Not only is she gorgeous, but her grades are top-notch too," someone commented admiringly.

But Su Qiyue's face was devoid of any smile. She retrieved her test paper, returned to her seat, and quickly tore it to pieces.

"What are you doing?" Ye Feng inquired, puzzled.

Su Qiyue met his gaze and replied, "It's just irritating to look at."

She was concerned that her high score might demoralize Ye Feng, which is why she promptly destroyed it.

"Now it's Ye Feng's turn."

At that moment, everyone perked up, their attention fixed on Liu Ming at the front of the room.

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