Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C3 What a Scene!
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Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C3 What a Scene!
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C3 What a Scene!

"Going back a thousand years, I refuse to live with that regret any longer."

True cultivation is about reaching the core of one's heart, embracing freedom and ease, not just purifying desires and repaying malice with virtue.

If you don't address old grievances and regrets, they accumulate in your heart. Normally, your Daoist discipline might suppress them, but when the cataclysmic heavenly tribulation strikes, no matter how advanced your cultivation, you'll be reduced to ashes.

"Who's that handsome guy?" At the entrance, many students caught sight of Ye Feng.

"It looks like Ye Feng... Yes, that's him."

Someone exclaimed in astonishment, "Wasn't there a rumor that Ye Feng was hospitalized after Ma Wen beat him up? How come he's here today?"

"This guy might not be Ye Feng. He doesn't look that handsome, nor does he have that kind of... indescribable aura."

"Right, there's something about this handsome guy that's hard to put into words. I can't take my eyes off him. He's definitely not that loser, Ye Feng."

Su Qiyue approached from a short distance away.

In the crowd, she spotted Ye Feng at once. His warm smile, unlike any she'd seen before, made her eyes sparkle. She ran toward him, waving her hand in greeting.

"Ye Feng."

She approached with a beaming smile. "Good morning!"

As she stood before him, Ye Feng felt a surge of emotion and immediately embraced Su Qiyue.

"I'm back."

Su Qiyue shivered slightly.

Before she could gather her thoughts, Ye Feng kissed her passionately.

In that instant, nearly a hundred students at the school gate watched the scene unfold in stunned silence.


A boy's soy milk dropped to the ground as he stood there, utterly bewildered.

Damn, the goddess just got kissed out of the blue.

While Su Qiyue's mind was still reeling, a thunderous roar erupted nearby.

"Ye Feng."

"You're looking for trouble."

Jolted by the sudden outburst, Su Qiyue regained her composure, her cheeks flushed as she hastily extricated herself from Ye Feng's embrace and straightened her clothes.

Ye Feng glanced sideways to see Ma Wen approaching with a fierce expression.

"You forgot what I said last night, didn't you?"

"Well, this time I'll make sure you learn your lesson. You might as well spend your next life confined to a bed."

As Ma Wen approached, a hush fell over the school gate, as if the chill had silenced the cicadas. Heads bowed, everyone watched Ye Feng with the kind of anticipation reserved for a spectacle.

Even the blind could tell that Ye Feng was the one who had forcibly kissed Su Qiyue.

Ye Feng was poor, frail, and introverted. In the eyes of the school, aside from Su Qiyue, he was invisible.

Had Lin Tao been the one to kiss Su Qiyue, no one would have batted an eye, given his status. But Ye Feng? He was deemed utterly unworthy.

As Ma Wen advanced on Ye Feng, the crowd could almost see the impending doom.

Surely, he would end up with broken limbs.

Ma Wen was Lin Tao's enforcer and a notorious figure on the school's Wind and Cloud Ranking. A ninth-degree black belt in taekwondo, he was infamous for his merciless nature.

Once, a man who accidentally stepped on him ended up with both legs broken.

Ye Feng's audacity to kiss Su Qiyue publicly was a direct affront to Lin Tao.

"Ye Feng is a goner, just look at the murderous intent on Ma Wen's face. He's going to break at least an arm and a leg."

"An arm and a leg? That's letting him off easy. If it were me, I'd ensure Ye Feng spends his life in a hospital bed."

Their voices rose in a cacophony of speculation.

Yet, facing the oncoming Ma Wen, Ye Feng remained composed.

The crowd, sensing drama, erupted into laughter.

"Has Ye Feng lost his mind? Daring to kiss the divine Su Qiyue right in front of Ma Wen. He must have a death wish."

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