Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C4 One Move to Kill Him
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Immortal Lord Reborns In The City/C4 One Move to Kill Him
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C4 One Move to Kill Him

"Does he really think he can compete with Ma Wen? Is Ye Feng unaware of how formidable Ma Wen is? He's a Taekwondo expert who once took down a martial arts instructor in less than ten moves."

"I'm betting Ye Feng will end up with at least a broken leg and arm this time. If not, I'd be eating crow on my livestream," someone exclaimed loudly.

They all watched Ye Feng and Ma Wen as if it were a spectacle.

It's common knowledge that Ma Wen is a Taekwondo black belt of the highest caliber. Among his peers, he is unrivaled, having even bested his own mentor, earning him the title of a once-in-a-generation prodigy.

"How dare you show your face before me?"

Ma Wen bellowed in rage, his hand coming down like a massive iron slab.

As if facing the collapse of Mount Tai, Ye Feng remained unflustered.

The palm cut through the air with a whooshing sound, threatening a concussion upon impact.

Yet, Ye Feng was serene, neither flinching nor dodging, and instead, he slowly threw a punch that surprisingly connected first.


Ma Wen stumbled backward, staring at Ye Feng in astonishment.

Ye Feng stood his ground, unmoved.

With the crowd watching, Ma Wen felt his face burn with humiliation. He let out a roar and lunged forward, his leg sweeping towards Ye Feng's head with a fierce whoosh.

The kick was immensely powerful and swift, capable of snapping a limb as thick as an arm. But Ye Feng, unfazed, simply raised his left hand.


He caught Ma Wen's leg.

Silence fell.

Time seemed to freeze, Ma Wen's shocked expression etched on his face, onlookers speechless.

"How is this possible?"

A voice of disbelief shattered the quiet.

Ye Feng was notoriously inept, but before their eyes, he had just caught Ma Wen's full-powered strike.

Sweat began to bead on Ma Wen's forehead as he realized that Ye Feng's grip was like a vise, unyieldingly clamped onto his leg, immovable no matter how he struggled.

Ye Feng shook his head with a light chuckle, then sidestepped and firmly grasped Ma Wen's ankle.


To the astonishment of onlookers, Ma Wen's body was slammed to the ground with force. His face hit the dirt first, causing blood to spurt out instantly.

The spectacle left everyone pale with fear, and a timid girl covered her face, screaming as she crouched down.

With a twist of his hand, Ye Feng flipped Ma Wen's body over. Ma Wen's once handsome features were now a bloody, unrecognizable mess. His nose was smashed askew, his mouth gaped open, and fresh blood continued to stream, staining his face crimson.

He didn't pass out but lay there with a vacant stare, gazing blankly at the sky.

The once haughty Ma Wen now resembled a lifeless corpse, utterly still.

"I'll leave you with your life," Ye Feng said to Ma Wen, his tone casual and unconcerned. "Go back and tell Lin Tao I'm waiting for him."

His expression was serene as he swept his gaze over the dumbstruck boys nearby and slowly added, "You lot are only fit to yap around here like stray dogs."

The boys watched Ye Feng with clenched jaws.

They were itching to charge at him and give him a thrashing, but the sight of Ma Wen sprawled on the ground held them back. If even the tough Ma Wen was down, who would dare step up?

Even Ma Wen, known as one of the school's tough guys, had been taken down in a single move.

Was this the same timid Ye Feng they remembered?

Was this really the Ye Feng they thought they knew?

They looked at Ye Feng with amazement. Those who had just ridiculed him now hung their heads, feeling the sting of embarrassment as if they had been slapped hard across the face.

"Hope I didn't frighten you, did I?"

Ye Feng turned his attention to Su Qiyue.

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